CMD或Powershell访问FTP服务器,报PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.后无下文
1. Windows ftp client doesn’t support PASV mode yet,so if you want to use PASV mode, you may need to change your ftp client, for example: filezilla
Windows ftp客户端暂时还不支持被动模式,因此如果你想要使用主动模式,你可能需要更换你的ftp客户端,例如:filezilla
2. Ftp active mode means ftp server will connect to ftp client when client get file from server
ftp活动模式是当客户端从服务器获取文件时,ftp服务器连接ftp客户端 的模式
So if you have this problem and you don’t want to change your windows ftp client, please try to
因此如果你遇到这个问题并且你不想更换你的Windows ftp客户端,请尝试
stop your windows firewall and then try ftp again, if it works, add a rule for windows/system32/ftp.exe in your firewall allow process list
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