虽然忙碌了两个半天,但到现在还是有八份试卷没有批改,除此之外,还有一堆的教学文档没有整理。突然间不想赶工了,这么晚了,何必呢?现在是电台垃圾时间,听听歌吧!顺手就打开了foobar,选中了City of Angels这首歌,让熟悉的旋律再一次从音箱中飘出,充满寂静夜中的小小宿舍。

    第一次听到这首曲子是很久以前的事情了,久到记不清是什么时候。很喜欢 Sarah McLachlan 这悲伤、飘逸而又纯净的嗓音(我似乎比较偏爱听起来略带悲伤的歌,比如歌神的 李香兰,比如这首,又比如 Scarborough Fair 和 Bressanon)。这首歌其实是因为电影 City of Angels (天使之城)而成名的。依靠 Nicolas Cage 和 Meg Ryan 两位超级巨星的经典演绎,以及精彩曲折的剧情,让这部电影大放光彩。在我听到并且喜欢上这首歌之后很久,我才在CCTV-5完整地看完了这部电影。其中印象最深的不是Cage从高处跳下,也不是Meg最后死于车祸,而是Cage用一双湛蓝湛蓝的眼睛注视着Meg(以至于有人因此说我有虾米虾米的潜质)。这双眼睛就和他扮演的天使一样平静,让我想起了London的Hyde Park中的那一池湖水,在清澈的天空和明媚的阳光之下,也是那样湛蓝。恐怕只有《银英传》中的莱因哈特皇帝的那只左眼才能与之相比了。





Spend all your time waiting for that second chance,
For a break that would make it okay.
There’s always one reason to feel not good enough,
And it’s hard at the end of the day.
I need some distraction oh beautiful release
Memory seeps from my veins
Let me be empty and weightless and maybe
I’ll find some peace tonight

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here

So tired of the straight line
And everywhere you turn
There’s vultures and thieves at your back
And the storm keeps on twisting
You keep on building the lie
That you make up for all that you lack
It don’t make no difference
Escaping one last time
It’s easier to believe in this sweet madness oh
This glorious sadness that brings me to my knees

In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here
You’re in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort here
Some comfort here

posted on 2007-01-18 00:16  牛蛙  阅读(325)  评论(6编辑  收藏  举报