
# The New Economy v0.1.2.0
# Author: creatorfromhell
# License: https://github.com/TheNewEconomy/EconomyCore/blob/main/license.md
# All configurable messages in TNE
  config-version: 5
    Version: '<white>TNE Version: <green>$version <white>- Build: <green>$build'
    NoPerm: <red>I'm sorry, but you do not have permission to do that.
    Saved: <yellow>Successfully saved all TNE Data!
    NoPlayer: <red>Unable to locate player '$player'!
    Disabled: <red>Economy features are currently disabled in this world!
    IsConsole: <red>You can not run this command as the console!
    example: replacement
    Invalid: <red>Invalid item name and/or durability combination entered.
    InvalidAmount: <red>Invalid item amount entered.
    NoHoldings: <red>$player has no holdings for the world '$world'!
    Reloaded: '<yellow>Reloaded configuration type of: $type'
    Holdings: <white>$player currently has <gold>$amount <white>for world '$world'!
    NoTransactions: <white>$player has no transactions to display.
    Configuration: <white>The value of $node is currently $value.
    SetConfiguration: <white>The value of $node has been set to $value.
    ID: <white>The UUID for $player is $id.
    Exists: <red>A player with that name already exists.
    Created: <white>Successfully created account for $name.
    CreationFailed: <red>Failed to create account for $name.
    Deleted: <white>Successfully deleted account for $name.
    DeletionFailed: <red>Failed to delete account for $name.
    NoAccount: <red>No account with the name $name exists!
    PurgeWorld: <white>Successfully purged economy accounts in $world.
    StatusChange: <white>Status for $name has been changed to <green>$status<white>.
    Status: <white>Status for $name is <green>$status<white>.
    Reset: <white>Performed an economy reset using these parameters - world = $world, currency = $currency, and player = $player.
    Extraction: <white>Extraction has started. Please watch console for completion confirmation.
    Restoration: <white>Restoration has started. Please watch console for completion confirmation.
    NoSuch: <red>Unable to locate your account!
    NoHoldings: <red>You have no holdings for the currency '$currency'.
    PinSetAlready: <red>You have already set a pin, please provide the old pin to set a new one.
    PinSet: <white>Your pin has been set to $pin.
    PinReset: <white>The pin of $player has been reset.
    PinMax: <red>Pins must be fewer than 60 characters.
    PinIncorrect: <red>Pin given is incorrect.
    PinInvalid: <red>Pin requested is invalid.
    Locked: <red>You can't do that with a locked account($player)!
    ReceiveLock: <red>The specified account is locked from receiving funds!
    UseLock: <red>The specified account is locked from using funds!
    NoTransactions: <white>You have no transactions to display at this time.
    StatusChange: <white>Your account's status has been changed to <green>$status<white>.
    BlockedAction: <red>You don't have permission to perform the action "$action" with currency "$currency"!
    Backup: <gold>Successfully backed up database!
    BackupFailed: <red>The database backup failed!
    Debug: <green>Debug level has been set to $level.
    Save: <green>Saved all TNE data.
    AvailableHeader: === Modules Available at $url ===
    AvailableEntry: $module ~ $version
    Downloaded: $module has been downloaded successfully.
    FailedDownload: $module couldn't be downloaded successfully.
    Info: '<white>==== Module Info for $module ====<newline>Author: $author<newline>Version: $version'
    Invalid: <red>Unable to find a module with the name of '$module'.
    List: '<white>This server is currently using these TNE Modules: $modules.'
    Loaded: <white>Loaded module '$module' $version created by '$author'.
    Reloaded: <white>Reloaded module '$module'.
    Unloaded: <white>Unloaded module '$module'.
    NotMixed: <red>This action requires a mixed currency type.
    TypeOffline: <red>This currency type does not allow offline interaction.
    NoConversion: <red>This currency cannot be converted to $converted.
    Failed: <red>Unable to process your transaction at this time.
    Given: <white>You were given <gold>$amount<white>.
    Received: <white>You were paid <gold>$amount <white>by<white> $player.
    Taken: <white>$player took <gold>$amount<white> from you.
    Restricted: <red>$player is unable to use the specified currency.
    Insufficient: <red>I'm sorry, but you do not have <gold>$amount<red>.
    InsufficientOther: <red>I'm sorry, but $player does not have <gold>$amount<red>.
    HoldingsMulti: '<white>Balances for world ''$world'' are: '
    HoldingsMultiSingle: '<white>$currency<newline>Total: <gold>$amount<newline><white>Inventory: <gold>$inventory<newline><white>Ender Chest: <gold>$ender<newline><white>Virtual: <gold>$virtual'
    Holdings: <white>You currently have <gold>$amount<white> on you.
    Gave: <white>Successfully gave $player <gold>$amount<white>.
    RecipientSet: <white>Your balance has been set to <gold>$amount<white> by $player.
    Set: <white>Successfully set $player's balance to <gold>$amount<white>.
    SetAll: <white>Successfully set all players balances to <gold>$amount<white> for world $world.
    Paid: <white>Successfully paid $player <gold>$amount<white>.
    Took: <white>Successfully took <gold>$amount<white> from $player.
    Deposit: <white>Successfully deposited <gold>$amount<white> to your virtual balance.
    Withdrawn: <white>Successfully withdrew <gold>$amount<white> from your virtual balance.
    Negative: <red>Amount cannot be a negative value!
    NoCurrency: <red>The currency '$currency' could not be found in '$world'.
    SelfPay: <red>You can't pay yourself!
    PayFailedOnline: <red>Players need to be online to receive payments.
    PayFailedDistance: <red>That player is too far to pay them! You must be within $distance blocks.
    Converted: <white>Successfully exchanged '<gold>$from_amount<white>' to '<gold>$amount<white>'.
    ConvertSame: <red>You can't convert a currency into itself.
    Top: <white>=====[<gold>Economy Top<white>]===== $page/$page_top
    TopEntry: <white>$player has $amount
    PlaceholderTopEntry: $toppos - $account
    InvalidFormat: <red>I'm sorry, but the monetary value you've entered is wrong.
    ExceedsCurrencyMaximum: <red>I'm sorry, but the monetary value you've entered exceeds the maximum possible balance.
    ExceedsPlayerMaximum: <red>I'm sorry, but performing this transaction will place your balance over the maximum allowed.
    ExceedsOtherPlayerMaximum: <red>I'm sorry, but performing this transaction will place the $player's balance over the maximum allowed.
    ExceedsPlayerMinimum: <red>I'm sorry, but performing this transaction will place your balance under the minimum allowed.
    ExceedsOtherPlayerMinimum: <red>I'm sorry, but performing this transaction will place the $player's balance under the minimum allowed.
    RequestSender: <green>You have sent a request to <white>$player <green> for $amount.
    Request: <white>You have received a money request from <green>$player<white> for <gold>$amount<white>! <click:run_command:/money pay $player $amount $currency><green><underlined>Click to send them the funds!</click>
    EnderChest: <red>Some funds were put in your ender chest because your inventory was full!
    Dropped: <red>Some funds were dropped on the ground because your inventory was full!
      Save: Save
      Reset: Reset
      PreviousPageDisplay: Previous Page
      PreviousPage: Click to go to previous page.
      NextPageDisplay: Next Page
      NextPage: Click to go to next page.
      EscapeDisplay: Escape Menu
      Escape: Click to exit this menu.
      Enabled: Enabled
      Disabled: Disabled
      EnterDisplay: Enter Your Own
      FlagsDisplay: Item Flags
      EnchantsDisplay: Enchantments
      Save: Click save the amount.
      Enter: Click to enter a custom amount.
      EnterValid: 'Enter a valid decimal value:'
      Amount: The Amount
      ResetDisplay: Reset To Zero
      Reset: Click to reset the amount to zero.
      Add100: Add 100
      Add50: Add 50
      Add10: Add 10
      AddTenth: Add .10
      AddHundredth: Add .01
      Remove100: Remove 100
      Remove50: Remove 50
      Remove10: Remove 10
      RemoveTenth: Remove .10
      RemoveHundredth: Remove .01
        Currencies: Currencies
        SaveLore: Click to save the currencies.
        ResetLore: Click to clear changes, and reset to previous currencies.
        CurrencyExistsMessage: 'A currency with that identifier already exists! Enter an identifier for the currency:'
        SetIdentifierMessage: 'Enter an identifier for the currency:'
        AddCurrencyDisplay: Add Currency
        AddCurrencyLore: Click to add currency
        EnterIdentifierMessage: 'Enter an identifier for the currency:'
        EditDenominationsDisplay: Edit Denominations
        BasicCurrencyInfoDisplay: Basic Currency Information
        CurrencyFormatOptionsDisplay: Currency Format Options
        CurrencyNoteOptionsDisplay: Currency Note Options
        CurrencyTypeDisplay: 'Type: $type'
        SetCurrencyTypeLore: Set the currency type.
        AddDenominationDisplay: Add Denomination
        AddDenominationLore: Click to add denomination
        ValidDecimalMessage: 'Enter a valid decimal for the weight of the denomination:'
        DenominationExistsMessage: 'A denomination with that weight already exists! Enter a valid decimal for the weight of the denomination:'
        SetDenominationWeightMessage: 'Enter a valid decimal for the weight of the denomination:'
        SetIdentifierLore: Click to set the identifier of the currency.
        CurrencyExistsMessage: 'A currency with that identifier already exists! Enter an identifier for the currency:'
        SetIdentifierMessage: 'Enter an identifier for the currency:'
        SetIdentifierItemLore: Click to set the identifier of the currency.
        StartingBalanceDisplay: Starting Balance
        StartingBalanceLore: Set the starting balance for new accounts
        MaximumBalanceDisplay: Maximum Balance
        MaximumBalanceLore: Set the max balance for this currency
        MinimumBalanceDisplay: Minimum Balance
        MinimumBalanceLore: Set the minimum balance for this currency
        SetIconMaterialDisplay: Set Icon Material
        SetIconMaterialLore: Used as item representation in menus.
        EnderChestDisabledDisplay: EnderChest(Disabled)
        EnderChestDisabledLore: Click to Enable using ender chests for item currency balances.
        EnderChestEnabledDisplay: EnderChest(Enabled)
        EnderChestEnabledLore: Click to Disable using ender chests for item currency balances.
        EnderFillDisabledDisplay: EnderChest Fill(Disabled)
        EnderFillDisabledLore: Click to Enable Filling the ender chest when player inventory is full.
        EnderFillEnabledDisplay: EnderChest Fill(Enabled)
        EnderFillEnabledLore: Click to Disable Filling the ender chest when player inventory is full.
        ImportDisabledDisplay: Import Items(Disabled)
        ImportDisabledLore: Click to Enable importing existing items into balance when player hasn't used this currency before.
        ImportEnabledDisplay: Import Items(Enabled)
        ImportEnabledLore: Click to Disable importing existing items into balance when player hasn't used this currency before.
        BalanceFormatDisplay: Click to Set Balance Format
        BalanceFormatLore: The format that is outputted from commands
        SetSymbolMessage: 'Enter the symbol for the currency:'
        SetSymbolLore: Click to set the symbol for the currency.
        SetPrefixesMessage: 'Enter the prefixes for the currency:'
        SetPrefixesLore: Click to set the prefixes for the currency.
        SetDecimalMessage: 'Enter the decimal for the currency:'
        SetDecimalLore: Click to set the decimal for the currency.
        SetMajorSingularDisplayMessage: 'Enter the major singular display for the currency:'
        SetMajorSingularDisplayLore: Click to set the major singular display for the currency.
        SetMajorPluralDisplayMessage: 'Enter the major plural display for the currency:'
        SetMajorPluralDisplayLore: Click to set the major plural display for the currency.
        SetMinorSingularDisplayMessage: 'Enter the minor singular display for the currency:'
        SetMinorSingularDisplayLore: Click to set the minor singular display for the currency.
        SetMinorPluralDisplayMessage: 'Enter the minor plural display for the currency:'
        SetMinorPluralDisplayLore: Click to set the minor plural display for the currency.
        SeparateMajorDisabledDisplay: Separate Major Amounts(Disabled)
        SeparateMajorDisabledLore: Click to separate the major numeric every three numbers.
        SeparateMajorEnabledDisplay: Separate Major Amounts(Enabled)
        SeparateMajorEnabledLore: Click to not separate the major numeric every three numbers.
        SetMajorSeparatorMessage: 'Enter the major value separator for the currency:'
        SetMajorSeparatorLore: Click to set the major value separator for the currency.
        NotableDisabledDisplay: Notable(Disabled)
        NotableDisabledLore: Click to enable noting for this currency.
        NotableEnabledDisplay: Notable(Enabled)
        NotableEnabledLore: Click to disable noting for this currency.
        NoteMaterialDisplay: Note Material
        NoteMaterialLore: Click to set the material of the note item.
        NoteFlagsLore: Click to set the flags of the note item.
        NoteEnchantsLore: Click to set the enchantments of the note item.
        NoteMinDisplay: Minimum Note Amount
        MinLore: Minimum Required Amount for Amount
        EnterCustomModelMessage: 'Enter custom model of the note item:'
        CustomModelLore: Click to set custom model of the note item. Optional.
        NoteFeeDisplay: Note Creation Fee
        NoteFeeLore: Fee for creating Note
        Icon: Click to edit denomination
        SingularNameLore: Click to set singular name of denomination.
        SingularNameMessage: 'Enter a singular name for the denomination:'
        PluralNameLore: Click to set plural name of denomination.
        PluralNameMessage: 'Enter a plural name for the denomination:'
        SetWeightDisplay: Denomination Weight
        SetWeightLore: Click to set weight of denomination.
        SetMaterialLore: Click to set material of denomination.
        DisplayNameLore: Click to set display name of the denomination item. Optional.
        DisplayNameMessage: 'Enter display name of the denomination item:'
        NoDisplayMessage: No Display
        CustomModelLore: Click to set custom model of the denomination item. Optional.
        CustomModelMessage: 'Enter custom model of the denomination item:'
        SetBase64TextureLore: Click to set the base64 texture to use if the material of the denomination item is PLAYER_HEAD.
        SetBase64TextureMessage: 'Enter the base64 texture to use if the material of the denomination item is PLAYER_HEAD:'
        NoTextureMessage: No Texture
        LoreStringLore: Click to set the lore string this denomination item must have in order to be considered currency.
        LoreStringMessage: 'Enter the lore string this denomination item must have in order to be considered currency. Use newline for a different line:'
        NoLoreMessage: No Lore
        FlagsLore: Click to set flags of denomination item.
        EnchantsLore: Click to set enchantments of denomination item.
        Add: Click to add to format.
        Own: Click to enter your own text to add to the format.
        OwnDisplay: Enter your own
        OwnChat: 'Enter your own text to add to the format:'
        ResetDisplay: Reset Format to nothing
        Reset: Click to reset the format to a blank string.
        Format: This is the current format you've selected
        None: Nothing Entered Yet
        Space: SPACE CHARACTER
        Save: Click to save the format.
        Select: Click to select account.
        Save: Click to save the currencies.
        Edit: Click to edit currency.
        AddDisplay: Add Currency
        Add: Click to add currency.
        Exists: 'A currency with that identifier already exists! Enter an identifier for the currency:'
        EnterValid: 'Enter an identifier for the currency:'
        EditDenom: Edit Denominations
        EditInfo: Basic Currency Information
        EditFormat: Currency Format Options
        EditNote: Currency Note Options
        TypeDisplay: 'Type: $type'
        Type: Set the currency type.
        Add: Click to add this enchant.
        Remove: Click to remove this enchant.
        Save: Click to save the enchantments.
        Add: Clicked to add this flag.
        Remove: Clicked to remove this flag.
        Save: Click to save the flags.
        Select: Click to select material.
        Balance: 'Balance: $balance'
        Pay: Left click to pay account using currency.
        Other: Press Q for other actions using currency.
        Note: Right click to create physical currency note.
        Breakdown: Right click to view balance breakdown.
        ConvertDisplay: Convert Currency
        Convert: Click to convert this currency to another
        DepositDisplay: Deposit Currency
        Deposit: Click to deposit some physical currency to your virtual balance.
        WithdrawDisplay: Withdraw Currency
        Withdraw: Click to withdraw some physical currency from your virtual balance.
        Balance: 'Balance: $balance'
        Select: Click to select currency.
        MaxDisplay: Add Max
        Max: Adds your entire balance.
        Player: Player action will be performed on.
      VIRTUAL_HOLDINGS: Virtual Holdings
      EXPERIENCE_HOLDINGS: Experience Holdings
      INVENTORY_HOLDINGS: Inventory Holdings
      ENDER_HOLDINGS: Ender Chest Holdings
    Sure: <red>Are you sure that you want to delete currency $currency? Type "confirm" to delete, or anything else to not delete.
    Only: <red>You're not able to delete the only currency that is loaded.
    Deleted: <yellow>You have successfully deleted the currency $currency.
    Created: <white>You gave a note to $player in the amount of <gold>$amount<white> for currency <green>$currency<white>.
    Given: <white>A note has been given to you in the amount of <gold>$amount<white> for currency <green>$currency<white>.
    Claimed: <white>Successfully claimed note for currency <green>$currency<white> in the amount of <gold>$amount<white>.
    Failed: <red>I'm sorry, but your attempt to claim that currency note failed!.
    Minimum: <red>The minimum note amount of $amount was not met.
    Name: Currency Note
    Currency: 'Currency: $currency'
    Region: 'Region: $region'
    Amount: 'Amount: $amount'
    Action: Right click to claim note.
    Dropped: <red>Your inventory was full, so your currency note was dropped on the ground.
    CreateOffline: <red>You can't create notes for an offline player!
      Failed: Setup failed during step '$step'!
      Successful: Setup has sucessfully completed!
      StepComplete: Setup step '$step' has successfully been completed.
      Identifier: conversion
    Already: <red>The transaction with the ID of $transaction has already been voided.
    Away: <white>=====[<green>Missed Transactions</green>]===== $page/$page_top<newline>ID | Type
    AwayEntry: <green><click:run_command:/transaction info $id>$id</click> <white>|</white> $type
    AwayNone: <red>No transactions occured while you were offline.
    AwayJoin: <white>You missed some transactions while you were gone. <green><click:run_command:/transaction away>View Them Now</click>!
    HistoryNone: No transactions to show!
    History: <white>=====[<green>Transactions<white>]===== $page/$page_top<newline>ID | Type | Initiator | Recipient
    HistoryEntry: <green><click:run_command:/transaction info $id>$id</click> <white>| <green>$type <white>| <green>$initiator <white>| <green>$recipient
    Info: '<white>Transaction Information:<newline><white>ID: <green>$id<newline><white>Type: <green>$type'
    Invalid: <red>There is no transaction with the ID of $transaction.
    Unable: <red>Unable to void that transaction at this time.
    Voided: <white>Successfully voided the transaction with the ID of <green>$transaction<white>.
      Title: '=====<white> Help for <green>$command</green> Page: <green>$page</green> ====='
      Entry: <gold>$command $arguments - <white>$description</white>
      Arguments: '[page]'
      Description: Command help pages.
        Arguments: ''
        Description: Creates a backup of all server data.
        Arguments: <name> [balance]
        Description: Creates a new non-player economy account.<newline>- name - The name of the account.<newline>- Balance ~ The starting balance of the account.
        Arguments: ''
        Description: Toggles console debug mode.
        Arguments: <player>
        Description: Deletes a player account.<newline>- Player ~ The account owner.
        Arguments: ''
        Description: Extracts all player balances with their username attached for database-related debugging.
        Arguments: ''
        Description: The main admin command for TNE.
        Arguments: ''
        Description: Opens the MyEco menu
        Arguments: ''
        Description: Deletes all player accounts that have the default balance
        Arguments: '[configuration]'
        Description: Saves modifications made via command, and reloads a configuration file.<newline>- Configuration ~ The identifier of the configuration to reload. Default is all.
        Arguments: ''
        Description: Deletes all economy-related data from the database.
        Arguments: ''
        Description: Restores all balances that are located in extracted.yml after /tne extract.
        Arguments: ''
        Description: Force saves all TNE data.
        Arguments: <player> [status]
        Description: Displays, or sets, the current account status of an account.<newline>- Player ~ The account owner.
        Arguments: ''
        Description: Displays the version of TNE currently running.
        Arguments: '[url]'
        Description: Displays available modules at the specified url, or defaults to TNE's core modules.<newline>- url ~ The url to use for the check, only use if you know what you're doing.
        Arguments: <name> [url]
        Description: Attempts to download the specified module.<newline>- url ~ The url to use, only use if you know what you're doing, defaults to TNE's core modules url.
        Arguments: <module>
        Description: Displays some information about a module.<newline>- Module ~ The module to look up.
        Arguments: ''
        Description: Lists all loaded TNE modules.
        Arguments: <module>
        Description: Load a module from the modules directory.<newline>- Module ~ The module to load.
        Arguments: '[currency] [region]'
        Description: Displays your current holdings.
        Arguments: <amount> <to currency> [from currency]
        Description: Convert some of your holdings to another currency.
        Arguments: <amount> [currency]
        Description: Deposits money from an item form into a virtual bank for mixed currencies.
        Arguments: <player> <amount> [currency] [world]
        Description: Adds money into your economy, and gives it to a player.
        Arguments: <player> <amount> [currency]
        Description: Gives a player a physical money note they can redeem for monies.
        Arguments: <amount> [currency]
        Description: Makes your virtual currency physical, for storage/trading purposes.
        Arguments: '[currency]'
        Description: Opens the MyBal menu
        Arguments: <player> [currency] [region]
        Description: Retrieves the balance of a player.<newline>- Player ~ The account owner.<newline>- World ~ The world to retrieve the balance from.<newline>- currency ~ The currency to retrieve the balance of.
        Arguments: <player> <amount> [currency]
        Description: Use some of your holdings to pay another player.
        Arguments: <player> <amount> [currency]
        Description: Request money from a player.
        Arguments: <player> <amount> [currency] [world]
        Description: Set the holdings of a player.
        Arguments: <amount> [currency] [world]
        Description: Set the holdings of all players.
        Arguments: <player> <amount> [currency] [world]
        Description: Removes money from your economy, specifically from a player's balance.
        Arguments: '[page] [currency] [world] [limit]'
        Description: A list of players with the highest balances.<newline>[page] - The page number to view. Defaults to 1.<newline>[Currency] - The name of the Currency to get balances from. Defaults to world default. Use overall for all currencies.<newline>[world] - The world name you wish to filter, or all for every world. Defaults to current world. Use overall for all worlds.<newline>[limit] - Limit changes how many players are displayed. Defaults to 10.
        Arguments: <amount> [currency]
        Description: Withdraws money from your virtual balance into its item form.
        Arguments: '[page #]'
        Description: Displays transactions that you missed since the last time you were on.
        Arguments: '[page] [world] [player]'
        Description: See a detailed break down of your transaction history.<newline>- Page ~ The page number you wish to view.<newline>- World ~ The world name you wish to filter, or all for every world. Defaults to current world.
        Arguments: <uuid>
        Description: Displays information about a transaction.<newline>- UUID ~ The id of the transaction.
        Arguments: <uuid>
        Description: Undoes a previously completed transaction.<newline>- UUID ~ The id of the transaction.
posted @ 2024-10-04 13:40  DrJIE  阅读(8)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报