GLSL Core Tutorial – Vertex Shader
in int gl_VertexID; in int gl_InstanceID;
out gl_PerVertex { vec4 gl_Position; float gl_PointSize; float gl_ClipDistance[]; };
#version 410 layout (std140) uniform Matrices { mat4 projModelViewMatrix; //mvp矩阵 mat3 normalMatrix; //法线矩阵 }; in vec3 position; //顶点 in vec3 normal; //法线 in vec2 texCoord; //纹理 out VertexData { //输出顶点属性块 vec2 texCoord; vec3 normal; } VertexOut; void main() { VertexOut.texCoord = texCoord; VertexOut.normal = normalize(normalMatrix * normal); gl_Position = projModelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0); //对顶点进行坐标变换 }
上面的顶点shader接收三个用户自定义的顶点属性:position, normal, texCoord。它接受一个叫做Matrices的 unifrom块,包含着两个对顶点和法线进行变换的矩阵。 顶点shader的输出同样是用户定义的属性,texCoorOut和normal, 和一个GLSL内置的属性gl_Position(以gl_开头的变量)。要注意的是输出变量也包含在一个名字块里。输出在main函数中计算得到。每一种shader都必须要main函数,跟C程序一样,也可以定义其它附加的函数。
Notes regarding performance
Performance wise, there is a vertex cache that stores the outputs of the last n processed vertices. Before a new vertex is processed, its index is checked against the indices in the vertex cache. If the index is in the vertex cache, the respective previously processed data is sent to the remaining of the pipeline without further processing.
Taking advantage of the vertex cache, can therefore improve performance when using indexes, either explicitly, or implicitly, as in triangle strips and fans. For instance, in a triangle strip, at most one vertex per new triangle will be processed. When using indexes with regular triangles, the gain is not as easy to compute, and the indices may require a reorganization of the vertex data to improve vertex cache hits.
When the vertex data is not a strip, it can be converted to a strip or a set of strips. NVTriStrip is a tool from NVIDIA that performes this task. It takes the array of indices and tries to create strips as large as possible. Other approaches, namely Tom Forsyth’s algorithm (based on a cache of vertices using a least recently used (LRU) replacement policy), reorganize the index data to increase hits, keeping the GL_TRIANGLES
mode. Tootle, Triangle Order Optimization Tool, is an AMD tool to optimize models, to reduce pixel overdraw and increase post-transform cache and vertex prefecth cache hits. This latter improvment is achieved by the reorganization of the vertex data itself, so that vertices in a triangle are close to each other on memory. Adrian Stone has written an article where several algorithms are disscussed and tested. Ignacio Castaño has focused on grids on this article.
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