
解法:更新后a[i] = (a[0]*...*a[i-1]) * (a[i+1]*...*a[n-1]),遍历得到前半部分和后半部分即可。
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
const int num = 10;
const long init_min = -10000;

long UpdateArray(long *a, int n)
    long temp = init_min;
    long *ptr1 = new long[n];
    assert(ptr1 != NULL);
    long *ptr2 = new long[n];
    assert(ptr2 != NULL);
    int i;

    ptr1[0] = 1;
    ptr2[n-1] = 1;
    for(i=1; i<n; i++)
        ptr1[i] = ptr1[i-1] * a[i-1];
    for(i=n-2; i>=0; i--)
        ptr2[i] = ptr2[i+1] * a[i+1];
    for(i=0; i<n; i++)
        a[i] = ptr1[i] * ptr2[i];
        if(a[i] > temp)
            temp = a[i];
//    cout << *(ptr1+2) << endl;// *ptr equal to ptr[0] equal to *(ptr+0)
    delete []ptr1;
    delete []ptr2;

    return temp;

int main()
    long a[num] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
    long MaxItem;

    MaxItem = UpdateArray(a, num);
    cout << "after updated, the max item is: " << MaxItem << endl;
    for(int i=0; i<num; i++)
        cout << a[i] << " ";
    cout << endl;

    return 0;


posted @ 2014-04-15 16:36  木叶火影  阅读(395)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报