1 #include <iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 struct struct1{ 4 /* 5 struct1(){ 6 cout<<"this is output by struct1 !"; 7 } 8 if add this code block , such errors like 'you must initlizer data number of struct1 9 10 by constructor in g++98' will occor in compile time, 11 */ 12 int data1 ; 13 double data2 ; 14 string data3 ; 15 /* 16 but if you add the following function without error 17 */ 18 void showStruct1(){ 19 20 cout<<"this is output by showStruct1 of struct struct1 ! \n "; 21 } 22 }; 23 class class1{ 24 public : 25 int data1 ; 26 double data2 ; 27 string data3 ; 28 }; 29 int main(){ 30 struct1 oneStruct1 = {1, 1.1 , "hello world !"}; 31 class1 oneclass1{1, 1.1 , "hello world !"};// errror : 32 // scalar object 'oneclass1' requires one element in initializer ??????????????????? 33 //solution : change from 'class1 * oneclass1 = {1,1.1 ....}' to 'class1 oneclass1{......}' 34 return 0; 35 } 36 /* 37 38 Conclusion : 39 if struct include some special function like constructor and destructor 40 41 will can't initilizer by {} , 42 43 class default can't inializer by {}, but you can change access modifiers to public 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 */