lc面试准备:Regular Expression Matching
1 题目
Implement regular expression matching with support for '.'
and '*'
'.' Matches any single character. '*' Matches zero or more of the preceding element. The matching should cover the entire input string (not partial). The function prototype should be: bool isMatch(const char *s, const char *p) Some examples: isMatch("aa","a") → false isMatch("aa","aa") → true isMatch("aaa","aa") → false isMatch("aa", "a*") → true isMatch("aa", ".*") → true isMatch("ab", ".*") → true isMatch("aab", "c*a*b") → true
boolean isMatch(String s, String p);
2 思路
Time:O(n) Space:O(n!)
3 代码
1 public boolean isMatch(String s, String p) { 2 3 if (p.length() == 0) 4 return s.length() == 0; 5 6 // p's length 1 is special case 7 // next char is not '*',then must match 8 if (p.length() == 1 || p.charAt(1) != '*') { 9 if (s.length() < 1 || (p.charAt(0) != '.' && s.charAt(0) != p.charAt(0))) 10 return false; 11 return isMatch(s.substring(1), p.substring(1)); 12 } else { // next char is '*' 13 int len = s.length(); 14 int i = -1; 15 while (i < len 16 && (i < 0 || p.charAt(0) == '.' || p.charAt(0) == s.charAt(i))) { 17 if (isMatch(s.substring(i + 1), p.substring(2))) 18 return true; 19 i++; 20 } 21 return false; 22 } 23 }
4 总结
- 正则匹配的思路:主要是对*的处理。
- 对于'a*' 这种,从尽量不匹配到匹配1个a、2个a、3个a,让后看后面的匹配算式P,是否可以匹配到目标子串中。只要有一次匹配成功,便是成功的。
- 具体实例run的过程,请参考戴牛的3.6 Regular Expression Matching
5 扩展
6 参考
posted on 2015-04-02 17:37 BYRHuangQiang 阅读(526) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报