some thing about english

Nowadays.we often hear a phrase the Internet age it shows that the Intenet

has been widely infiltrated all areas of society. It plays an increasingly important role in people‘s lives. and because the development of mobile internetin recent years Internet and people become more and more intimate/

Mobile Interneties is the combination of mobile communications and the Internet/ According to statistics// by the end of June 2012 the number of Internet users in China reached 538 million/ of which mobile phone users reached 388million/at the end of september 2012 mobile Internet users in the world has reached 1.5 billion/ percentage of Internet users who access the Internet using a mobile phoneincreaseces form 39.6 to 72 in the last year/Mobile Internet is in a period of high=speed development/\\

In China.the national state council considers the mobile Internet as the fourth wave of national wealth opportunities/ it gradually penetrates into people's lives/ in all areas of work/ ring text messageing downloads /mobile music/mobile gaming video appliations /mobile payments and location services and rich internet applications profoundly changing the social life of the information age///

Internet is changing people's means of production/ work lifestyle and leaning style/ for examplea host spotin the field of Internet/modern distance education/is a typical example..

Modern distance education is aeducational method which is mainly based on modern distance educatinal tools It/s a combination of multi-media Because of the rapid development of the Internet,mordendistance education/s means have a qualitative leap/ Compared with face to face 

educatin/ distance education can break the space-time constraints /provide more leaning opportunities and improve learning efficiency it can expand the scale of teaching .improve teaching quality of lower teaching cost/ solve the problem of education in setting and sharing resources/

Network schools are recognized by more and more people/ all kinds of new online schools and more related sites continue to emerge/such as three branceed network 91 Teaches network and so on obviously /this represents that the online school has so a lot of people choose online education/especially white-collar workers and student/

In 2012 the income of online education in China has to reach 72.3 billion yuan/and the scale of online educatin is zooming 2012 beacome the first year of China's mobile learning the open platform of Internet application is builded up/more than 120 domestic universities join into the allicance /Internet causes that educatin revolution appeared at the University network .of course

online education has some problems /such as uneven development talent's shortage /single teaching ways/ and so on but as the technology continues to improve and the development of distance education/ the situation will be greater 

The Internet presnets an opportunity for mankind people can always learn the latest weather information/news and tour information from the Internet/newspapers of the day and the latest magazines can be seen on the Internet/People can shop online/send adn reveive e-mail/and access to tale-medicine and tale-education.

at the same time/it also poses a number of challenges information gap begain widening/un equal wealth distribution due to network's openness and globalization of cyber-secutiry information security has become a serious proble/the network brings the global flow of information /alse exacerbated cultural penetration///but it is undeniable that the Internet has fundamentally changed the way of people's thought and production lifestyles/promotes the development of various trades and industries and becomes an improtant symbol of the knowledge economy.

To sum up/as the triple play trend of strengthening /telecommunications television and computer will become intimate with Internet Internet will be aintelligent platform and a multi-service integrated platformin the future/Nowadays it can blend all of the communication services promote the rapid development of new businesses and bring revolution of the entire information technology industry//even our society 

Internet has penertrated into all the aspects of our life and work/ we can study and work by it/we can find a job by it we can communicate by it we can entertain by it we can buy and sell by it we can do almost everythind on the Internet and almost anywhere anytime

However at the same time Internet provides services for us It is inevitably invading our privacy to some degree the services on most websites require our registering if we want to enjoy these services we have to provide much private information /including our names gender address telephone number and sometims bank account due to the poor Internet administration and weak work security our information might be open stolen or sold even sometions the information be misused by the criminals\\

considering the above-mentioned we must enhance the alertness when using the internet first when we need Internet service/we should always log on those big legal websites/second if the service requires important private informaton/you should think twice before you type in it//////////

Nowadays Internet is so important that we can hardly do jobs without it /but every coin has 2 sides/Internet also has many disadvantages /the details are as follows on one hand /Internet has many advantages /we usually search information or send emails for study fot it can rise the working efficient online=shopping is a new and convenient online-shopping is a new and convenient way to buy things so that is is also populat among the young people so we can inferm that the Internet has a lot of  advantages//

on the other hand Internrt also has many poor sides/spending so many time on online games is almost the worst the result is that peopler may find they have less interest in the work and study and than getting in a poor circle another aspect is that lacing the face_to_face communication the chatting and trade on the Internet become less and less believable so we can inferm that internet has mayt disadvantages

as the reasons concluded above/the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages only when we accept the postive aspects and get rid of the poor ones the Internet will be our ture and reliable friend














posted @ 2018-05-01 15:12  bwinwei  阅读(177)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报