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步骤: 文件->偏好设置->打开高级设置->在conf.user.json中,在notepad++中编辑
示例: (其中的反斜线需要转义一下,所以写了双反斜线)

/** For advanced users. */ { "defaultFontFamily": { "standard": null, //String - Defaults to "Times New Roman". "serif": null, // String - Defaults to "Times New Roman". "sansSerif": null, // String - Defaults to "Arial". "monospace": null // String - Defaults to "Courier New". }, "autoHideMenuBar": false, //Boolean - Auto hide the menu bar unless the `Alt` key is pressed. Default is false. // Array - Search Service user can access from context menu after a range of text is selected. Each item is formatted as [caption, url] "searchService": [ ["Search with Google", "https://google.com/search?q=%s"] ], // Custom key binding, which will override the default ones. "keyBinding": { // for example: // "Always on Top": "Ctrl+Shift+P" }, "monocolorEmoji": false, //default false. Only work for Windows "autoSaveTimer" : 3, // Deprecidated, Typora will do auto save automatically. default 3 minutes "maxFetchCountOnFileList": 500, "flags": [] // default [], append Chrome launch flags, e.g: [["disable-gpu"], ["host-rules", "MAP *"]] }

/** For advanced users. */ { "defaultFontFamily": { "standard": null, //String - Defaults to "Times New Roman". "serif": null, // String - Defaults to "Times New Roman". "sansSerif": null, // String - Defaults to "Arial". "monospace": null // String - Defaults to "Courier New". }, "autoHideMenuBar": false, //Boolean - Auto hide the menu bar unless the `Alt` key is pressed. Default is false. // Array - Search Service user can access from context menu after a range of text is selected. Each item is formatted as [caption, url] "searchService": [ ["Search with Google", "https://google.com/search?q=%s"], ["使用百度搜索", "https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=%s"] ], // Custom key binding, which will override the default ones. "keyBinding": { // for example: // "Always on Top": "Ctrl+Shift+P" "Task List": "Ctrl+Shift+\\", "Highlight": "Ctrl+Shift+H", "Comment": "Ctrl+Shift+/", "Link Reference":"Ctrl+Shift+R", "Footnotes":"Ctrl+Shift+J" }, "monocolorEmoji": false, //default false. Only work for Windows "autoSaveTimer" : 1, // Deprecidated, Typora will do auto save automatically. default 3 minutes "maxFetchCountOnFileList": 500, "flags": [] // default [], append Chrome launch flags, e.g: [["disable-gpu"], ["host-rules", "MAP *"]] }
"keyBinding": { // for example: // "Always on Top": "Ctrl+Shift+P" "Task List": "Ctrl+Shift+\\" },
我的配置: (可以将conf.user.json清空,然后复制进去这些代码)
/** For advanced users. */ { "defaultFontFamily": { "standard": null, //String - Defaults to "Times New Roman". "serif": null, // String - Defaults to "Times New Roman". "sansSerif": null, // String - Defaults to "Arial". "monospace": null // String - Defaults to "Courier New". }, "autoHideMenuBar": false, //Boolean - Auto hide the menu bar unless the `Alt` key is pressed. Default is false. // Array - Search Service user can access from context menu after a range of text is selected. Each item is formatted as [caption, url] "searchService": [ ["Search with Google", "https://google.com/search?q=%s"], ["使用百度搜索", "https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=%s"] ], // Custom key binding, which will override the default ones. "keyBinding": { // for example: // "Always on Top": "Ctrl+Shift+P" "Task List": "Ctrl+Shift+\\", "Highlight": "Ctrl+Shift+H", "Comment": "Ctrl+Shift+/", "Link Reference":"Ctrl+Shift+R", "Footnotes":"Ctrl+Shift+J" }, "monocolorEmoji": false, //default false. Only work for Windows "autoSaveTimer" : 1, // Deprecidated, Typora will do auto save automatically. default 3 minutes "maxFetchCountOnFileList": 500, "flags": [] // default [], append Chrome launch flags, e.g: [["disable-gpu"], ["host-rules", "MAP *"]] }
愿路途漫长,以后莫失莫忘。 愿你不骄不躁,安稳顺心。
敲敲小黑板:《刑法》第二百八十五条 【非法侵入计算机信息系统罪;非法获取计算机信息系统数据、非法控制计算机信息系统罪】违反国家规定,侵入国家事务、国防建设、尖端科学技术领域的计算机信息系统的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。违反国家规定,侵入前款规定以外的计算机信息系统或者采用其他技术手段,获取该计算机信息系统中存储、处理或者传输的数据,或者对该计算机信息系统实施非法控制,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处罚金;情节特别严重的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金。
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