IIS 7 ISAPI Extensions Debugger
添加方式请见http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc771240(WS.10).aspx,需要在Handler Mappings将Permissions的Execute打开。
一开始在Handler Mappings中添加ISAPI的DLL,发现怎么也无法访问。后来发现原来是因为Win2008R2(X64)而DLL是32位的原因。需要设置 IIS支持32位。方法为,打开“Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager”,在Application Pools中选择站点的AppPool,在右侧面板上单击”Advanced Setting”->”Enable 32-Bit Applications” 设置为True。
使用Visual Studio Attach 到 w3wp 进程,访问DLL却无法进行Debugger,折腾啊折腾,发现和AppPool的.NET Framework设置有关,设置成”No Managed Code”就OK了。
default IIS 7 does not allow ISAPI and CGI through .Net 1.1 by default. So if you are working with older code on IIS7 you will need to follow these steps to resolve the issue:
1. Open IIS and click the server name
2. Double click “ISAPI and CGI Restrictions”
3. Right click ASP.NET v1.1 and select “allow”