unit D7zUtils; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Sevenzip; type TD7zFileType = (dftZip, dftBZ2, dftRar, dftArj, dftZ, dftLzh, dft7z, dftCab, dftNsis, dftLzma, dftPe, dftElf, dftMacho, dftUdf, dftXar, dftMub, dftHfs, dftDmg, dftCompound, dftWim, dftIso, dftBkf, dftChm, dftSplit, dftRpm, dftDeb, dftCpio, dftTar, dftGZip); TD7zFileTypes = set of TD7zFileType; TD7zipStrings = TStrings; TD7zipStringList = class(TStringList) public constructor Create();virtual; end; TOnPassword = procedure (Sender: TObject; var sPassword: WideString; var bContinue:Boolean) of object; TOnProgress = procedure (Sender: TObject; bIsTotal: boolean; iValue: Int64; var bContinue:Boolean) of object; TD7zipFile = class private FInArchive: I7zInArchive; FItems: TD7zipStrings; FTmpStream: TStream; private FCurrentItemPath: WideString; FOnPassword: TOnPassword; FOnProgress: TOnProgress; private FPasswordCallback: T7zPasswordCallback; FProgressCallback: T7zProgressCallback; function DoOnPassword(var sPassword: WideString): HRESULT; function DoOnProgress(bIsTotal: boolean; iValue: Int64): HRESULT; public constructor Create();virtual; destructor Destroy;override; function LoadFromFile(AFileName: WideString):Boolean; function LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; AFileTypes: TD7zFileTypes=[]):Boolean;overload; function LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; AFileType: TD7zFileType):Boolean;overload; public function GetItems(sPath: WideString; iFilter: Integer=0): TD7zipStrings;//iFilter: 0-All 1-File 2 Dir ; sPath-暂不支持通配符 public function ExtractItemToStream(sFileName: WideString; AStream: TStream):Boolean; //解压/获取单个文件 function ExtractItemToFile(sFileName: WideString; sToFile: WideString):Boolean;//解压/获取单个文件 public property CurrentItemPath: WideString read FCurrentItemPath; public //fileSystem functions function FileExists(sFileName: WideString):Boolean; function DirectoryExists(sDirName: WideString):Boolean; function GetCurrentDir(): WideString; public property OnPassword: TOnPassword read FOnPassword write FOnPassword; property OnProgress: TOnProgress read FOnProgress write FOnProgress; end; implementation function FUNC_PasswordCallback(sender: Pointer; var password: UnicodeString): HRESULT; stdcall; begin // call a dialog box ... //password := 'password'; //Result := S_OK; Result := S_FALSE; if sender=nil then Exit; Result := TD7zipFile(sender).DoOnPassword(password); end; function FUNC_ProgressCallback(sender: Pointer; total: boolean; value: Int64): HRESULT; stdcall; begin Result := S_FALSE; if sender=nil then Exit; Result := TD7zipFile(sender).DoOnProgress(total, value); end; { TD7zipFile } constructor TD7zipFile.Create; begin FItems:=TD7zipStringList.Create; FPasswordCallback := FUNC_PasswordCallback; FProgressCallback := FUNC_ProgressCallback; end; destructor TD7zipFile.Destroy; begin FItems.Free; FreeAndNil(FTmpStream); inherited; end; function TD7zipFile.DirectoryExists(sDirName: WideString): Boolean; var iIndex:Integer; begin Result := False; if FInArchive=nil then Exit; if sDirName<>'' then if sDirName[Length(sDirName)]<>'\' then sDirName := sDirName +'\'; iIndex := Self.FItems.IndexOf(sDirName); if iIndex=-1 then Exit; Result := FInArchive.ItemIsFolder[iIndex]; end; function TD7zipFile.DoOnPassword(var sPassword: WideString): HRESULT; var bContinue: Boolean; begin bContinue := True; if Assigned(FOnPassword) then FOnPassword(Self, sPassword, bContinue); if bContinue then Result := S_OK else Result := S_FALSE; end; function TD7zipFile.DoOnProgress(bIsTotal: boolean; iValue: Int64): HRESULT; var bContinue: Boolean; begin bContinue := True; if Assigned(FOnProgress) then FOnProgress(Self, bIsTotal, iValue, bContinue); if bContinue then Result := S_OK else Result := S_FALSE; end; function TD7zipFile.ExtractItemToFile(sFileName: WideString; sToFile: WideString): Boolean; var AStream: TStream; begin AStream:=TFileStream.Create(sToFile, fmCreate); try Result := ExtractItemToStream(sFileName, AStream); finally AStream.Free; end; end; function TD7zipFile.ExtractItemToStream(sFileName: WideString; AStream: TStream): Boolean; var iIndex: Integer; begin Result := False; if FInArchive=nil then Exit; iIndex := FItems.IndexOf(sFileName); if iIndex=-1 then Exit; try FInArchive.ExtractItem(iIndex, AStream, False); Result := True; except end; end; function TD7zipFile.FileExists(sFileName: WideString): Boolean; var iIndex:Integer; begin Result := False; if FInArchive=nil then Exit; if sFileName<>'' then if sFileName[Length(sFileName)]<>'\' then sFileName := sFileName +'\'; iIndex := Self.FItems.IndexOf(sFileName); if iIndex=-1 then Exit; Result := not FInArchive.ItemIsFolder[iIndex]; end; function TD7zipFile.GetCurrentDir: WideString; begin Result := FCurrentItemPath; end; function TD7zipFile.GetItems(sPath: WideString; iFilter: Integer=0): TD7zipStrings; function IsItemChild(sParent, sChild: WideString):Boolean; //var // sTmp: WideString; begin if (sParent='') then //获取全部 Result := True else if (sParent='\\') then //根目录 Result := Pos('\', sChild)=0 else begin Result := (Pos(sParent, sChild)=1) and (Pos('\', Copy(sChild, Length(sParent)+1, Length(sChild)))=0); end; end; var I: Integer; sTmp: WideString; bDir: Boolean; begin Result := TD7zipStringList.Create; if (sPath='.') then //当前目录 begin sPath := FCurrentItemPath; end else if (sPath='..') then //上一层目录 begin if (FCurrentItemPath='') then FCurrentItemPath := '\\'; if FCurrentItemPath<>'\\' then begin sPath := FCurrentItemPath; if sPath[Length(sPath)]='\' then sPath := Copy(sPath, 1, Length(sPath)-1); sPath := ExtractFilePath(sPath); end else sPath := FCurrentItemPath; if (sPath='') then sPath := '\\'; end; if sPath<>'' then begin if sPath[Length(sPath)]<>'\' then sPath := sPath +'\'; FCurrentItemPath := sPath; end; if (sPath<>'') and (sPath<>'\\') then begin Result.Add('.'); Result.Add('..'); end; for I:=0 to FItems.Count-1 do begin bDir := False; sTmp := FItems.Strings[I]; if sTmp<>'' then if sTmp[Length(sTmp)]='\' then begin sTmp := Copy(sTmp, 1, Length(sTmp)-1); bDir := True; end; if not IsItemChild(sPath, sTmp) then Continue; if (iFilter=0) or ((iFilter=1) and (not bDir)) or ((iFilter=2) and (bDir)) then Result.Add(sTmp); end; end; function TD7zipFile.LoadFromFile(AFileName: WideString): Boolean; function FileExtToFileTypes(sExt: WideString): TD7zFileTypes; begin Result := []; if (sExt='.ZIP') or (sExt='.JAR') or (sExt='.XPI') then Include(Result, dftZip) else if (sExt='.BZ2') or (sExt='.BZIP2') or (sExt='.TBZ2') or (sExt='.TBZ') then Include(Result, dftBZ2) else if (sExt='.RAR') or (sExt='.R00') then Include(Result, dftRar) else if (sExt='.ARJ') then Include(Result, dftArj) else if (sExt='.Z') or (sExt='.TAZ') then Include(Result, dftZ) else if (sExt='.LZH') or (sExt='.LHA') then Include(Result, dftLzh) else if (sExt='.7Z') then Include(Result, dft7z) else if (sExt='.CAB') then Include(Result, dftCab) else if (sExt='.NSIS') then Include(Result, dftNsis) //安装包工具 else if (sExt='.LZMA') or (sExt='.LZMA86') then Include(Result, dftLzma) else if (sExt='.EXE') then begin Include(Result, dftPe); Include(Result, dftNsis); end else if (sExt='.PE') or (sExt='.DLL') or (sExt='.SYS') then Include(Result, dftPe) else if (sExt='.ELF') then Include(Result, dftElf) else if (sExt='.MACHO') then Include(Result, dftMacho) else if (sExt='.UDF') then Include(Result, dftUdf) else if (sExt='.XAR') then Include(Result, dftXar) else if (sExt='.MUB') then Include(Result, dftMub) else if (sExt='.HFS') or (sExt='.CD') then Include(Result, dftHfs) else if (sExt='.DMG') then Include(Result, dftDmg) else if (sExt='.MSI') or (sExt='.DOC') or (sExt='.XLS') or (sExt='.PPT') then Include(Result, dftCompound) else if (sExt='.WIM') or (sExt='.SWM') then Include(Result, dftWim) else if (sExt='.ISO') then begin Include(Result, dftIso); Include(Result, dftUdf); end else if (sExt='.BKF') then Include(Result, dftBkf) else if (sExt='.CHM') or (sExt='.CHI') or (sExt='.CHQ') or (sExt='.CHW') or (sExt='.HXS') or (sExt='.HXI') or (sExt='.HXR') or (sExt='.HXQ') or (sExt='.HXW') or (sExt='.LIT') then Include(Result, dftChm) else if (sExt='.001') then Include(Result, dftSplit) else if (sExt='.RPM') then Include(Result, dftRpm) else if (sExt='.DEB') then Include(Result, dftDeb) else if (sExt='.CPIO') then Include(Result, dftCpio) else if (sExt='.TAR') then Include(Result, dftTar) else if (sExt='.GZ') or (sExt='.GZIP') or (sExt='.TGZ') or (sExt='.TPZ') then Include(Result, dftGZip); end; begin Result := False; FreeAndNil(FTmpStream); FTmpStream:=TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmOpenRead); try Result := LoadFromStream(FTmpStream, FileExtToFileTypes(UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(AFileName)))); finally if not Result then FreeAndNil(FTmpStream); end; end; function TD7zipFile.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; AFileTypes: TD7zFileTypes=[]): Boolean; var bUnknowType:Boolean; AFileType: TD7zFileType; begin FInArchive := nil; Result := False; try bUnknowType := AFileTypes=[]; AFileType := Low(TD7zFileType); while AFileType<High(TD7zFileType) do begin if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (AFileType in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, AFileType); if Result then Break; Inc(AFileType); end; (* if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftZip in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftZip); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftBZ2 in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftBZ2); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftRar in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftRar); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftArj in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftArj); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftZ in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftZ); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftLzh in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftLzh); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dft7z in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dft7z); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftCab in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftCab); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftNsis in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftNsis); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftLzma in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftLzma); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftPe in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftPe); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftElf in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftElf); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftMacho in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftMacho); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftUdf in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftUdf); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftXar in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftXar); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftMub in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftMub); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftHfs in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftHfs); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftDmg in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftDmg); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftCompound in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftCompound); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftWim in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftWim); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftIso in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftIso); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftBkf in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftBkf); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftChm in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftChm); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftSplit in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftSplit); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftRpm in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftRpm); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftDeb in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftDeb); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftCpio in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftCpio); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftTar in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftTar); if (not Result) and (bUnknowType or (dftGZip in AFileTypes)) then Result := LoadFromStream(AStream, dftGZip); *) except FInArchive := nil; end; end; function TD7zipFile.LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream; AFileType: TD7zFileType): Boolean; var iIndex, I: Integer; zStream: IInStream;//T7zStream; sTmp, sTmpDir: WideString; iPos: Int64; sTmpDirListAdd, sTmpDirList: TD7zipStrings; begin Result := False; FInArchive := nil; FCurrentItemPath := '\\'; FItems.Clear; iPos := AStream.Position; case AFileType of dftZip : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatZip); dftBZ2 : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatBZ2); dftRar : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatRar); dftArj : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatArj); dftZ : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatZ); dftLzh : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatLzh); dft7z : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormat7z); dftCab : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatCab); dftNsis : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatNsis); dftLzma : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatLzma); dftPe : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatPe); dftElf : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatElf); dftMacho : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatMacho); dftUdf : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatUdf); dftXar : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatXar); dftMub : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatMub); dftHfs : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatHfs); dftDmg : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatDmg); dftCompound : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatCompound); dftWim : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatWim); dftIso : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatIso); dftBkf : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatBkf); dftChm : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatChm); dftSplit : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatSplit); dftRpm : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatRpm); dftDeb : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatDeb); dftCpio : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatCpio); dftTar : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatTar); dftGZip : FInArchive:= CreateInArchive(CLSID_CFormatGZip); else Exit; end; zStream := T7zStream.Create(AStream); try FInArchive.OpenStream(zStream); FInArchive.SetPasswordCallback(Self, FPasswordCallback); FInArchive.SetProgressCallback(Self, FProgressCallback); sTmpDirListAdd := TD7zipStringList.Create; sTmpDirList := TD7zipStringList.Create; try for I:=0 to FInArchive.NumberOfItems-1 do begin sTmp := FInArchive.ItemPath[I]; if FInArchive.ItemIsFolder[I] then begin if (sTmp<>'') and (sTmp[Length(sTmp)]<>'\') then sTmp := sTmp+'\'; if sTmpDirList.IndexOf(sTmp)=-1 then sTmpDirList.Add(sTmp); //else //已添加到临时列表则需要删除 begin iIndex := sTmpDirListAdd.IndexOf(sTmp); if iIndex>-1 then sTmpDirListAdd.Delete(iIndex); end; end else begin sTmpDir := ExtractFilePath(sTmp); if sTmpDirList.IndexOf(sTmpDir)=-1 then begin //未添加的文件夹需要添加到临时列表里 if sTmpDirListAdd.IndexOf(sTmpDir)=-1 then sTmpDirListAdd.Add(sTmpDir); end; end; FItems.Add(sTmp); end; FItems.AddStrings(sTmpDirListAdd); finally sTmpDirList.Free; sTmpDirListAdd.Free; zStream := nil; end; Result := True; except zStream := nil; FInArchive := nil; AStream.Position := iPos; end; end; { TD7zipStringList } constructor TD7zipStringList.Create; begin Self.CaseSensitive := False;//忽略大小写 end; end.