Lesson 49 At the butcher's




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Lesson 49  At the butcher's  在肉店
Listen to the tape then answer this question. What does Mr. Bird like?
BUTCHER:Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird?
MRS. BIRD:Yes, please.
BUTCHER:Do you want beef or lamb?
MRS. BIRD:Beef, please.
BUTCHER:This lamb's very good.
MRS. BIRD:I like lamb, but my husband doesn't.
BUTCHER:What about some steak?  This is a nice piece.
MRS.BIRD:Give me that piece, please.
MRS.BIRD:And a pound of mince, too.
BUTCHER:Do you want a chicken, Mrs. Bird?  They're very nice.
MRS.BIRD:No, thank you.
MRS.BIRD:My husband likes steak, but he doesn't like chicken.
BUTCHER:To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird, I don't like chicken either!
New words and expressions生词和短语
butcher / n. 卖肉的
meat / n. (食用)肉
beef / n. 牛肉
lamb / n 羔羊肉
husband / n. 丈夫
steak / n. 牛排
mince /n. 肉馅,绞肉
chicken / n. 鸡
tell / v. 告诉
truth / n. 实情
either / adv. 也(用于否定句)
Notes on the text课文注释
1 Do you want beef or lamb?
2 I like lamb, but my husband doesn't.
句中的doesn't后面省略了like lamb。用but连接的并列句,在后一分句中可以省略与前一分句中相同的谓语动词和宾语。
3 To tell you the truth(或To tell the truth),意思是:“老实说”,“说实话”。
4 I don't like chicken either.
肉    商:您今天要买点肉吗,伯德夫人?伯德夫人:是的,我买一点。
肉    商:您要牛肉还是要羔羊肉?
肉    商:这羔羊肉很好。
肉    商:您要买只鸡吗,伯德夫人?这些鸡很好。伯德夫人:不要了,谢谢。

Lesson 50  He likes…  他喜欢……
But he doesn't like…  但是他不喜欢……
Listen to the tape and answer the questions.
New words and expressions生词和短语
tomato / n. 西红柿
potato / n. 土豆
cabbage / n. 卷心菜
lettuce /n. 莴苣
pea / n. 豌豆
bean / n. 豆角
pear / n. 梨
grape / n. 葡萄
peach / n. 桃
Written exercises书面练习
A Complete these sentences using an not, aren't, isn't, can't, don't or doesn't.
完成以下句子,用am not, aren't, isn't, can't, don't或doesn't填空。
1 He likes coffee, but I______.
2 She likes tea, but he ______.
3 He is eating some bread, but she ______.
4 She can type very well, but he ______.
5 They are working hard, but we ______.
6 He is reading a magazine, but I______.
B Answer these questions using I, he or she.
模仿例句回答以下问题,选用I, he或she。
Does Penny like tomatoes?
Yes, she does.
She likes tomatoes, but she doesn't want any.
Do you like potatoes?
Yes, I do.
I like potatoes, but I don't want any.
1 Does Sam like cabbage?
2 Does Sam like lettuce?
3 Do you like peas?
4 Does Mrs. White like beaus?
5 Do you like bananas?
6 Does Mr. Jones like oranges?
7 Does George like apples?
8 Does Elizabeth like pears?
9 Do you like grapes?
10 Does Carol like peaches?
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