Lesson 41 Penny's bag


Lesson 41  Penny's bag  彭妮的提包
Listen to the tape then answer this question. Who is the tin of tobacco for?
SAM:Is that bag heavy, Penny?
PENNY:Not very.
SAM:Here! Put it on this chair. What's in it?
PENNY:A piece of cheese.
                       A loaf of bread.
                       A bar of soap.
                       A bar of chocolate.
                       A bottle of milk.
                       A pound of sugar.
                       Half a pound of coffee.
                       A quarter of a pound of tea.
                       And a tin of tobacco.
SAM:Is that tin of tobacco for me?
PENNY:Well, it's certainly not for me!
New words and expressions 生词和短语
cheese / n. 乳酪,干酪
bread / n. 面包
soap / n. 肥皂
chocolate / n. 巧克力
sugar / n. 糖
coffee / n. 咖啡
tea / n. 茶
tobacco / n. 烟草,烟丝
Notes on the text 课文注释
1 Not very. 是“It is not very heavy.”的省略形式,常用于口语中。
2 a piece of, 一块,一张,一片,用在不可数名词前,表示数量,又如:a piece of bread, 一片面包。
a loaf of, 一个;
a bar of, 一条;
a bottle of, 一瓶;
a pound of, 一磅;
half a pound of, 半磅;
a tin of, 一听。

Lesson 42  Is there a …in/on that…?
Listen to the tape and answer the questions.
New words and expressions 生词和短语
bird/b&*:d/n. 鸟
any/'eni/det. 一些
some/s)m/det. 一些
Note on the text课文注释
some和any是英文中表示数量的限定词,它们一般不能精确地说明数量究竟有多大,在汉语中往往译为“一些”。some一般用于肯定句中,any一般用于不能确定答案是肯定还是否定的疑问句和含有not 或-n't的否定句中。
Written exercises书面练习
A Complete these sentences using a, any or some.
完成以下句子,用a, any或some填空。
There's a photograph on the desk.
Is there any milk in the bottle?
There isn't any milk in the bottle.
There's some milk in that cup.
1 Is there ______bread in the kitchen?
2 There's ______loaf on the table.
3 There's ______coffee on the table, too.
4 There isn't ______chocolate on the table.
5 There's ______spoon on that dish.
6 Is there ______soap on the dressing table?
B Write questions and answers using these words.
passport/on the table
Is there a passport here?
Yes, there is. There's are on the table.
bread/on the table
Is there any bread here?
Yes, there is. There's some on the table.
1 spoon/on the plate
2 tie/on the chair
3 milk/on the table
4 hammer/on the bookcase
5 tea/on the table
6 vase/on the radio
7 suit/in the wardrobe
8 tobacco/in the tin
9 Chocolate/on the desk
10 cheese/on the plate
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