

public class Person
public void Sayhello()
"Hello,I am a person");


public class Student:Person




public class Person
public void SayHello()
"Hello,I am a person");


public class Student:Person
new public void SayHello()
"hello,I am a student");


public class Test
static void Main()
  Person aPerson
=new Person();
  Student aStudent 
= new aStudent();


hello,I am a person
hello,I am a student

这个过程在Inside C#-MSPress称为override:
you want to derive a class from (Person) and you want to override the (SayHello) method to do something specific to the derived class. To do this, you need to use the new keyword with the derived class's method definition.


(Method overriding with the new keyword works fine if you have a reference to the derived object)



public class Person
public void SayHello()
"Hello,I am a person");


public class Student:Person
new public void SayHello()
"hello,I am a student");


public class Teacher:Person
new public void SayHello()
"hello,I am a teacher");


public class Test
private static Person[] persons=new Person[2];
static void Main()
0]=new Student();
1]=new Teacher();


hello,I am a person
hello,I am a person

(Obviously, this is not what we wanted)对,在实际应用中,我们不希望出现这种结果.
hello,I am a student
hello,I am a teacher

看看Inside C#的解释:

What happened here is an example of a phenomenon called early binding. When the code was compiled, the C# compiler looked at the call to Persons[].SayHello() and determined the address in memory that it would need to jump to when the call is made. In this case, that would be the memory location of the Person.SayHello method.
Take a look at the following MSIL that was generated from the Test application, and specifically take note of line IL_0014 and the fact that it explicitly calls the Employee.CalculatePay method:

IL_0014:  call       instance void Employee::CalculatePay()


That call to the (Person.SayHello) method is the problem. What we want instead is for late binding to occur. Late binding means that the compiler does not select the method to execute until run time. To force the compiler to call the correct version of an upcasted object's method, we use two new keywords: virtual and override. The virtual keyword must be used on the base class's method, and the override keyword is used on the derived class's implementation of the method.

public class Person
 virtual public void SayHello()
  Console.WriteLine("Hello,I am a person");
public class Student:Person
 override public void SayHello()
  Console.WriteLine("hello,I am a student");
public class Teacher:Person
 override public void SayHello()
  Console.WriteLine("hello,I am a teacher");
public class Test
 private static Person[] persons=new Person[2];
 static void Main()
  persons[0]=new Student();
  persons[1]=new Teacher();

Before running this application, let's take a peek at the IL code that's generated, this time noting that line IL_0014 uses the MSIL opcode callvirt,which tells the compiler that the exact method to be called won't be known until run time because it's dependent on which derived object is being used:

IL_0014:  callvirt   instance void Employee::CalculatePay()

hello,I am a student
hello,I am a teacher

要深刻理解这个过程,必须搞明白什么是"Early Binding&Late Binding","run time",具有"编译原理"相关知识.

class Test修改为:

public class Test
private static Person[] persons=new Person[2];
static void Main()
0]=new Student();
1]=new Teacher();
  Student s
=new Student();
  Teacher t
=new Teacher();





[1]Inside C# / Tom Archer.(Microsoft Press)
[2]Visual C# .NET:A Gudie for VB6 Develops/Brand Maiani,James Still...(Wrax)

posted @ 2004-07-27 23:10  cacard  阅读(1536)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报