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Refactoring is a powerful technique for improving existing software. Having source code that is understandable helps ensure a system is maintainable and extensible. This paper describes the refactoring process in general and some of the benefits of using automated tools to reliably enhance code quality by safely performing refactoring tasks.


When a system's source code is easily understandable, the system is more maintable, leading to reduced costs and allowing precious development resources to be used elsewhere. At the same time, if the code is well structured, new requirements can be introduced more efficiently and with less problems. These two development tasks, maintenance and enhancement, often conflict since new features, especially those that do not fit cleanly within the original design, result in an increased maintenance effort. The refactoring process aims to reduce this conflict, by aiding non destructive changes to the structure of the source code, in order to increase code clarity and maintainability.

However many developers and managers are hesitant to use refactoring. The most obvious reasons for this is the amount of effort required for even a minor change, and a fear of introducing bugs. Both of these problems can be solved by using an automated refactoring tool

Refactoring an emerging software development activity

Who needs refactoring?

Software starts on a small scale, and most of it well-designed. Over time, software size and complexity increases, with that bugs creep in, and thus code reliability decreases. Software developers, particularly when they are not the original authors, are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain the code, and even harder to extend. The code base, which in any software company should be a valuable asset, at some point may become a liability.

What is needed to prevent the software from ageing prematurely? Strategically, attention of management and software developers is the most important factor. On the practical side, application of sound development methods will slow this ageing down. However refactoring can reverse this ageing when applied properly, preferably with good software tools that aid in the detection, analysis, and characterisation of the problems, and ultimately allow fixing them.

Well trained software developers who are intimately familiar with their code, are often acutely aware of the lurking code ageing problems. However, most developers would be reluctant to make changes to the structure of the code, especially if the changes may take some time. If developers find it easy to apply refactoring operations to their code, they will show less resistance to such restructuring work.

Rewriting a component is often seen as easier by the developer, or at least less confusing. The current source code may have changed over time from the original design, and may not be immediately clear to a developer who is seeing the code for the first time. Alternatively, the original developer may regret certain design decisions, and now believes there is a better way. However this ignores the fact that the source code has a lot of hidden value. The bug fixes contained in the source code, may not all be documented, however they are very valuable. The component has been previously tested thoroughly in the production environment, and this is not something that should be thrown away. Refactoring retains this hidden value, ensuring the behaviour of the system does not change.

Management are often unwilling to allow changes that will not give any immediate visible benefit, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". As well, management may worry about the problem of introducing bugs to a system which has previously been thoroughly tested. This could happen, for example, when manually renaming a method where similarly named methods can be changed as well or methods overridden in a subclass are left with the original name. However, if refactoring operations do not pose a threat of introducing such bugs, management will be less reluctant towards letting refactoring proceed.

What exactly is refactoring?

Refactoring simply means "improving the design of existing code without changing its observable behaviour". Originally conceived in the Smalltalk community, it has now become a mainstream development technique. While refactoring tools make it possible to apply refactorings very easily, its important that the developer understand what the refactoring does and why it will help in this situation eg allow reuse of a repetitive block of code.

Each refactoring is a simple process which makes one logical change to the structure of the code. When changing a lot of the code at one time it is possible that bugs were introduced. But when and where these bug were created is no longer reproducible. If, however, a change is implemented in small steps with tests running after each step, the bug likely surfaces in the test run immediately after introducing it into the system. Then the step could be examined or, after undoing the step, it could be split in even smaller steps which can be applied afterwards.

This is the benefit of comprehensive unit tests in a system, something advocated by Extreme Programming techniques. These tests, give the developers and management confidence that the refactoring has not broken the system, the code behaves the same way as it behaved before.

A refactoring operation proceeds roughly in the following phases:

Action    Questions to ask, actions to take
Detect a problem    Is there a problem? What is the problem?
Characterise the problem   
Why is it necessary to change something? What are the benefits? Are there any risks?
Design a solution    What should be the "goal state" of the code? Which code transformation(s) will move the code towards the desired state?
Modify the code    Steps that will carry out the code transformation(s) that leave the code functioning the same way as it did before.

Example Refactorings:


A method, variable, class or other java item has a name that is misleading or confusing. This requires all references, and potentially file locations to be updated. The process of renaming a method may include renaming the method in subclasses as well as clients. On the other hand, renaming a package will also involve moving files and directories, and updating the source control system.

Move Class

A Class is in the wrong package, it should therefore be moved to another package where it fits better. All import statements or fully qualified names referring to the given class need to be updated. The file will also have to be moved and updated in the source control system.

Extract Method

A long method needs to be broken up to enhance readability and maintainability. A section of code with a single logical task (e.g. find a record by id) is replaced with an invocation to a new method. This new method is given suitable parameters, return type and exceptions. By giving the method a clear and descriptive name (findRecordById), the original method becomes simpler to understand as it will read like pseudocode. Extracting the method also allows the method to be reused in other places, not possible when it was tangled amongst the larger method. If the extracted section is well chosen, this method may be a natural place to change the behaviour of the class through subclassing, rather than a copy and paste of the existing method before making changes.

Extract Superclass

An existing class provides functionality that needs to be modified in some way. An abstract class is introduced as the parent of the current class, and then common behaviour is "pulled up" into this new parent. Clients of the existing class are changed to reference the new parent class, allowing alternative implementations (polymorphism). Any methods which are common to the concrete classes are "pulled up" with definitions, while those that will vary in subclasses are left abstract. As well as aiding in efficient code re-use, it also allows new subclasses to be created and used without changing the client classes.

Replace Conditional with Polymorphism

Methods in a class currently check some value (if or switch statement) in order to decide the right action to perform. One trivial example is a class that draws a shape, which is defined by a width and type (circle or square). The code quickly becomes confusing as the same if or switch statements are repeated throughout the class, i.e. in methods that calculate the area or perimeter of the shape. By using polymorphism, the shape specific behaviour can be offloaded to subclasses, simplifying the code. This has the added benefit of allowing other subclasses, e.g. rectangle or star, to be introduced without extensive code changes.

With each problem above a more or less obvious solution has been stated, too. However, it is clear to every experienced software developer that there are more complicated code problems, for which simple solutions can not so easily be presented. Obviously, a software developer will usually apply refactorings successfully only, if he/she knows how the software should look like in the end. In other words, before trying to refactor some code, one needs to familiarise oneself with the common object oriented design patterns and refactorings (see Gamma et al. 1994; Grand 1998).

posted @ 2009-06-11 17:11  卜海清  阅读(272)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报