超能饮料 (关键字: chemical)文明盛世旗下的化工产品实验室一直在研究如何配制能够提高工程师生产效率、保持他们头脑清醒的新型兴奋剂。
<machine name> <orig compound> <new compound> <price>(分别对应的中文意思是设备名称、源化合物、新化合物、价格)
设备名称 源化合物 新化合物 价格
M1 C1 C2 277317
M2 C2 C1 26247
M3 C1 C3 478726
M4 C3 C1 930382
M5 C2 C3 370287
M6 C3 C2 112344
2 3 6
//============================================================================ // Name : chemical.cpp // Author : byfei // Version : // Copyright : Your copyright notice // Description : chemical in C++, Ansi-style //============================================================================ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <list> #include <map> #include <vector> //#include <windows.h> using namespace std; typedef int Tint32; typedef bool TBool; /* 题目 M1 C1 C2 277317 M2 C2 C1 26247 M3 C1 C3 478726 M4 C3 C1 930382 M5 C2 C3 370287 M6 C3 C2 112344 输出 617317 2 3 6 */ struct Data { Tint32 m_nM1; Tint32 m_nPrice; Data(Tint32 nM1,Tint32 nPrice): m_nM1(nM1),m_nPrice(nPrice) { } }; typedef list<Data> ListData; typedef map<Tint32,ListData> MapList; typedef map<Tint32,Tint32> MapInt; MapList SrcList; //新化合物列表需要的源化合物列表 MapList DestList; //源化合物能生成的新化合物列表 MapInt PriceByM; //根据机器编号获得价格 MapInt MinList; //最小价格机器编号列表 vector <int>a; //机器编号列表 Tint32 minPrice = 0; //总最小价格 //根据设备编号删掉多余的设备 void DelNum(MapList &SrcList,MapList &DestList,Tint32 nM) { MapList::iterator itr = SrcList.begin(); for (itr;itr != SrcList.end();++itr) { ListData::iterator it = itr->second.begin(); for (;it != itr->second.end();++it) { if(nM == it->m_nM1) { itr->second.erase(it); break; } } } MapList::iterator itor = DestList.begin(); for (itor;itor != DestList.end();++itor) { ListData::iterator it = itor->second.begin(); for (;it != itor->second.end();++it) { if(nM == it->m_nM1) { itor->second.erase(it); return; } } } } //获得这个设备所在容器的数量 Tint32 GetNum(MapList &DataList,Tint32 nM) { MapList::iterator itr = DataList.begin(); for (itr;itr != DataList.end();++itr) { ListData::iterator it = itr->second.begin(); for (;it != itr->second.end();++it) { if(nM == it->m_nM1) { return itr->second.size(); } } } return 0; } void myswap(int &a,int &b) { int temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } //根据机器编号的全排列,排除法求最小值 void fuc(vector<int> &a,int n,int len) { if(n==1) { MapList TmpSrcList = SrcList; MapList TmpDestList = DestList; Tint32 nValue = 0; MapInt TmpMinList;; for(int i=0;i<len;++i) { Tint32 nM = a[i]; Tint32 nNumSrc = GetNum(TmpSrcList,nM); Tint32 nNumDest = GetNum(TmpDestList,nM); if(1< nNumSrc && 1 < nNumDest) { DelNum(TmpSrcList, TmpDestList,nM); } else { Tint32 nPrice = PriceByM[nM]; TmpMinList[nM] = nPrice; nValue += nPrice; } if(0 != minPrice && minPrice < nValue) { break; } } if(0 == minPrice || nValue <minPrice) { MinList = TmpMinList; minPrice = nValue; } } for(int i=0;i<n;++i) { myswap(a[i],a[n-1]); fuc(a, n-1,len); myswap(a[i],a[n-1]); } } TBool LoadData(Tint32 nM,Tint32 nC1,Tint32 nC2,Tint32 nPrice) { PriceByM[nM] = nPrice; a.push_back(nM); //分为两类,源化合物能生成的新化合物,新化合物需要的原化合物 Tint32 nSrc = nC1; //源化合物 Tint32 nDest = nC2; //新化合物 MapList::iterator Srcitr = SrcList.find(nSrc); MapList::iterator Destitr = DestList.find(nDest); if(Srcitr == SrcList.end()) { ListData TmpData; TmpData.push_back(Data(nM,nPrice)); SrcList[nSrc] = TmpData; } else { Srcitr->second.push_back(Data(nM,nPrice)); } if(Destitr == DestList.end()) { ListData TmpData; TmpData.push_back(Data(nM,nPrice)); DestList[nDest] = TmpData; } else { Destitr->second.push_back(Data(nM,nPrice)); } return true; } int main() { //Tint32 nStar = GetTickCount(); char buffer[256]; char filename[256]; cout<<"Enter name of data file: "; cin.getline(filename,256); //char filename[256] = "d:\\chemical.txt"; ifstream myfile (filename); if(!myfile){ cout << "Unable to open myfile"; exit(1); } Tint32 m,c1,c2,p; while (! myfile.eof() ) { myfile.getline (buffer,100); sscanf(buffer,"%*c%d %*c%d %*c%d %d",&m,&c1,&c2,&p); LoadData(m,c1,c2,p); //cout<<m<<" "<<c1<<" "<<c2<<" "<<p<<endl; } Tint32 nLen = a.size(); fuc(a, nLen, nLen); cout<<minPrice<<endl; MapInt::iterator itr = MinList.begin(); for (itr;itr != MinList.end();++itr) { cout<<itr->first<<" "; } cout<<endl; //cout<<GetTickCount()-nStar<<endl; //system("pause"); return 0; }
//============================================================================ // Name : chemical.cpp // Author : byfei // Version : // Copyright : Your copyright notice // Description : chemical in C++, Ansi-style //============================================================================ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <list> #include <map> #include <algorithm> //#include <windows.h> using namespace std; /* 题目 M1 C1 C2 277317 M2 C2 C1 26247 M3 C1 C3 478726 M4 C3 C1 930382 M5 C2 C3 370287 M6 C3 C2 112344 输出 617317 2 3 6 */ typedef int Tint32; typedef bool TBool; const int MAX = 100; Tint32 nLen = 0; struct Data { Tint32 m_nM1; Tint32 m_nPrice; Data(Tint32 nM1,Tint32 nPrice): m_nM1(nM1),m_nPrice(nPrice) { } }; typedef list<Data> ListData; typedef map<Tint32,ListData> MapList; typedef map<Tint32,Tint32> MapInt; MapList SrcList; //新化合物列表需要的源化合物列表 MapList DestList; //源化合物能生成的新化合物列表 MapInt PriceByM; //根据机器编号获得价格 MapInt MinList; //最小价格机器编号列表 int a[MAX]; //机器编号列表 Tint32 minPrice = 0; //总最小价格 //根据设备编号删掉多余的设备 void DelNum(MapList &SrcList,MapList &DestList,Tint32 nM) { MapList::iterator itr = SrcList.begin(); for (itr;itr != SrcList.end();++itr) { ListData::iterator it = itr->second.begin(); for (;it != itr->second.end();++it) { if(nM == it->m_nM1) { itr->second.erase(it); goto loop; break; } } } loop: MapList::iterator itor = DestList.begin(); for (itor;itor != DestList.end();++itor) { ListData::iterator it = itor->second.begin(); for (;it != itor->second.end();++it) { if(nM == it->m_nM1) { itor->second.erase(it); return; } } } } //获得这个设备所在容器的数量 Tint32 GetNum(MapList &DataList,Tint32 nM) { MapList::iterator itr = DataList.begin(); for (itr;itr != DataList.end();++itr) { ListData::iterator it = itr->second.begin(); for (;it != itr->second.end();++it) { if(nM == it->m_nM1) { return itr->second.size(); } } } return 0; } void myswap(int &a,int &b) { int temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } //根据机器编号的全排列,排除法求最小值 void permutation(int a[],int length) { sort(a,a+length); do { MapList TmpSrcList = SrcList; MapList TmpDestList = DestList; Tint32 nValue = 0; MapInt TmpMinList;; for(int i=0;i<length;i++) { Tint32 nM = a[i]; Tint32 nNumSrc = GetNum(TmpSrcList,nM); Tint32 nNumDest = GetNum(TmpDestList,nM); if(1< nNumSrc && 1 < nNumDest) { DelNum(TmpSrcList, TmpDestList,nM); } else { Tint32 nPrice = PriceByM[nM]; TmpMinList[nM] = nPrice; nValue += nPrice; } if(0 != minPrice && minPrice < nValue) { break; } } if(0 == minPrice || nValue <minPrice) { MinList = TmpMinList; minPrice = nValue; } } while(next_permutation(a,a+length)); } TBool LoadData(Tint32 nM,Tint32 nC1,Tint32 nC2,Tint32 nPrice) { PriceByM[nM] = nPrice; a[nLen] = nM; //分为两类,源化合物能生成的新化合物,新化合物需要的原化合物 Tint32 nSrc = nC1; //源化合物 Tint32 nDest = nC2; //新化合物 MapList::iterator Srcitr = SrcList.find(nSrc); MapList::iterator Destitr = DestList.find(nDest); if(Srcitr == SrcList.end()) { ListData TmpData; TmpData.push_back(Data(nM,nPrice)); SrcList[nSrc] = TmpData; } else { Srcitr->second.push_back(Data(nM,nPrice)); } if(Destitr == DestList.end()) { ListData TmpData; TmpData.push_back(Data(nM,nPrice)); DestList[nDest] = TmpData; } else { Destitr->second.push_back(Data(nM,nPrice)); } nLen++; return true; } int main() { //Tint32 nStar = GetTickCount(); char buffer[256]; char filename[256]; cout<<"Enter name of data file: "; cin.getline(filename,256); //char filename[256] = "d:\\chemical.txt"; ifstream myfile (filename); if(!myfile){ cout << "Unable to open myfile"; exit(1); } Tint32 m,c1,c2,p; while (! myfile.eof() ) { myfile.getline (buffer,100); sscanf(buffer,"%*c%d %*c%d %*c%d %d",&m,&c1,&c2,&p); LoadData(m,c1,c2,p); //cout<<m<<" "<<c1<<" "<<c2<<" "<<p<<endl; } permutation(a, nLen); cout<<minPrice<<endl; MapInt::iterator itr = MinList.begin(); for (itr;itr != MinList.end();++itr) { cout<<itr->first<<" "; } cout<<endl; //cout<<GetTickCount()-nStar<<endl; //system("pause"); return 0; }
//============================================================================ // Name : chemical.cpp // Author : byfei // Version : // Copyright : Your copyright notice // Description : chemical in C++, Ansi-style //============================================================================ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <list> #include <map> //#include <windows.h> using namespace std; /* 题目 M1 C1 C2 277317 M2 C2 C1 26247 M3 C1 C3 478726 M4 C3 C1 930382 M5 C2 C3 370287 M6 C3 C2 112344 输出 617317 2 3 6 */ typedef int Tint32; typedef bool TBool; const int MAX = 100; //最大机器种类 Tint32 nLen = 0; //机器实际种类 struct Data { Tint32 m_nM1; Tint32 m_nPrice; Data(Tint32 nM1,Tint32 nPrice): m_nM1(nM1),m_nPrice(nPrice) { } }; typedef list<Data> ListData; typedef map<Tint32,ListData> MapList; typedef map<Tint32,Tint32> MapInt; MapList SrcList; //新化合物列表需要的源化合物列表 MapList DestList; //源化合物能生成的新化合物列表 MapInt PriceByM; //根据机器编号获得价格 MapInt DelList; //被排除掉机器价格机器编号列表 Tint32 MaxPrice = 0; //所有机器总价格 Tint32 removePrice = 0; //排除掉的机器价格 int a[MAX]; //机器编号列表 //根据设备编号删掉多余的设备 void DelNum(MapList &SrcList,MapList &DestList,Tint32 nM) { MapList::iterator itr = SrcList.begin(); for (itr;itr != SrcList.end();++itr) { ListData::iterator it = itr->second.begin(); for (;it != itr->second.end();++it) { if(nM == it->m_nM1) { itr->second.erase(it); goto loop; } } } loop: MapList::iterator itor = DestList.begin(); for (itor;itor != DestList.end();++itor) { ListData::iterator it = itor->second.begin(); for (;it != itor->second.end();++it) { if(nM == it->m_nM1) { itor->second.erase(it); return; } } } } //获得这个设备所在容器的数量 Tint32 GetNum(MapList &DataList,Tint32 nM) { MapList::iterator itr = DataList.begin(); for (itr;itr != DataList.end();++itr) { ListData::iterator it = itr->second.begin(); for (;it != itr->second.end();++it) { if(nM == it->m_nM1) { return itr->second.size(); } } } return 0; } void myswap(int &a,int &b) { int temp = a; a = b; b = temp; } //根据机器编号的全排列,排除法求最小值 void combine(int a[], int n, int m) { m = m > n ? n : m; int* order = new int[m+1]; for(int i=0; i<=m; i++) order[i] = i-1; int k = m; bool flag = true; while(order[0] == -1) { if(flag) { MapList TmpSrcList = SrcList; MapList TmpDestList = DestList; Tint32 nValue = 0; MapInt TmpMinList; for(int i=1; i<=m; i++) { Tint32 nM = a[order[i]]; //机器编号 Tint32 nNumSrc = GetNum(TmpSrcList,nM); Tint32 nNumDest = GetNum(TmpDestList,nM); if(1< nNumSrc && 1 < nNumDest) { DelNum(TmpSrcList, TmpDestList,nM); Tint32 nPrice = PriceByM[nM]; TmpMinList[nM] = nPrice; nValue += nPrice; } } if(0 == removePrice || removePrice <nValue) { DelList = TmpMinList; removePrice = nValue; } flag = false; } order[k]++; if(order[k] == n) { order[k--] = 0; continue; } if(k < m) { order[++k] = order[k-1]; continue; } if(k == m) flag = true; } delete[] order; } TBool LoadData(Tint32 nM,Tint32 nC1,Tint32 nC2,Tint32 nPrice) { if(MAX < nM) { return false; } a[nLen] = nM; PriceByM[nM] = nPrice; //分为两类,源化合物能生成的新化合物,新化合物需要的原化合物 Tint32 nSrc = nC1; //源化合物 Tint32 nDest = nC2; //新化合物 MapList::iterator Srcitr = SrcList.find(nSrc); MapList::iterator Destitr = DestList.find(nDest); if(Srcitr == SrcList.end()) { ListData TmpData; TmpData.push_back(Data(nM,nPrice)); SrcList[nSrc] = TmpData; } else { Srcitr->second.push_back(Data(nM,nPrice)); } if(Destitr == DestList.end()) { ListData TmpData; TmpData.push_back(Data(nM,nPrice)); DestList[nDest] = TmpData; } else { Destitr->second.push_back(Data(nM,nPrice)); } nLen++; MaxPrice+=nPrice; return true; } int main() { //Tint32 nStar = GetTickCount(); char buffer[256]; char filename[256]; cout<<"Enter name of data file: "; cin.getline(filename,256); //char filename[256] = "d:\\chemical.txt"; ifstream myfile (filename); if(!myfile) { cout << "Unable to open myfile"; exit(1); } Tint32 m,c1,c2,p; while (! myfile.eof() ) { myfile.getline (buffer,100); sscanf(buffer,"%*c%d %*c%d %*c%d %d",&m,&c1,&c2,&p); if(!LoadData(m,c1,c2,p)) { cout << "M number is to big"; exit(1); } //cout<<m<<" "<<c1<<" "<<c2<<" "<<p<<endl; } myfile.close(); int N = nLen - SrcList.size(); //化合物种数 combine(a, nLen, N); cout<<MaxPrice - removePrice<<endl; for (int i=0;i < nLen;++i) { if(a[i]!=0) { if(DelList.find(a[i])==DelList.end()) cout<<a[i]<<" "; } } cout<<endl; //cout<<GetTickCount()-nStar<<endl; //system("pause"); return 0; }
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