
1 前言




2 修改项目名


  manage project items >> project targets >> 修改target名为project,移植就不用再命名了;

  options for target >> output >> select folder for objects >> 选择output目录;

  options for target >> output >> name for execucutable >> 命名改为output.axf;

  options for target >> listing >> select folder for listing >> 选择listing目录,和output目录一起省的多个文件;

  options for target >>user >> run >> 

    fromelf.exe --bin -o ./releaseFile/Test1_Z_SP12CS-V2_V1.0.0a_0691_08009000.bin    ./outputFile/output.axf

    fromelf.exe --bin -o ./releaseFile/Test2_Z_SP12CS-V2_V1.0.0a_0691_08009000.bin   "#L"

3 源码包含

  3.1 包含xx.c和xx.h的文件;




  3.2 包含gsvSDK的文件


    av_main.h和bsp.h的那几个#include "stm32f0xx.h" >> #include "stm32f1xx.h",



4 gsvSDK修改



/* 1.2 init software package and hookup user's bsp functions */
AvApiHookBspFunctions(&BspI2cRead, &BspI2cWrite, &BspUartSendByte,&BspUartGetByte, &BspGetMilliSecond, &BspGetKey, &BspIrdaGetByte);
AvApiHookUserFunctions(&ListenToKeyCommand, &ListenToUartCommand, &ListenToIrdaCommand);

  4.1 AvApiHookBspFunctions函数

/** bsp 函数指针定义 ***************************************************************************/
//hal.h    hardware access functions; cae:I would like to store definitions into uapi.h
typedef AvRet (*AvFpI2cRead)(uint32, uint32, uint8 *, uint16);
typedef AvRet (*AvFpI2cWrite)(uint32, uint32, uint8 *, uint16);
typedef AvRet (*AvFpUartSendByte)(uint8 *, uint16);
typedef AvRet (*AvFpUartGetByte)(uint8 *);
typedef AvRet (*AvFpGetMilliSecond)(uint32 *);
typedef AvRet (*AvFpGetKey)(uint8 *);
typedef AvRet (*AvFpGetIrda)(uint8 *);

//uapi.c   hal functions variables 
AvFpI2cRead        AvHookI2cRead;
AvFpI2cWrite       AvHookI2cWrite;
AvFpUartSendByte   AvHookUartTxByte;
AvFpUartGetByte    AvHookUartRxByte;
AvFpGetMilliSecond AvHookGetMilliSecond;
AvFpGetKey         AvHookGetKey;
AvFpGetIrda        AvHookGetIrda;

//uapi.h  下面的kapi.h就没有用extern;这个gsv的代码对称性不好;
extern  AvFpI2cRead        AvHookI2cRead;
extern  AvFpI2cWrite       AvHookI2cWrite;
extern  AvFpUartSendByte   AvHookUartTxByte;
extern  AvFpUartGetByte    AvHookUartRxByte;
extern  AvFpGetMilliSecond AvHookGetMilliSecond;
extern  AvFpGetKey         AvHookGetKey;
extern  AvFpGetIrda        AvHookGetIrda;

/**av_main.c >> bsp 函数指针注册 *****************************************************************/

//uapi.c  @brief  hookup user's hardware access functions
uapi AvRet AvUapiHookBspFunctions(pin AvFpI2cRead i2cRd, pin AvFpI2cWrite i2cWr, pin AvFpUartSendByte uartTxB, pin AvFpUartGetByte uartRxB, pin AvFpGetMilliSecond getMs, pin AvFpGetKey getKey,pin AvFpGetIrda getIrda)
    AvRet ret = AvOk;
    AvHookI2cRead = i2cRd;
    AvHookI2cWrite = i2cWr;
    AvHookUartTxByte = uartTxB;
    AvHookUartRxByte = uartRxB;
    AvHookGetMilliSecond = getMs;
    AvHookGetKey = getKey;
    AvHookGetIrda = getIrda;
    AvUapiOutputDebugMessage(" ");
    AvUapiOutputDebugMessage("    |> Audio/Video Software %s", AvVersion);
    return ret;

AvApiHookBspFunctions(&BspI2cRead, &BspI2cWrite, &BspUartSendByte,&BspUartGetByte, &BspGetMilliSecond, &BspGetKey, &BspIrdaGetByte);

/** bsp 函数指针回调******************************************************************************/
#define AvI2cRead         AvHookI2cRead
#define AvI2cWrite        AvHookI2cWrite
#define AvUartTxByte      AvHookUartTxByte
#define AvUartRxByte      AvHookUartRxByte
#define AvGetMilliSecond  AvHookGetMilliSecond
#define AvGetKey          AvHookGetKey
#define AvIrdaRxByte      AvHookGetIrda

//hal.c  以重新封装的Avxx宏去调用,这样就实现了bsp隔离;
AvRet AvHalI2cRead(pin uint32 devAddress, pin uint32 regAddress, pout uint8 *avdata, pin uint16 count)
    AvRet ret = AvOk;
    ret = AvI2cRead(devAddress, regAddress, avdata, count);
    return ret;

//把 &BspI2cRead 封装成 AvHookI2cRead,然后又封装成AvI2cRead; 双重封印;

  4.2 AvApiHookUserFunctions函数  

/**kapi.h userFunction 函数指针定义 *****************************************************************/
typedef void (*AvFpKeyCommand) (AvPort *port);
typedef void (*AvFpUartCommand) (AvPort *port);
typedef void (*AvFpIrdaCommand) (AvPort *port);

AvFpKeyCommand   AvHookKeyCmd;
AvFpUartCommand  AvHookUartCmd;
AvFpIrdaCommand  AvHookIrdaCmd;

/**kapi.h userFunction 函数指针注册 *****************************************************************/
//kapi.c  @brief  hookup user layer access functions
kapi AvRet AvKapiHookUserFunctions(pin AvFpKeyCommand keyCmd, pin AvFpUartCommand uartCmd,pin AvFpIrdaCommand IrdaCmd)
    AvRet ret = AvOk;
    AvHookKeyCmd = keyCmd;
    AvHookUartCmd = uartCmd;
    AvHookIrdaCmd = IrdaCmd;
    return ret;

AvApiHookUserFunctions(&ListenToKeyCommand, &ListenToUartCommand, &ListenToIrdaCommand);

/**kapi.h userFunction 函数指针回调 *****************************************************************/
#define AvUserUartCmd       AvHookUartCmd
#define AvUserKeyCmd        AvHookKeyCmd
#define AvUserIrdaCmd       AvHookIrdaCmd

    /* Make Key Response and Uart Response faster */

  4.3 bsp修改

    对于iic而言,软件模拟的,可以直接用gsv写的;只要改一下GPIO寄存器操作; 参考修改GPIO的IIC的CRH或CRL寄存器



//kapi.h 下面的监听回调是封装在kapi.h中的;而bsp的调用宏是封装在hal.h中;
#define AvUserUartCmd       //AvHookUartCmd
#define AvUserKeyCmd        //AvHookKeyCmd
#define AvUserIrdaCmd       //AvHookIrdaCmd

#define SET_SCL0_1     GPIOB->BSRR = GPIO_PIN_13           // Pin I2C_SCL
#define SET_SDA0_1     GPIOB->BSRR = GPIO_PIN_14           // Pin I2C_SDA
#define SET_SCL0_0     GPIOB->BSRR = GPIO_PIN_13<<16U      // Pin I2C_SCL
#define SET_SDA0_0     GPIOB->BSRR = GPIO_PIN_14<<16U      // Pin I2C_SDA
#define GET_SDA0       ((GPIOB->IDR & GPIO_PIN_14)? 1:0)   // Pin I2C_SDA
#define SCL0_IN        GPIOB->CRH = ( ((GPIOB->CRH)&0xff0fffff)|0x00400000 )
#define SCL0_OUT       GPIOB->CRH = ( ((GPIOB->CRH)&0xff0fffff)|0x00700000 )
#define SDA0_IN        GPIOB->CRH = ( ((GPIOB->CRH)&0xf0ffffff)|0x04000000 )
#define SDA0_OUT       GPIOB->CRH = ( ((GPIOB->CRH)&0xf0ffffff)|0x07000000 )

  4.4 printf修改

//uapi.c  本来的打印函数使用gsv的bsp的uart,改一下用printf;这样关个宏就可以了,不用改bsp;
uapi AvRet AvUapiOuputDbgMsg(pin schar *stringToFormat, ...){

    AvRet ret = AvOk;
    #if AvEnableDebugFsm
        va_list ap;
        va_start(ap, stringToFormat);
        vprintf(stringToFormat, ap);  // 使用vprintf直接打印格式化字符串
    return ret;

  4.5 gsvMain


void gsv2k1_Main(void){
    static uint8_t state = 0;
        case 0:
            CAE("gsv2k1_Main() ");
        case 1:

5 小结





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