

其中一个意思:force something to experience something very unplesant,especially for a long time

eg:like any new product entering the food chain ,genetically modified food must be subjected to rigorous testing


解释:make you feel worried or upset

eg:the statistics on population growth and hunger are disturbing


解释:expressing strong opinions publicly,especially things that you disagree

eg:particularly in countries with long agriculture traditions——and vocal green lobbies——the idea seem against nature


解释:prevent something from having any effect

eg:A gene that helps neutralize aluminum toxicity in rice has been identified


解释:a chance of being injured or harmed;danger

detrimental:有害的 residue:残余 mortality:死亡率  evident:明显的 critical:关键的

merit:价值 优点; 值得 notably:显著的 stepwise:逐步的 equivocal:模糊的,不可靠的 stringent:严格的,严厉的

convert / tansform 的区别


Coal can be convert to gas /  transform dream into reality


  • If  you want to spark a heated debate at a dinner party,bring up the topic of genetically modified foods。
  • He is at the leading edge。//领先地位
  • Private-sector biotech companies in the rich countries carry out much of the leading-edge research
  • Be deficient in nutrition。
  • Incorporateing pest-resistant(抗虫) genes into seeds can help restore the balance//恢复平衡
  • It has been well established that there are diverse relationships between early life factors and adult health。It was thought in several previous papers that this relationships
  • span a range of health outcomes which ,in some instances, manifest several decades later


posted @ 2019-11-20 18:22  是甜甜啊  阅读(356)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报