#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Mosaic Emulator and Checker
import argparse
import ast
import copy
import inspect
import json
import random
from dataclasses import dataclass
from itertools import compress, product
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Generator
## 1. Mosaic system calls
### 1.1 Process, thread, and context switching
sys_fork = lambda: os.sys_fork()
sys_spawn = lambda fn, *args: os.sys_spawn(fn, *args)
sys_sched = lambda: os.sys_sched()
### 1.2 Virtual character device
sys_choose = lambda choices: os.sys_choose(choices)
sys_write = lambda *args: os.sys_write(*args)
### 1.3 Virtual block storage device
sys_bread = lambda k: os.sys_bread(k)
sys_bwrite = lambda k, v: os.sys_bwrite(k, v)
sys_sync = lambda: os.sys_sync()
sys_crash = lambda: os.sys_crash()
### 1.4 System call helpers
def syscall(func): # @syscall decorator
return func
## 2. Mosaic operating system emulator
### 2.1 Data structures
class Heap:
pass # no member: self.__dict__ is the heap
class Thread:
context: Generator # program counter, local variables, etc.
heap: Heap # a pointer to thread's "memory"
class Storage:
persist: dict # persisted storage state
buf: dict # outstanding operations yet to be persisted
### 2.2 The OperatingSystem class
class OperatingSystem:
"""An executable operating system model.
The operating system model hosts a single Python application with a
main() function accessible to a shared heap and 9 system calls
(marked by the @syscall decorator). An example:
def main():
pid = sys_fork()
sys_sched() # non-deterministic context switch
if pid == 0:
At any moment, this model keeps tracking a set of threads and a
"currently running" one. Each thread consists of a reference to a
heap object (may be shared with other threads) and a private context
(program counters, local variables, etc.). A thread context is a
Python generator object, i.e., a stack-less coroutine [1] that can
save the running context and yield itself.
For applications, the keyword "yield" is reserved for system calls.
For example, a "choose" system call [2]:
sys_choose(['A', 'B'])
is transpiled as yielding the string "sys_choose" followed by its
parameters (choices):
res = yield 'sys_choose', ['A', 'B'].
Yield will transfer the control to the OS for system call handling
and eventually returning a value ('A' or 'B') to the application.
Right after transferring control to the OS by "yield", the function
state is "frozen", where program counters and local variables are
accessible via the generator object. Therefore, OS can serialize its
internal state--all thread's contexts, heaps, and virtual device
states at this moment.
In this sense, operating system is a system-call driven state
transition system:
(s0) --run first thread (main)-> (s1)
--sys_choose and application execution-> (s2)
--sys_sched and application execution-> (s3) ...
Real operating systems can be preemptive--context switching can
happen non-deterministically at any program point, simply because
processor can non-deterministically interrupt its currently running
code and transfer the control to the operating system.
The OS internal implementation does NOT immediately process the
system call: it returns all possible choices available at the moment
and their corresponding processing logic as callbacks. For the
example above, the "choose" system call returns a non-deterministic
choice among given choices. The internal implementation thus returns
choices = {
'A': (lambda: 'A'),
'B': (lambda: 'B'),
for later processing. Another example is non-deterministic context
switching by yielding 'sys_sched'. Suppose there are threads t1 and
t2 at the moment. The system call handler will return
choices = {
't1': (lambda: switch_to(t1)),
't2': (lambda: switch_to(t2)),
in which switch_to(th) replaces the OS's current running thread with
th (changes the global "heap" variable). Such deferred execution of
system calls separates the mechanism of non-deterministic choices
from the actual decision makers (e.g., an interpreter or a model
checker). Once the decision is made, the simply call step(choice)
and the OS will execute this choice by
with the application code (generator) being resumed.
This model provides "write" system call to immediately push data to
a hypothetical character device like a tty associated with stdout.
We model a block device (key-value store) that may lose data upon
crash. The model assumes atomicity of each single block write (a
key-value update). However, writes are merely to a volatile buffer
which may non-deterministically lose data upon crash 3]. The "sync"
system call persists buffered writes.
[1] N. Schemenauer, T. Peters, and M. L. Hetland. PEP 255 -
Simple generators. https://peps.python.org/pep-0255/
[2] J. Yang, C. Sar, and D. Engler. eXplode: a lightweight, general
system for finding serious storage system errors. OSDI'06.
[3] T. S. Pillai, V. Chidambaram, R. Alagappan, A. Al-Kiswany, A. C.
Arpaci-Dusseau, and R. H. Arpaci-Dusseau. All file systems are
not created equal: On the complexity of crafting crash
consistent applications. OSDI'14.
def __init__(self, init: Callable):
"""Create a new OS instance with pending-to-execute init thread."""
# Operating system states
self._threads = [Thread(context=init(), heap=Heap())]
self._current = 0
self._choices = {init.__name__: lambda: None}
self._stdout = ''
self._storage = Storage(persist={}, buf={})
# Internal states
self._init = init
self._trace = []
self._newfork = set()
### 2.3 System call implementation
#### 2.3.1 Process, thread, and context switching
def sys_spawn(self, func: Callable, *args):
"""Spawn a heap-sharing new thread executing func(args)."""
def do_spawn():
context=func(*args), # func() returns a new generator
heap=self.current().heap, # shared heap
return {'spawn': (lambda: do_spawn())}
def sys_fork(self):
"""Create a clone of the current thread with a copied heap."""
if all(not f.frame.f_locals['fork_child']
for f in inspect.stack()
if f.function == '_step'): # this is parent; do fork
# Deep-copying generators causes troubles--they are twined with
# Python's runtime state. We use an (inefficient) hack here: replay
# the entire trace and override the last fork() to avoid infinite
# recursion.
os_clone = OperatingSystem(self._init)
os_clone._step(self._trace[-1], fork_child=True)
# Now os_clone._current is the forked process. Cloned thread just
# yields a sys_fork and is pending for fork()'s return value. It
# is necessary to mark cloned threads (in self._newfork) and send
# child's fork() return value when they are scheduled for the
# first time.
def do_fork():
self._newfork.add((pid := len(self._threads)) - 1)
return 1000 + pid # returned pid starts from 1000
return {'fork': (lambda: do_fork())}
return None # overridden fork; this value is never used because
# os_clone is destroyed immediately after fork()
def sys_sched(self):
"""Return a non-deterministic context switch to a runnable thread."""
return {
f't{i+1}': (lambda i=i: self._switch_to(i))
for i, th in enumerate(self._threads)
if th.context.gi_frame is not None # thread still alive?
### 2.3.2 Virtual character device (byte stream)
def sys_choose(self, choices):
"""Return a non-deterministic value from choices."""
return {f'choose {c}': (lambda c=c: c) for c in choices}
def sys_write(self, *args):
"""Write strings (space separated) to stdout."""
def do_write():
self._stdout += ' '.join(str(arg) for arg in args)
return {'write': (lambda: do_write())}
### 2.3.3 Virtual block storage device
def sys_bread(self, key):
"""Return the specific key's associated value in block device."""
storage = self._storage
return {'bread': (lambda:
storage.buf.get(key, # always try to read from buffer first
storage.persist.get(key, None) # and then persistent storage
def sys_bwrite(self, key, value):
"""Write (key, value) pair to block device's buffer."""
def do_bwrite():
self._storage.buf[key] = value
return {'bwrite': (lambda: do_bwrite())}
def sys_sync(self):
"""Persist all buffered writes."""
def do_sync():
store = self._storage
self._storage = Storage(
persist=store.persist | store.buf, # write back
return {'sync': (lambda: do_sync())}
def sys_crash(self):
"""Simulate a system crash that non-deterministically persists
outstanding writes in the buffer.
persist = self._storage.persist
btrace = self._storage.buf.items() # block trace
crash_sites = (
lambda subset=subset:
setattr(self, '_storage',
Storage( # persist only writes in the subset
persist=persist | dict(compress(btrace, subset)),
) for subset in # Mosaic allows persisting any subset of
product( # pending blocks in the buffer
*([(0, 1)] * len(btrace))
return dict(enumerate(crash_sites))
### 2.4 Operating system as a state machine
def replay(self, trace: list) -> dict:
"""Replay an execution trace and return the resulting state."""
for choice in trace:
return self.state_dump()
def _step(self, choice, fork_child=False):
self._trace.append(choice) # keep all choices for replay-based fork()
action = self._choices[choice] # return value of sys_xxx: a lambda
res = action()
try: # Execute current thread for one step
func, args = self.current().context.send(res)
assert func in SYSCALLS
self._choices = getattr(self, func)(*args)
except StopIteration: # ... and thread terminates
self._choices = self.sys_sched()
# At this point, the operating system's state is
# (self._threads, self._current, self._stdout, self._storage)
# and outgoing transitions are saved in self._choices.
### 2.5 Misc and helper functions
def state_dump(self) -> dict:
"""Create a serializable Mosaic state dump with hash code."""
heaps = {}
for th in self._threads:
if (i := id(th.heap)) not in heaps: # unique heaps
heaps[i] = len(heaps) + 1
os_state = {
'current': self._current,
'choices': sorted(list(self._choices.keys())),
'contexts': [
'name': th.context.gi_frame.f_code.co_name,
'heap': heaps[id(th.heap)], # the unique heap id
'pc': th.context.gi_frame.f_lineno,
'locals': th.context.gi_frame.f_locals,
} if th.context.gi_frame is not None else None
for th in self._threads
'heaps': {
heaps[id(th.heap)]: th.heap.__dict__
for th in self._threads
'stdout': self._stdout,
'store_persist': self._storage.persist,
'store_buffer': self._storage.buf,
h = hash(json.dumps(os_state, sort_keys=True)) + 2**63
return (copy.deepcopy(os_state) # freeze the runtime state
| dict(hashcode=f'{h:016x}'))
def current(self) -> Thread:
"""Return the current running thread object."""
return self._threads[self._current]
def _switch_to(self, tid: int):
self._current = tid
globals()['os'] = self
globals()['heap'] = self.current().heap
if tid in self._newfork:
self._newfork.remove(tid) # tricky: forked process must receive 0
return 0 # to indicate a child
## 3. The Mosaic runtime
class Mosaic:
"""The operating system interpreter and model checker.
The operating system model is a state transition system: os.replay()
maps any trace to a state (with its outgoing transitions). Based
on this model, two state space explorers are implemented:
- run: Choose outgoing transitions uniformly at random, yielding a
single execution trace.
- check: Exhaustively explore all reachable states by a breadth-
first search. Duplicated states are not visited twice.
Both explorers produce the visited portion of the state space as a
serializable object containing:
- source: The application source code
- vertices: A list of operating system state dumps. The first vertex
in the list is the initial state. Each vertex has a
unique "hashcode" id.
- edges: A list of 3-tuples: (source, target, label) denoting an
explored source --[label]-> target edge. Both source and
target are state hashcode ids.
### 3.1 Model interpreter and checker
def run(self) -> dict:
"""Interpret the model with non-deterministic choices."""
os = OperatingSystem(self.entry)
V, E = [os.state_dump() | dict(depth=0)], []
while (choices := V[-1]['choices']):
choice = random.choice(choices) # uniformly at random
V.append(os.replay([choice]) | dict(depth=len(V)))
E.append((V[-2]['hashcode'], V[-1]['hashcode'], choice))
return dict(source=self.src, vertices=V, edges=E)
def check(self) -> dict:
"""Exhaustively explore the state space."""
class State:
entry = self.entry
def __init__(self, trace):
self.trace = trace
self.state = OperatingSystem(State.entry).replay(trace)
self.state |= dict(depth=0)
self.hashcode = self.state['hashcode']
def extend(self, c):
st = State(self.trace + (c,))
st.state = st.state | dict(depth=self.state['depth'] + 1)
return st
st0 = State(tuple()) # initial state of empty trace
queued, V, E = [st0], {st0.hashcode: st0.state}, []
while queued:
st = queued.pop(0)
for choice in st.state['choices']:
st1 = st.extend(choice)
if st1.hashcode not in V: # found an unexplored state
V[st1.hashcode] = st1.state
E.append((st.hashcode, st1.hashcode, choice))
return dict(
vertices=sorted(V.values(), key=lambda st: st['depth']),
### 3.1 Source code parsing and rewriting
class Transformer(ast.NodeTransformer):
def visit_Call(self, node):
# Rewrite system calls as yields
if (isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) and
node.func.id in SYSCALLS): # rewrite system calls
return ast.Yield(ast.Tuple( # -> yield ('sys_xxx', args)
return node
def __init__(self, src: str):
tree = ast.parse(src)
hacked_ast = self.Transformer().visit(tree)
hacked_src = ast.unparse(hacked_ast)
context = {}
exec(hacked_src, globals(), context)
self.src = src
self.entry = context['main'] # must have a main()
## 4. Utilities
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='The modeled operating system and state explorer.'
help='application code (.py) to be checked; must have a main()'
parser.add_argument('-r', '--run', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--check', action='store_true')
args = parser.parse_args()
src = Path(args.source).read_text()
mosaic = Mosaic(src)
if args.check:
explored = mosaic.check()
explored = mosaic.run() # run is the default option
# Serialize the explored states and write to stdout. This encourages piping
# the results to another tool following the UNIX philosophy. Examples:
# mosaic --run foo.py | grep stdout | tail -n 1 # quick and dirty check
# mosaic --check bar.py | fx # or any other interactive visualizer
print(json.dumps(explored, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2))