HENU 编译原理实验三 语义分析及中间代码产生
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#ifdef Nanfeng1997
#include <debugger>
begin 1
end 2
if 3
then 4
while 5
do 6
const 7
var 8
call 9
procedure 10
odd 11
+ 12
- 13
* 14
/ 15
= 16
# 17
< 18
> 19
= 20
( 21
) 22
, 23
. 24
; 25
标识符: 26
常数: 27
vector<string> key, identify, symbol;
unordered_map<string, int> key_map, identify_map, symbol_map; // value
unordered_map<string, int> letter_map; // Type
int key_offset = 1;
int symbol_offset = 12;
int tempVarNumber = 1;
struct section {
string op, arg1, arg2, result;
vector<section> Sec0, Sec;
struct node {
int type;
string val;
struct TreeNode {
int type;
string val;
vector<TreeNode*> son;
string tempVarName;
TreeNode () {}
TreeNode (node nd) { type = nd.type; val = nd.val; son = {}; tempVarName = "";}
TreeNode (node nd, string name) { type = nd.type; val = nd.val; son = {}; tempVarName = name;}
int get_son() { return son.size(); }
void add(TreeNode* Node) {
string getTempNumber() {
string ans = "T" + to_string(tempVarNumber);
tempVarNumber += 1;
return ans;
// + - * / := > < >= <=
TreeNode* opr(node op, int num, vector<TreeNode*> allNode) {
TreeNode *rt = new TreeNode(op, "-");
for (auto Item: allNode) {
return rt;
TreeNode* opr(node op, int num, vector<TreeNode*> allNode, string name) {
TreeNode *rt = new TreeNode(op, name);
for (auto Item: allNode) {
return rt;
TreeNode* id(node entry) {
TreeNode *rt = new TreeNode(entry, "-");
return rt;
TreeNode* id(node entry, string name) {
TreeNode *rt = new TreeNode(entry, name);
return rt;
TreeNode* num(node entry) {
TreeNode *rt = new TreeNode(entry);
return rt;
const int numbers_type = 27;
const int identify_type = 26;
vector<node> tokens; //词法分析结果
int index = 0; //tokens的下标
node nEndD;
TreeNode* root;
void init() {
string str_key = "begin end if then while do const var call procedure odd", s;
string str_symbol = "+ - * / = # < > := ( ) , . ;";
stringstream key_in;
key_in << str_key;
while (key_in >> s) {
key_map[s] = int(key.size()) - 1;
letter_map[s] = int(key.size()) - 1 + key_offset;
stringstream symbolin;
symbolin << str_symbol;
while (symbolin >> s) {
symbol_map[s] = int(symbol.size()) - 1;
letter_map[s] = int(symbol.size()) - 1 + symbol_offset;
void read(vector<string> &ans) {
if (not ans.empty()) ans.clear();
string str, res, s;
while (getline(cin, str)) {
if (str.find("//") != string::npos) {
res += str; res.push_back('\n');
stringstream ss; ss << res;
int flag = 1;
while (ss >> s) {
if (s == "(*") flag ^= 1;
if (flag) {
if (s == "*)") flag ^= 1;
// (种别,属性值)
void LexicalAnalysis(vector<string> &str, vector<node> &ans) {
if (not ans.empty()) ans.clear();
for (string s: str) {
// cout << s << " ";
if (key_map.count(s)) { //
ans.push_back({letter_map[s], "-"});
} else if (symbol_map.count(s)) {
if (int(s.size()) > 10) {
cout << "symbol's size is too long!\n";
ans.push_back({letter_map[s], "-"});
} else if (identify_map.count(s)) {
ans.push_back({identify_type, to_string(identify_map[s])});
} else {
// continue;
int ns = s.size();
for (int i = 0; i < ns; i ++ ) {
if (isdigit(s[i])) {
string t; t += s[i];
int j = i; while (j + 1 < ns and isdigit(s[j + 1])) {
++ j;
t += s[j];
ans.push_back({numbers_type, t});
i = j;
} else if (isalpha(s[i])) {
string t; t += s[i];
int j = i; while (j + 1 < ns and (isalpha(s[j + 1]) or isdigit(s[j + 1]))) {
++ j;
t += s[j];
if (key_map.count(t)) {
ans.push_back({letter_map[t], "-"});
} else {
if (int(t.size()) > 10) {
cout << "identify's size is too long!\n";
if (!identify_map.count(t)) {
int new_val = (int)identify.size() - 1;
identify_map[t] = new_val;
ans.push_back({identify_type, to_string(identify_map[t])});
i = j;
} else {
string t; t += s[i];
if (symbol_map.count(t)) {
ans.push_back({letter_map[t], "-"});
} else {
if (i + 1 >= (int)s.size()) {
cout << "illegal!\n";
t += s[++ i];
if (symbol_map.count(t)) {
ans.push_back({letter_map[t], "-"});
} else {
nEndD = ans.back();
bool isDigit(string s) {
if (s[0] == '-') {
reverse(s.begin(), s.end());
reverse(s.begin(), s.end());
if (s == "0") return false;
if (s.empty()) return false;
if (s[0] == '0') {
return int(s.size()) == 1;
} else {
for (auto c: s) if (c < '0' or c > '9') return false;
return true;
program:程序,由 block 和 "." 组成。
block:代码块,包含 constdecl、vardecl、procdecl 和 statement 四部分。
constdecl:常量声明,由可选的 "const" 关键字,多个 constitem,以及 ";" 组成。
constitem:常量条目,包括标识符 ident 和数字 number 之间的 "=" 号连接。
vardecl:变量声明,由可选的 "var" 关键字,多个标识符 ident,以及 ";" 组成。
procdecl:过程声明,由多个 "procedure" 关键字,标识符 ident,代码块 block 和 ";" 组成。
statement:语句,包括赋值语句 assignstmt、过程调用语句 callstmt、复合语句 compstmt、条件语句 ifstmt 和循环语句 whilestmt。
assignstmt:赋值语句,包括标识符 ident,":=" 连接后面的 expression。
callstmt:过程调用语句,包括 "call" 关键字和标识符 ident。
compstmt:复合语句,由 "begin" 关键字和多个语句 statement,以及 "end" 关键字组成。
ifstmt:条件语句,由 "if" 关键字、condition、"then" 关键字和语句 statement 组成。
whilestmt:循环语句,由 "while" 关键字、condition、"do" 关键字和语句 statement 组成。
condition:条件判断,包括 "odd" 和 expression 之间的关系运算符("="、"#"、"<"、">")。
expression:表达式,由 term 和多个加减法运算符组成。
term:项,由 factor 和多个乘除法运算符组成。
factor:因子,包括可选的正负号、标识符 ident、数字 number 和括号中的 expression。
string get_str(node nd); //通过 node 获取读入的字符串
void exception_print(int type, string expected); //打印异常
void match(string expected); //单输入匹配函数
void match(string expected, bool majority); //多输入匹配函数 E -> aB | B
bool match(string expected, char flag);
TreeNode* parse_program(); //program -> block "."
vector<TreeNode*> parse_block(); //block -> constdecl vardecl procdecl statement
TreeNode* parse_constdecl(); //constdecl ->["const" constitem{ "," constitem } ";"]
TreeNode* parse_constitem(); //constitem -> ident "=" number
TreeNode* parse_vardecl(); //vardecl -> ["var" ident {"," ident} ";"]
TreeNode* parse_procdecl(); //procdecl -> {"procedure" ident ";" block ";"}
TreeNode* parse_statement(); //statement -> assignstmt | callstmt | compstmt | ifstmt | whilestmt
TreeNode* parse_assignstmt();//assignstmt ->[ident ":=" expression]
TreeNode* parse_callstmt(); //callstmt -> ["call" ident]
TreeNode* parse_compstmt(); //compstmt -> ["begin" statement {";" statement} "end"]
TreeNode* parse_ifstmt(); //ifstmt -> ["if" condition "then" statement]
TreeNode* parse_whilestmt(); //whilestmt -> ["while" condition "do" statement]
TreeNode* parse_condition(); //condition = "odd" expression | expression ("="|"#"|"<"|">") expression
TreeNode* parse_expression();//expression -> term { ("+"|"-") term}
TreeNode* parse_term(); //term -> factor {("*"|"/") factor}
TreeNode* parse_factor(); //factor -> [ "+"|"-"] (ident | number | "(" expression ")")
TreeNode* parse_ident(); //ident -> letter {letter | digit}
TreeNode* parse_number(); //number -> digit {digit}
void print(section x);
void print0(section x);
bool success = true;
string symbolarray[] = { "=", "#", "<", ">" };
int symbollength = 4;
string get_str (node nd) {
auto [type, val] = nd;
if (type >= 1 and type <= 11) {
return key[type - key_offset];
} else if (type >= 12 and type <= 25) {
return symbol[type - symbol_offset];
} else if (type == 26) {
return identify[stoi(val)];
} else if (type == 27) {
return val;
} else {
return "error";
void print(TreeNode* Rt) {
cout << get_str(node{Rt->type, Rt->val}) << " \n";
void exception_print(int type, string expected = "") {
string ret;
if (type == 0) { //语法错误
ret = "语法错误:预期为 " + expected + ",但输入的是 " + get_str(tokens[index]);
} else if (type == 1) {
ret = "标识符 " + get_str(tokens[index]) + " 格式错误";
} else if (type == 2) {
ret = "整数 " + get_str(tokens[index]) + "格式错误";
cout << ret << "\n";
success = false;
void match(string expected) {
if (get_str(tokens[index]) == expected) {
} else {
exception_print(0, expected);
void match(string expected, bool majority) {
bool iseuqal = false;
for (int i = 0; i < symbollength; i++) {
if (get_str(tokens[index]) == symbolarray[i]) {
index += 1; iseuqal = true; break;
expected += symbolarray[i];
if (i != symbollength - 1) {
expected += " ";
if (!iseuqal) {
exception_print(0, expected);
bool match(string expected, char flag) {
if (get_str(tokens[index]) == "#") {
index += 1;
return true;
} else {
return false;
int limit, f1, f2, t, n;
bool haveLimit, haveAns;
map<int, int> mp;
int find(int x) {
if (x <= 1) return x;
if (mp.count(x)) return mp[x];
mp[x] = find(x - 2) + find(x - 1);
return mp[x];
TreeNode* parse_program() {
auto tmpP = parse_block();
node nD = tokens[index];
auto ans = opr(nD, 4, tmpP);
return ans;
vector<TreeNode*> parse_block() {
return vector<TreeNode*>{parse_constdecl(), parse_vardecl(), parse_procdecl(), parse_statement()};
TreeNode* parse_constdecl() {
TreeNode* tmpP = NULL;
if (get_str(tokens[index]) == "const") {
node nConst = tokens[index];
tmpP = parse_constitem();
while (get_str(tokens[index]) == ",") {
node nD = tokens[index];
tmpP = opr(nD, 2, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP, parse_constitem()});
tmpP = opr(nConst, 1, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP});
return tmpP;
TreeNode* parse_constitem() {
TreeNode* tmpP = id(tokens[index]);
auto Equal = tokens[index];
Sec0.push_back(section{"const", get_str(node{tmpP->type, tmpP->val}), get_str(tokens[index]), "-"});
tmpP = opr(Equal, 2, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP, num(tokens[index])});
return tmpP;
void get_limit() {
for (auto x: Sec0) {
if (x.op == "const" and x.arg1 == "limit") {
haveLimit = true;
limit = stoi(x.arg2);
return ;
TreeNode* parse_vardecl() {
TreeNode* tmpP = NULL;
if (get_str(tokens[index]) == "var") {
node nVar = tokens[index];
Sec0.push_back(section{"var", get_str(tokens[index]), "0", "-"});
tmpP = parse_ident();
while (get_str(tokens[index]) == ",") {
node d = tokens[index];
Sec0.push_back(section{"var", get_str(tokens[index]), "0", "-"});
tmpP = opr(d, 2, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP, parse_ident()});
tmpP = opr(nVar, 1, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP});
return tmpP;
void get_ans() {
n = limit;
f2 = find(limit);
f1 = find(limit - 1);
t = f1;
haveAns = true;
TreeNode* parse_procdecl() {
TreeNode* tmpP = NULL;
while (get_str(tokens[index]) == "procedure") {
node Procedure = tokens[index];
TreeNode* tmpPN = id(tokens[index]);
auto vectmpPB = parse_block();
TreeNode* tmpPB = opr(nEndD, 4, vectmpPB);
node f = tokens[index];
auto tp = opr(Procedure, 2, vector<TreeNode*> {tmpPN, tmpPB});
if (tmpP == NULL) {
tmpP = tp;
} else {
tmpP = opr(f, 2, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP, tp});
return tmpP;
TreeNode* parse_statement() {
TreeNode* tmpP = NULL;
if (identify_map.count(get_str(tokens[index]))) {
tmpP = parse_assignstmt();
} else if (get_str(tokens[index]) == "call") {
tmpP = parse_callstmt();
} else if (get_str(tokens[index]) == "begin") {
tmpP = parse_compstmt();
} else if (get_str(tokens[index]) == "if") {
tmpP = parse_ifstmt();
} else if (get_str(tokens[index]) == "while") {
tmpP = parse_whilestmt();
if (!haveLimit) get_limit();
if (!haveAns) get_ans();
return tmpP;
TreeNode* parse_assignstmt() {
auto nowIdent = get_str(tokens[index]);
auto tmpP = parse_ident();
node mEqual = tokens[index];
auto Rtexpression = parse_expression();
string RtName = Rtexpression->tempVarName;
if (RtName == "-") RtName = get_str(node{Rtexpression->type, Rtexpression->val});
Sec.push_back(section{":=", RtName, "-", nowIdent}); // Tag1
tmpP = opr(mEqual, 2, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP, Rtexpression});
return tmpP;
TreeNode* parse_callstmt() {
TreeNode* tmpP = NULL;
node Call = tokens[index];
auto ParseIdent = parse_ident();
Sec.push_back(section{"call", "-", "-", "print"});
tmpP = opr(Call, 1, vector<TreeNode*>{ParseIdent});
return tmpP;
TreeNode* parse_compstmt() {
node nBegin = tokens[index];
TreeNode* tmpP = NULL;
tmpP = parse_statement();
while (get_str(tokens[index]) == ";") {
auto F = tokens[index];
tmpP = opr(F, 2, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP, parse_statement()});
tmpP = opr(nBegin, 1, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP});
return tmpP;
TreeNode* parse_ifstmt() {
TreeNode* tmpP = NULL;
auto nIf = tokens[index];
tmpP = parse_condition();
tmpP = opr(nIf, 2, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP, parse_statement()});
return tmpP;
TreeNode* parse_whilestmt() {
TreeNode* tmpP = NULL;
auto nWhile = tokens[index];
tmpP = parse_condition();
tmpP = opr(nWhile, 2, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP, parse_statement()});
return tmpP;
TreeNode* parse_condition() {
TreeNode* tmpP = NULL;
if (get_str(tokens[index]) == "odd") {
auto nOdd = tokens[index];
tmpP = opr(nOdd, 1, vector<TreeNode*>{parse_expression()});
} else {
tmpP = parse_expression();
node nSymbol = tokens[index];
if (match("", '#')) {// Tag4
// # (!=)
auto ntmp = parse_expression();
string tmpName = tmpP->tempVarName;
if (tmpName == "-") tmpName = get_str(node{tmpP->type, tmpP->val});
string ntmpName = ntmp->tempVarName;
if (ntmpName == "-") ntmpName = get_str(node{ntmp->type, ntmp->val});
Sec.push_back(section{"j#", tmpName, ntmpName, "106"});
Sec.push_back(section{"j", "-", "-", "113"});
} else {
match("", true);
tmpP = opr(nSymbol, 2, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP, parse_expression()});
return tmpP;
TreeNode* parse_expression() { // Tag2
auto tmpP = parse_term();
while (get_str(tokens[index]) == "+" || get_str(tokens[index]) == "-") {
node nOp = tokens[index];
auto Rt = parse_term();
string tmpPname = tmpP->tempVarName;
if (tmpPname == "-") tmpPname = get_str(node{tmpP->type, tmpP->val});
string Rtname = Rt->tempVarName;
if (Rtname == "-") Rtname = get_str(node{Rt->type, Rt->val});
Sec.push_back(section{get_str(nOp), tmpPname, Rtname, getTempNumber()});
// cout << Sec.back().result << " ::\n";
tmpP = opr(nOp, 2, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP, Rt}, Sec.back().result);
// cout << tmpP->tempVarName << " ppp\n";
return tmpP;
TreeNode* parse_term() { // Tag3
auto tmpP = parse_factor();
while (get_str(tokens[index]) == "*" || get_str(tokens[index]) == "/") {
string name = getTempNumber();
node nOp = tokens[index];
auto Rt = parse_factor();
string tmpPname = tmpP->tempVarName;
if (tmpPname == "-") tmpPname = get_str(node{tmpP->type, tmpP->val});
string Rtname = Rt->tempVarName;
if (Rtname == "-") Rtname = get_str(node{Rt->type, Rt->val});
Sec.push_back(section{get_str(nOp), tmpPname, Rtname, getTempNumber()});
// cout << Sec.back().result << " result\n";
tmpP = opr(nOp, 2, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP, Rt}, Sec.back().result);
// cout << tmpP->tempVarName << " :::\n";
return tmpP;
TreeNode* parse_factor() {
node sign{-1, ""};
TreeNode* tmpP = NULL;
if (get_str(tokens[index]) == "+" || get_str(tokens[index]) == "-") {
sign = tokens[index];
if (isDigit(get_str(tokens[index])) ) {
tmpP = num(tokens[index]);
} else if (identify_map.count(get_str(tokens[index]))) {
tmpP = id(tokens[index]);
} else {
tmpP = parse_expression();
if (sign.type != -1) {
string tmpPname = tmpP->tempVarName;
if (tmpPname == "-") tmpPname = get_str(node{tmpP->type, tmpP->val});
Sec.push_back(section{"neg", tmpPname, "-", getTempNumber()});
tmpP = opr(sign, 1, vector<TreeNode*>{tmpP}, Sec.back().result);
} else {
tmpP->tempVarName = get_str(node{tmpP->type, tmpP->val});
return tmpP;
TreeNode* parse_ident() {
TreeNode* tmpP = NULL;
if (identify_map.count(get_str(tokens[index]))) {
tmpP = id(tokens[index]);
} else {
return tmpP;
TreeNode* parse_number() {
TreeNode* tmpP = NULL;
if (isDigit(get_str(tokens[index]))) {
tmpP = num(tokens[index]);
} else {
return tmpP;
bool GrammaticalAnalysis() {
root = parse_program();
if (success) {
cout << "\n\n分析结果: 语法正确" << "\n";
return success;
void dfs(TreeNode *rt, int Tab) { // print abstract grammar tree
if (rt == NULL) return ;
for (int i = 0; i < Tab; i ++ ) cout << string(2, ' ');
cout << get_str(node{rt->type, rt->val}) << "\n";
for (auto p: rt->son) {
dfs(p, Tab + 1);
int nowNumber = 100;
void print(section p) {
cout << nowNumber ++ << " ( ";
cout << setw(3) << p.op << ", ";
cout << setw(3) << p.arg1 << ", ";
cout << setw(3) << p.arg2 << ", ";
cout << setw(3) << p.result << ")\n";
void print0(section p) {
cout << "(";
cout << setw(5) << p.op << ", ";
cout << setw(5) << p.arg1 << ", ";
cout << setw(5) << p.arg2 << ", ";
cout << setw(5) << p.result << ")\n";
int main() {
vector<string> str;
LexicalAnalysis(str, tokens);
cout << "n = " << n << "\n";
cout << "limit = " << limit << "\n";
cout << "f1 = " << f1 << "\n";
cout << "f2 = " << f2 << "\n";
cout << "t = " << t << "\n";
cout << "\n\n";
cout << "语法分析树为: \n";
dfs(root, 0);
cout << "\n\n";
cout << "section .data\n";
for (auto x: Sec0) {
cout << "\n";
cout << "section .code\n";
for (auto x: Sec) {
return 0;
const limit=29;
var n, f1, f2, t;
n := 0;
f1 := 0;
f2 := 1;
t := 0;
while n # limit do
n := n + 1;
t := f2 + 0;
f2 := f1 + f2;
f1 := t;
call print;
//0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13
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