


private int mMmsState;  // Mms状态,指示这个消息要通过mms发送,是以下flag相与的结果

// States that can require us to save or send a message as MMS.
private static final int RECIPIENTS_REQUIRE_MMS = (1 << 0); // 1
private static final int HAS_SUBJECT = (1 << 1); // 2
private static final int HAS_ATTACHMENT = (1 << 2); // 4
private static final int LENGTH_REQUIRES_MMS = (1 << 3); // 8
private static final int FORCE_MMS = (1 << 4); // 16
private static final int MULTIPLE_RECIPIENTS = (1 << 5); // 32

private int mAttachmentType;  // 附件类型,包含以下几种

// Attachment types
public static final int TEXT = 0;
public static final int IMAGE = 1;
public static final int VIDEO = 2;
public static final int AUDIO = 3;
public static final int SLIDESHOW = 4;

// Conversation this message is targeting.
private Conversation mConversation;



1. public static WorkingMessage createEmpty(ComposeMessageActivity)  // Creates a new working message.

2. public static WorkingMessage load(ComposeMessageActivity, Uri)  // 从一个指定的URI加载WorkingMessage对象,如果msg不在DRAFT,移动到草稿箱中。

3. private void correctAttachmentState()  // 纠正附件的状态,指定mAttachmentType的值,IMAGE、VIDEO、AUDIO、SLIDESHOW

4. public static WorkingMessage loadDraft(ComposeMessageActivity, final Conversation, final Runnable)   // Load the draft message for the specified conversation, or a new empty message if none exists.

5. public void setText(CharSequence) / public CharSequence getText()  // 

6. public boolean hasText()  // True if the message has any text.

7. public void removeAttachment(boolean)  // 删除附件

8. public static void removeThumbnailsFromCache(SlideshowModel)  // 删除VIDEO/IMAGE的缩略图,利用ThumbnailManager对象

9. public int setAttachment(int, Uri, boolean)  // Adds an attachment to the message, replacing an old one if it existed.

10. public boolean isWorthSaving()  // Returns true if this message contains anything worth saving.

11. private int changeMedia(int, Uri, SlideshowEditor)  // Change the message's attachment to the data in the specified Uri.If the attachment fails to attach, restore the slide to its original state.

12. private int appendMedia(int, Uri, SlideshowEditor)  // Add the message's attachment to the data in the specified Uri to a new slide.

13. public boolean hasAttachment()  // Returns true if the message has an attachment (including slideshows).

14. public SlideshowModel getSlideshow() / public boolean hasSlideshow()

15. public void setSubject(CharSequence, boolean) / public CharSequence getSubject() / public boolean hasSubject()

16. public void syncWorkingRecipients()  // 解析联系人列表成一个ContactList对象

17. public String getWorkingRecipients()  // 以String的形式返回一个联系人列表

18. public Uri saveAsMms(boolean)  // Force the message to be saved as MMS and return the Uri of the message.

19. public void setWorkingRecipients(List<String>)  // Update the temporary list of recipients, used when setting up a new conversation.

20public void setConversation(Conversation)  // Set the conversation associated with this message.

21. public void send(String)  // Send this message over the network. This WorkingMessage object is no longer useful after this method has been called.

  if (requiresMms())  sendMmsWorker(conv, mmsUri, persister, slideshow, sendReq, textOnly);

  else  preSendSmsWorker(conv, msgText, recipientsInUI);


posted @ 2021-04-22 18:20  hunterDing  阅读(60)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报