#!/bin/bash #function:cut nginx log files #author: http://lnmp.org #set the path to nginx log files log_files_path="/data/wwwlogs/" log_files_dir=${log_files_path}$(date -d "yesterday" +"%Y")/$(date -d "yesterday" +"%m") #set nginx log files you want to cut log_files_name=(a.domain.com b.domain.com) #set the path to nginx. nginx_sbin="/usr/sbin/nginx" #Set how long you want to save save_days=30 ############################################ #Please do not modify the following script # ############################################ mkdir -p $log_files_dir log_files_num=${#log_files_name[@]} #cut nginx log files for((i=0;i<$log_files_num;i++));do mv ${log_files_path}${log_files_name[i]}.log ${log_files_dir}/${log_files_name[i]}_$(date -d "yesterday" +"%Y%m%d").log done #delete 30 days ago nginx log files find $log_files_path -mtime +$save_days -exec rm -rf {} \; $nginx_sbin -s reload
2. 增加执行权限
chmod +x /data/cut_nginx_logs.sh
3.修改/etc/crontab文件,以最后面加上以下代码,表示每天0点0分执行脚本 /data/cut_nginx_logs.sh
0 0 * * * root /data/cut_nginx_logs.sh