(附坑1)目标检测:YOLOv4测试——Cmake无法检测Cuda (ZDE is not enabled, since it requires CUDA)

1. 问题描述:


    * win10系统,4代i7工控机,并插入Tesla t4显卡;

              * 安装兼容Tesla t4显卡的显卡驱动426.50;

              * 安装 visual studio community 2019;

              * 安装cuda v10.1

              * 安装cudnn v7.5 for cuda v10.1

              * 安装cmake 3.17

              * 安装opencv3.4.12_v14_v15(其中,v14指向vs2015, v15指向2019)


              * OpenCV_DIR 加入系统路径

              * makefile.txt修改参数,强制使用cuda和cudnn


     * ZDK is not enabled, since it required cuda

2. 查询资料:


       * 建议可行方法一: 将cmake, cuda, cudnn, vs2019, opencv放在同一磁盘下;(已经尝试,失败。)

            * 建议可行方法二:安装顺序严格控制,先装vs2019,然后安装cuda.因为有cuda基于vs的集成开发包问题;(已经尝试,失败。)

            * 建议可行方法三:将vs2019降级到vs2017; (未尝试,但是感觉没啥用)

            * 建议可行方法四:cmake中的ZDE版本和CUDA版本不兼容问题。将cmake版本降低。(正在尝试将cmake版本降到3.10和3.13和3.15.7和3.17.2分别尝试。)

      * cmake 3.10.3无法安装,因为打开后,它只能生成vs2017以前版本的项目。

                     * cmake 3.13.5 出现同3.10相同情况

                     * cmake 3.15.7-win64-x64, 编译成功,但ZDE找不到CUDA同3.17相同情况

3. 具体解决方法:


   1) 卸载vs2019 community

         2)  下载vs2017 community

         3)   卸载cuda v10.1

         4)   安装cuda v10.1,选择自定义

         5)重新git clone 源码darknet

         6)  卸载Cmake3.17.2

         7)  安装Cmake3.15.7

         8)  编辑5)下载的源码中的makefile文件,就是另CUDA=1,CUDNN=1..那一步

         9)打开Cmake3.15.7, 导入路径,内部操作与之前相同,x64

         10) configure编译,结果如下:

4. 最终结果:(成功找到)


The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.16.27045.0

The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.16.27045.0

Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.16.27023/bin/Hostx86/x64/cl.exe

Check for working C compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.16.27023/bin/Hostx86/x64/cl.exe -- works

Detecting C compiler ABI info

Detecting C compiler ABI info - done

Detecting C compile features

Detecting C compile features - done

Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.16.27023/bin/Hostx86/x64/cl.exe

Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2017/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.16.27023/bin/Hostx86/x64/cl.exe -- works

Detecting CXX compiler ABI info

Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done

Detecting CXX compile features

Detecting CXX compile features - done

Looking for a CUDA compiler

Looking for a CUDA compiler - C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v10.1/bin/nvcc.exe

The CUDA compiler identification is NVIDIA 10.1.105

Check for working CUDA compiler: C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v10.1/bin/nvcc.exe

Check for working CUDA compiler: C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v10.1/bin/nvcc.exe -- works

Detecting CUDA compiler ABI info

Detecting CUDA compiler ABI info - done

Found CUDA: C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v10.1 (found version "10.1")

Autodetected CUDA architecture(s): 7.5

Building with CUDA flags: -gencode;arch=compute_75,code=sm_75

Your setup supports half precision (it requires CC >= 7.0)

Looking for pthread.h

Looking for pthread.h - not found

Found Threads: TRUE

Found PThreads_windows: C:/darknet/3rdparty/pthreads/lib/pthreadVC2.lib

PThreads_windows_DLL_DIR: C:/darknet/3rdparty/pthreads/include/../bin

OpenCV ARCH: x64

OpenCV RUNTIME: vc15


Found OpenCV: C:/opencv/build (found version "3.4.12")

Found OpenCV 3.4.12 in C:/opencv/build/x64/vc15/lib

You might need to add C:\opencv\build\x64\vc15\bin to your PATH to be able to run your applications.

Found Stb: C:/darknet/3rdparty/stb/include

Found OpenMP_C: -openmp (found version "2.0")

Found OpenMP_CXX: -openmp (found version "2.0")

Found OpenMP: TRUE (found version "2.0")

-> darknet is fine for now, but uselib_track has been disabled!

-> Please rebuild OpenCV from sources with CUDA support to enable it

Found CUDNN: C:/Program Files/NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit/CUDA/v10.1/include (found version "?")

CMAKE_CUDA_FLAGS: -gencode arch=compute_75,code=sm_75 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Xcompiler="/wd4013,/wd4018,/wd4028,/wd4047,/wd4068,/wd4090,/wd4101,/wd4113,/wd4133,/wd4190,/wd4244,/wd4267,/wd4305,/wd4477,/wd4996,/wd4819,/fp:fast,/DGPU,/DCUDNN,/DOPENCV" -D_WINDOWS -Xcompiler="/W3 /GR /EHsc"

ZED SDK not found

Configuring done

Generating done

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