记一次sqlserver 有关排序导致的慢查询


SELECT Id,rn,created FROM (
a.[Id] AS [Id] , row_number() OVER ( Order by a.Created desc) AS [rn],
FROM dbo.Listing (NOLOCK) a
JOIN dbo.ListingSetting (NOLOCK) b ON a.id = b.ListingId
JOIN dbo.ListingVersion (NOLOCK) c ON a.id = c.ListingId
JOIN dbo.OnlineListing (NOLOCK) d ON a.Id = d.ListingId
left join dbo.TimmingListingQueue(NOLOCK) e ON a.id=e.ListingId
left join dbo.EbayPromotionalSale(NOLOCK) f ON a.EbayPromotionalSaleId=f.Id
left join dbo.EbayListingOfferSet(NOLOCK) s on a.id=s.listingId
WHERE a.Enabled = 1
and (a.IsDelete = 0 or a.IsDelete is null) and a.ItemType=0
AND EXISTS(select 1 from dbo.V_TortSku t where t.itemid = a.itemid and t.itemtype = a.itemtype)
) a WHERE 1=1
and a.rn BETWEEN 1 AND 20



a.[Id] AS [Id] , row_number() OVER ( Order by a.Created desc) AS [rn],
FROM dbo.Listing (NOLOCK) a
JOIN dbo.ListingSetting (NOLOCK) b ON a.id = b.ListingId
JOIN dbo.ListingVersion (NOLOCK) c ON a.id = c.ListingId
JOIN dbo.OnlineListing (NOLOCK) d ON a.Id = d.ListingId
left join dbo.TimmingListingQueue(NOLOCK) e ON a.id=e.ListingId
left join dbo.EbayPromotionalSale(NOLOCK) f ON a.EbayPromotionalSaleId=f.Id
left join dbo.EbayListingOfferSet(NOLOCK) s on a.id=s.listingId
WHERE a.Enabled = 1
and (a.IsDelete = 0 or a.IsDelete is null) and a.ItemType=0
AND EXISTS(select 1 from dbo.V_TortSku t where t.itemid = a.itemid and t.itemtype = a.itemtype)
) a WHERE 1=1



SELECT Id,rn,created FROM (
a.[Id] AS [Id] , row_number() OVER ( Order by a.Created desc) AS [rn],
FROM dbo.Listing (NOLOCK) a
JOIN dbo.ListingSetting (NOLOCK) b ON a.id = b.ListingId
JOIN dbo.ListingVersion (NOLOCK) c ON a.id = c.ListingId
JOIN dbo.OnlineListing (NOLOCK) d ON a.Id = d.ListingId
left join dbo.TimmingListingQueue(NOLOCK) e ON a.id=e.ListingId
left join dbo.EbayPromotionalSale(NOLOCK) f ON a.EbayPromotionalSaleId=f.Id
left join dbo.EbayListingOfferSet(NOLOCK) s on a.id=s.listingId
WHERE a.Enabled = 1
and (a.IsDelete = 0 or a.IsDelete is null) and a.ItemType=0
AND EXISTS(select 1 from dbo.V_TortSku t where t.itemid = a.itemid and t.itemtype = a.itemtype)
) a WHERE 1=1





SELECT Id,rn,created FROM (
a.[Id] AS [Id] , row_number() OVER ( Order by a.Created desc,a.id) AS [rn],
FROM dbo.Listing (NOLOCK) a
JOIN dbo.ListingSetting (NOLOCK) b ON a.id = b.ListingId
JOIN dbo.ListingVersion (NOLOCK) c ON a.id = c.ListingId
JOIN dbo.OnlineListing (NOLOCK) d ON a.Id = d.ListingId
left join dbo.TimmingListingQueue(NOLOCK) e ON a.id=e.ListingId
left join dbo.EbayPromotionalSale(NOLOCK) f ON a.EbayPromotionalSaleId=f.Id
left join dbo.EbayListingOfferSet(NOLOCK) s on a.id=s.listingId
WHERE a.Enabled = 1
and (a.IsDelete = 0 or a.IsDelete is null) and a.ItemType=0
AND EXISTS(select 1 from dbo.V_TortSku t where t.itemid = a.itemid and t.itemtype = a.itemtype)
) a WHERE 1=1
and a.rn BETWEEN 1 AND 20



posted @ 2022-06-06 15:34  元点  阅读(722)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报