- Download your desired version
- Unpack it (
tar -zxvf helm-v3.0.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
) - Find the
binary in the unpacked directory, and move it to its desired destination (mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
查看版本 # helm version 查看当前安装的charts #helm list 查询 charts #helm search redis 安装charts #helm install --name redis --namespaces prod bitnami/redis 查看charts状态 #helm status redis 删除charts #helm delete --purge redis 增加repo #helm repo add stable https://kubernetes.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/charts #helm repo add --username admin --password password myharbor https://harbor.qing.cn/chartrepo/charts 更新repo仓库资源 #helm repo update 创建charts #helm create helm_charts 测试charts语法 # helm lint 打包charts #cd helm_charts && helm package ./ 查看生成的yaml文件 #helm template helm_charts-0.1.1.tgz 更新image #helm upgrade --set image.tag=‘v2019-05-09-18-48-40’ study-api-en-oral myharbor/study-api-en-oral 回滚relase #helm hist study-api-en-oral #helm rollback study-api-en-oral 4
helm repo add elastic https://helm.elastic.co helm repo add gitlab https://charts.gitlab.io helm repo add harbor https://helm.goharbor.io helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami helm repo add incubator https://kubernetes-charts-incubator.storage.googleapis.com helm repo add stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com # 添加国内仓库 helm repo add stable http://mirror.azure.cn/kubernetes/charts helm repo add aliyun https://kubernetes.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/charts helm repo update helm repo list
helm install --dry-run --debug --version=0.2.0 --generate-name --set migStrategy=${MIG_STRATEGY} nvgfd/gpu-feature-discovery >gpu-feature-dicovery.yaml
posted on 2022-05-25 16:25 MissSimple 阅读(122) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报