Part xxx is out of date with respect to the design cache.Use Update Cache to synchronize the part in the cache with the library.

ORCAD 画原理图中关于update cache的问题
Part xxx is out of date with respect to the design cache.Use Update Cache to synchronize the part in the cache with the library.
如何找到这个Updata Cache。
用鼠标将原理图最小化,在窗口左边找到工程树里Design Resources 下面的Design Cache。点击+号,展开后找到相应的元件点击选中后,在主菜单Design下面点击“Updata Cache”。即可。
posted @ 2019-09-06 15:43  菜芽caiya  阅读(1564)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报