data structures (95) | fft and simular (21) | implementation (11) | sortings (4) |
dp (75) | matrices (19) | geometry (11) | shortest paths (4) |
maths (58) | probabilities (18) | brute force (10) | meet in the middle (4) |
trees (53) | strings (16) | string suffix structures (9) | hashing (4) |
number theory (38) | flows (16) | dsu (9) | interactive (3) |
greedy (37) | divide and conquer (16) | games (8) | ternary search (2) |
combinatorics (32) | binary search & binary lifting (16) | graph matchings (7) | randomized algorithm (2) |
bitmasks (22) | dfs and simular (15) | two pointers (6) | expression parsing (2) |
graphs (21) | constructive algorithms (12) | convex functions (6) | 2-sat (1) |