Visual Studio 2010 Preview (cont.)



其实本人也是借花献佛,是今天在Andrew Stopford's Weblog里看到了他的一些关于VS2010特性的罗列。正好我也想整理一下这两天看过一系列Video后的读书笔记。

  • WPF editor - I had wondered about this but the zoom out\in can be useful for large code files, however, I'd like to see some what of marking up sections of code to make it more useful so that by zooming out I can see the block of code that is most useful to me. Also some way of marking up code coverage blocks etc would be useful to see at 70,000 feet - maybe one for the NCover gang. The comments view feature was also rather nice but not sure how useful it actually is (got some cheers though).

  • UML in the class file.

  • Test recording and debug profile, this is super useful to debug a testers session. However I do wonder how other factors would be weighed in here, database state and other enviromental factors would be considerations in the enterprise and debug profile alone would not be enough.  I liked the video recording of the test session, I wonder if voice (as I way of allowing the tester to narrate what they are doing\seeing) would be cool as well. The integration into VSTS looked fluid as well.

  • Team Lab - this was a very short demo and I need to see the other videos to get a better idea of this but I like the sound of it (more on this later maybe).




posted @ 2008-11-16 10:35  卜海清  阅读(238)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报