


编号 内容 注释
BTM000 Bytom API Error 非比原标准错误
BTM001 Request timed out API请求超时
BTM002 Invalid request body 非法的API请求体


编号 内容 注释
BTM103 A peer core is operating on a different blockchain network 区块链网络类型不匹配


编号 内容 注释
BTM200 Quorum must be greater than 1 and less than or equal to the length of xpubs 需要签名的个数超过实际需求签名的个数
BTM201 Invalid xpub format 签名格式错误
BTM202 At least one xpub is required 缺少主公钥
BTM204 Root XPubs cannot contain the same key more than once 主公钥重复


72X - 73X 构建交易错误

编号 内容 注释
BTM700 Funds of account are insufficient 资产余额不足
BTM701 Available funds of account are immature coinbase交易未成熟,币不可花费
BTM702 Available UTXOs of account have been reserved 资产被锁定五分钟,不可花费(一般密码输入错误会产生)
BTM703 Not found UTXO with given hash UTXO不属于当前钱包
BTM704 Invalid action type action类型不存在
BTM705 Invalid action object action输入内容错误
BTM706 Invalid action construction action结构错误(只有输入或者只有输出)
BTM707 One or more fields are missing action输入内容缺失
BTM708 Invalid asset amount 资产数量格式错误(超过最大数量)
BTM709 Not found account 账户不存在
BTM710 Not found asset 资产不存在

73X - 75X 验证交易错误

编号 内容 注释
BTM730 Invalid transaction version 交易版本不对
BTM731 Invalid transaction size 交易大小不能为0
BTM732 Invalid transaction time range 超出交易时间范围,用于将停留时间过久的未确认交易作废
BTM733 Not standard transaction 不是标准的交易,使用合约地址接受BTM时报错
BTM734 Invalid coinbase transaction 非法coinbase交易
BTM735 Invalid coinbase assetID 非法的coinbase资产ID
BTM736 Invalid coinbase arbitrary size coinbase尺寸过大,附加数据超过一定限制
BTM737 No results in the transaction 交易action hash缺失
BTM738 Mismatched assetID 不匹配的资产ID,发布资产时资产ID错误
BTM739 Mismatched value source/dest position 不匹配的action位置
BTM740 Mismatched reference 不匹配的引用
BTM741 Mismatched value 不匹配的值,action的资产值不匹配
BTM742 Missing required field 不匹配的字段,action输入的资产值类型不匹配
BTM743 No source for value 输入源不存在
BTM744 Arithmetic overflow/underflow 计算溢出,资产计算值超出限制
BTM745 Invalid source or destination position action位置不匹配
BTM746 Unbalanced asset amount between input and output 输入输出非BTM资产总量不平衡
BTM747 Gas credit has been spent UTXO数量超过上限(当前为21个)
BTM748 Gas usage calculate got a math error Gas运算错误

76X - 78X 虚拟机错误

编号 内容 注释
BTM760 Alt stack underflow 子虚拟机栈溢出
BTM761 Bad value 非法栈数据
BTM762 Wrong context context值错误,context为虚拟机执行上下文
BTM763 Data stack underflow 虚拟机数据溢出
BTM764 Disallowed opcode 虚拟机指令不存在
BTM765 Division by zero 除零错误
BTM766 False result for executing VM 虚拟机执行结果为Fasle
BTM767 Program size exceeds max int32 合约的字节大小超过int32上限
BTM768 Arithmetic range error 计算出错
BTM769 RETURN executed 执行opfail指令返回的结果
BTM770 Run limit exceeded because the BTM Fee is insufficient Gas费用不足,引起合约终止
BTM771 Unexpected end of program 合约程序参数输入错误
BTM772 Unrecognized token 不识别的虚拟机指令数据
BTM773 Unexpected error 异常错误
BTM774 Unsupported VM because the version of VM is mismatched 虚拟机版本不匹配
BTM775 VERIFY failed verify指令执行失败

8XX 为HSM相关错误

编号 内容 注释
BTM800 Key Alias already exists 密钥别名重复
BTM801 Invalid after in query 此错误已废弃
BTM802 Key not found or wrong password 密钥不存在或者密码错误
BTM803 Requested key aliases exceeds limit 此错误已废弃
BTM804 Could not decrypt key with given passphrase 解密流程失败
BTM860 Request could not be authenticated access token错误
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