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222 font-size: 1.8em; 223 padding: 20px 20px 15px 0px; 224 background: #fff; 225 border-radius: 10px 10px 0px 0px; 226 white-space: nowrap; 227 overflow: hidden; 228 text-overflow: ellipsis; 229 } 230 .entrylistPostSummary, .postCon, .postBody { 231 padding: 0 20px 15px 0px; 232 -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 2px 3px #ddd; 233 box-shadow: 0 2px 0 #ddd; 234 background: #fff; 235 position: relative; 236 } 237 .postDesc, .entrylistItemPostDesc { 238 padding: 0px 20px 15px 0px; 239 color: #999; 240 font-size: 0.9em; 241 line-height: 16px; 242 position: relative; 243 min-height: 16px; 244 background: #fff; 245 border-bottom: 1px dashed #ccc; 246 } 247 #blog-calendar { 248 display: none; 249 } 250 @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { 251 .postCon { 252 padding-left: 0px; 253 } 254 } 255 .postIcon { 256 height: 0px; 257 margin-right: 25px; 258 position: relative; 259 top: 25px; 260 left: 25px; 261 color: #258fb8; 262 } 263 @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { 264 article header .icon { 265 display: none; 266 } 267 } 268 .postIcon:before { 269 position: absolute; 270 font: 32px FontAwesome; 271 top: 0; 272 left: 0; 273 width: 32px; 274 text-align: center; 275 } 276 article header time { 277 color: #999; 278 font: 0.9em "Lato", Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; 279 margin-bottom: 5px; 280 display: block; 281 line-height: 1; 282 } 283 article header .title { 284 font-weight: normal; 285 } 286 article header .title a { 287 color: #444; 288 } 289 article header .title a:hover { 290 color: #258fb8; 291 text-decoration: none; 292 } 293 #cnblogs_post_body { 294 text-align: justify; 295 line-height: 1.6; 296 } 297 #cnblogs_post_body p, 298 #cnblogs_post_body blockquote, 299 #cnblogs_post_body ul, 300 #cnblogs_post_body ol, 301 #cnblogs_post_body dl, 302 #cnblogs_post_body table, 303 #cnblogs_post_body iframe, 304 #cnblogs_post_body h3, 305 #cnblogs_post_body h4, 306 #cnblogs_post_body h5, 307 #cnblogs_post_body h6, 308 #cnblogs_post_body .video-container { 309 margin-top: 15px; 310 } 311 #cnblogs_post_body blockquote { 312 border-top: 1px solid #ddd; 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356 border: none; 357 -webkit-border-radius: 0; 358 border-radius: 0; 359 } 360 #cnblogs_post_body ul ul, 361 #cnblogs_post_body ol ul, 362 #cnblogs_post_body dl ul, 363 #cnblogs_post_body ul ol, 364 #cnblogs_post_body ol ol, 365 #cnblogs_post_body dl ol, 366 #cnblogs_post_body ul dl, 367 #cnblogs_post_body ol dl, 368 #cnblogs_post_body dl dl { 369 margin-top: 0; 370 } 371 #cnblogs_post_body h1, 372 #cnblogs_post_body h2 { 373 font-weight: bold; 374 border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; 375 padding-bottom: 10px; 376 margin-top: 20px; 377 } 378 #cnblogs_post_body h3, 379 #cnblogs_post_body h4, 380 #cnblogs_post_body h5, 381 #cnblogs_post_body h6 { 382 font-weight: normal; 383 background: #eee; 384 border-radius: 6px; 385 color: Red; 386 font-family: "微软雅黑" , "宋体" , "黑体" ,Arial; 387 height: 25px; 388 line-height: 25px; 389 margin: 18px 5px !important; 390 padding: 8px; 391 opacity: 0.8; 392 border: 1px dashed #aaa; 393 } 394 .postBody img, 395 .entrylistPostSummary img, .postCon img, 396 .postBody video { 397 max-width: 100%; 398 height: auto; 399 border: none; 400 } 401 #cnblogs_post_body iframe { 402 border: none; 403 } 404 #cnblogs_post_body .caption { 405 display: block; 406 margin-top: 5px; 407 color: #999; 408 position: relative; 409 font-size: 0.9em; 410 padding-left: 25px; 411 } 412 #cnblogs_post_body .caption:before { 413 content: '\f040'; 414 position: absolute; 415 font: 1.3em FontAwesome; 416 position: absolute; 417 left: 0; 418 top: 3px; 419 } 420 #cnblogs_post_body .video-container { 421 position: relative; 422 padding-bottom: 56.25%; 423 padding-top: 30px; 424 height: 0; 425 overflow: hidden; 426 } 427 #cnblogs_post_body .video-container iframe, 428 #cnblogs_post_body .video-container object, 429 #cnblogs_post_body .video-container embed { 430 position: absolute; 431 top: 0; 432 left: 0; 433 width: 100%; 434 height: 100%; 435 margin-top: 0; 436 } 437 #cnblogs_post_body .pullquote { 438 float: right; 439 border: none; 440 padding: 0; 441 margin: 1em 0 0.5em 1.5em; 442 text-align: left; 443 width: 45%; 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483 } 484 .archive { 485 -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 2px 3px #ddd; 486 box-shadow: 1px 2px 3px #ddd; 487 border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; 488 margin-bottom: 50px; 489 } 490 .archive article { 491 -webkit-box-shadow: none; 492 box-shadow: none; 493 } 494 .archive article .post-content { 495 margin-bottom: 0; 496 } 497 #sideBar{ 498 width: 22%; 499 line-height: 1.8em; 500 float: right; 501 } 502 @media screen and (max-width: 900px) { 503 #sideBar { 504 float: none; 505 width: 100%; 506 } 507 } 508 .catListLink, .catListMyTeams, .catListComment, .catListFeedback { 509 display: none; 510 } 511 .search, .newsItem, .catListPostCategory, .catListPostArchive, .catListTag, .catListView, .catListBlogRank { 512 background: #fff; 513 -webkit-box-shadow: 1px 2px 3px #ddd; 514 box-shadow: 10px 10px 10px #ddd; 515 margin-bottom: 30px; 516 word-wrap: break-word; 517 border-radius: 10px; 518 margin-top: 10px; 519 border: 1px solid #ddd; 520 } 521 #blog-sidecolumn h3, .newsItem h3 { 522 padding: 15px 20px; 523 font-size: 1em; 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568 } 569 570 #sideBar .tag small { 571 margin-left: 15px; 572 color: #999; 573 } 574 #sideBar .tag small:before { 575 content: '('; 576 } 577 #sideBar .tag small:after { 578 content: ')'; 579 } 580 #sideBar .twitter li { 581 border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; 582 padding: 15px 20px; 583 font-size: 0.9em; 584 } 585 #sideBar .twitter li:last-of-type { 586 border-bottom: none; 587 } 588 #sideBar .twitter small { 589 display: block; 590 margin-top: 10px; 591 color: #999; 592 line-height: 1; 593 } 594 #sideBar .tagcloud .entry { 595 padding-right: 5px; 596 } 597 #sideBar .tagcloud a { 598 margin-right: 10px; 599 display: inline-block; 600 } 601 #footer { 602 color: #999; 603 margin-bottom: 50px; 604 font: 0.9em/1.6 "Lato", Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; 605 text-shadow: 0 0 1px #fff; 606 text-align:center; 607 margin: 30px 0px 50px; 608 } 609 .entry .gist { 610 background: #eee; 611 border: 1px solid #ddd; 612 margin-top: 15px; 613 padding: 7px 15px; 614 -webkit-border-radius: 2px; 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657 line-height: 1.6; 658 overflow: auto; 659 position: relative; 660 font-size: 0.9em; 661 } 662 figure.highlight figcaption { 663 color: #999; 664 margin-bottom: 5px; 665 text-shadow: 0 0 1px #fff; 666 } 667 figure.highlight figcaption a { 668 position: absolute; 669 right: 15px; 670 } 671 figure.highlight pre { 672 border: none; 673 padding: 0; 674 margin: 0; 675 } 676 figure.highlight table { 677 margin-top: 0; 678 border-spacing: 0; 679 } 680 figure.highlight .gutter { 681 color: #999; 682 padding: 7px 10px 7px 5px !important; 683 border-right: 1px solid #ddd; 684 text-align: right; 685 } 686 figure.highlight .code { 687 padding: 7px 7px 7px 10px !important; 688 border-left: 1px solid #fff; 689 color: #666; 690 } 691 pre .comment, 692 pre .template_comment, 693 pre .diff .header, 694 pre .doctype, 695 pre .pi, 696 pre .lisp .string, 697 pre .javadoc { 698 color: #93a1a1; 699 font-style: italic; 700 } 701 pre .keyword, 702 pre .winutils, 703 pre .method, 704 pre .addition, 705 pre .css .tag, 706 pre .request, 707 pre .status, 708 pre .nginx .title { 709 color: #859900; 710 } 711 pre .number, 712 pre .command, 713 pre .string, 714 pre .tag .value, 715 pre .phpdoc, 716 pre .tex .formula, 717 pre .regexp, 718 pre .hexcolor { 719 color: #2aa198; 720 } 721 pre .title, 722 pre .localvars, 723 pre .chunk, 724 pre .decorator, 725 pre .built_in, 726 pre .identifier, 727 pre .vhdl, 728 pre .literal, 729 pre .id { 730 color: #268bd2; 731 } 732 pre .attribute, 733 pre .variable, 734 pre .lisp .body, 735 pre .smalltalk .number, 736 pre .constant, 737 pre .class .title, 738 pre .parent, 739 pre .haskell .type { 740 color: #b58900; 741 } 742 pre .preprocessor, 743 pre .preprocessor .keyword, 744 pre .shebang, 745 pre .symbol, 746 pre .symbol .string, 747 pre .diff .change, 748 pre .special, 749 pre .attr_selector, 750 pre .important, 751 pre .subst, 752 pre .cdata, 753 pre .clojure .title { 754 color: #cb4b16; 755 } 756 pre .deletion { 757 color: #dc322f; 758 } 759 .feedbackListSubtitle { position: relative;} 760 .feedbackManage {width: 160px;position: absolute;right: 0;text-align: right;} 761 .cnblogs_code_toolbar {display: none;} 762 #cnblogs_post_body {overflow: hidden;} 763 #cnblogs_post_body ol { padding-left: 40px;} 764 #cnblogs_post_body ul { margin-left: 35px;} 765 .fixedReadRank { position: fixed; top: 20px; width: 270px; } 766 .fixedRecRank { position: fixed; top: 360px; width: 270px; } 767 figure.highlight { margin-top: 0; padding: 0;} 768 figure table {width: 100%; margin: 0 !important;} 769 #cnblogs_post_body pre { padding: 0; } 770 #cnblogs_post_body th, #cnblogs_post_body td { padding: 0; } 771 .cnblogs_code pre { padding: 7px 15px !important; background: #f5f5f5;border: 0;margin-top: 0;} 772 .cnblogs_code th {border: 1px solid silver; padding: 3px;} 773 .cnblogs_code { padding: 0;} 774 /*评论标题*/ 775 .feedback_area_title { 776 padding:10px; 777 font-size:24px; 778 font-weight:bold; 779 color:#aaa; 780 border-bottom:1px dashed #ccc; 781 } 782 .feedbackListSubtitle { 783 font-size:12px; 784 color:#888; 785 } 786 .feedbackListSubtitle a { 787 color:#888; 788 } 789 .comment_quote { 790 background:#eee; 791 padding:15px; 792 border:1px dashed #aaa; 793 border-radius:5px; 794 }#commentform_title { 795 color:#aaa; 796 background-image:none; 797 background-repeat:no-repeat; 798 margin-bottom:10px; 799 padding:10px 20px 10px 10px; 800 font-size:24px; 801 font-weight:bold; 802 border-bottom:1px dashed #ccc; 803 } 804 /*评论框*/ 805 #comment_form { 806 margin:10px 0; 807 padding:25px; 808 border-radius: 10px; 809 height: 343px; 810 overflow: hidden; 811 } 812 .commentform { 813 margin:10px 0; 814 padding:10px 20px; 815 background:#fff; 816 } 817 /*评论输入域*/ 818 #tbCommentBody { 819 font-family:'MIcrosoft Yahei'; 820 margin-top:10px; 821 background:white; 822 color:#333; 823 border:2px solid #fff; 824 box-shadow:inset 0 0 8px #aaa; 825 height:120px; 826 font-size:14px; 827 min-height:120px; 828 border-radius: 10px; 829 } 830 /*评论条目*/ 831 .feedbackItem { 832 font-size:14px; 833 line-height:24px; 834 margin:10px 0; 835 padding:20px; 836 } 837 .feedbackListSubtitle { 838 font-weight:normal; 839 } 840 841 /*green_channel*/ 842 #green_channel { 843 text:align:right; 844 padding-left:0px; 845 font-weight:normal; 846 font-size:13px; 847 width:100%; 848 border:1px dashed #ccc; 849 color:#fff; 850 border-radius:4px; 851 margin:5px auto; 852 } 853 @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { 854 body { 855 font-size: 13px; 856 } 857 #main{padding:0px !important;} 858 #mainContent{width: 96%;float: left;margin: 0px 2%;} 859 #sideBar {display: none;} 860 #blogTitle {width: 100%;float:none;margin: 20px auto 0 !important;} 861 #header{height:auto !important;margin: 20px auto 5px;} 862 #header #navigator{width: 100%;text-align: center;float:none;} 863 #header #navigator ul{width: 100%;margin-left: 6%;} 864 #header #navigator ul li {float: left;width: 25%;text-align: center;margin-right:0px;} 865 .postTitle, .entrylistPosttitle{font-size:14px;padding: 20px 20px 15px 0px;} 866 .postDesc, .entrylistItemPostDesc{padding: 0px 20px 15px 0px;} 867 #green_channel{padding:0px !important;} 868 #blog_stats{display: none;} 869 } 870 #blog-news label{box-shadow:5px 5px 5px #cccccc;text-shadow:5px 5px 5px #cccccc;border-radius:5px;} 871 #div_digg{ 872 padding: 5px; 873 border-radius: 5px; 874 position: fixed; 875 left: 0; 876 bottom: 80px; 877 width:80px; 878 z-index:100; 879 } 880 .diggit{ 881 background: url(http://images2017.cnblogs.com/blog/894443/201709/894443-20170920105433618-867225449.png) no-repeat; 882 width: 60px; 883 height: 60px; 884 } 885 #div_digg .diggnum{ 886 position: absolute; 887 bottom: -20px; 888 left: 6px; 889 background: #D0D0D0; 890 padding: 2px 0; 891 display: block; 892 color: #555; 893 font-size: 12px; 894 text-align: center; 895 width: 60px; 896 -moz-border-radius: 4px; 897 -webkit-border-radius: 4px; 898 font-weight: bold; 899 } 900 .buryit{ 901 display: none; 902 } 903 div.commentform textarea.comment_textarea{ 904 padding:10px; 905 } 906 #tbCommentBody{ 907 98%; 908 } 909 /*scroll to top*/ 910 #scrollTop div{ 911 left:0; 912 overflow:hidden; 913 position:absolute; 914 top:0; 915 width:149px; 916 margin:0; 917 padding:0 918 } 919 #scrollTop .level-2{ 920 background:url(http://images2015.cnblogs.com/blog/894443/201707/894443-20170716165243785-2122236756.png) no-repeat scroll -149px 0 transparent; 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