
  1 数据库操作
  2     create database db_name charset utf-8;#创建数据库
  3     drop database db_name;#删除数据库
  4     use db_name;#切换数据库
  5     show database;#查看所有数据库
  8 表操作:
  9     创建表:
 10     数据类型:
 11         整型:
 12             tinyint smallint int bigint
 13         浮点型:
 14             float double
 15         字符型:
 16             char varchar text
 17         日期类型:
 18             date datatime timestamp 
 21     约束:
 22         1、主键约束  唯一、非空  primary key
 23         2、外键约束  foreign key
 24         3、唯一约束    unique
 25         4、非空约束    not null
 26         5、默认值约束    default
 27         6、自增长        auto_increment
 28     DDL、DCL、DML语句:
 29         DDL:
 30             数据定义语句    creat drop alter
 31         DML:
 32             数据操纵语句    select insert updata delete
 33         DCL:
 34             数据控制语句    grant
 37     建表:
 39         create table student (
 40         id int primary key auto_increment,
 41         name varchar(20) not null ,
 42         phone varchar(11) unique not null,
 43         sex tinyint default 0,
 44         addr varchar(50),
 45         brith datetime default current_timestamp,
 46         index(name)  
 47       );
 49       create table score (
 50         id int primary key auto_increment,
 51         score float not null,
 52         sid int not null
 53         );
 54      create table student_new like student; -- 快速创建一个和student表结构一样的表
 57     修改表:
 58         alter table student add class2 int not null; --增加字段
 59         alter table student drop addr;--删除字段
 60         alter table student change name new_name varchar(20) not null;--修改字段
 61         alter table student modify name varchar(30);--修改字段属性
 62         alter table student add primary key(id);--添加主键
 63         alter table student drop primary key(id);--删除主键,非auto_increment类型
 64         auto_increment类型删除主键:
 65             alter table student modify id int;--去掉auto_increment类型
 66             alter table student drop primary key(id);--删除主键
 68     删除表:
 69         drop table student;
 70     清空表:
 71         truncate table student;---自增长id会重新开始
 72     其他操作:
 73         show tables;--查看当前所有表
 74         show create table student;--产看建表语句
 75         desc student;--查看建表结构
 78     数据操作:
 79         增:
 80             insert into student values ('','python','11111111111',0,'北京','2019-01-03 18:39:23'); --写全
 81               insert into student  (name,phone) values ('mysql','12345678901'); -- 指定字段
 82               insert into student  (name,phone) values ('mysql1','12345678902'),('mysql2','22345678901'); --多条
 83               insert into student_new select * from student; -- 把一个表的数据快速导出到另外一个表
 85           删:
 86               delete from student; --整表数据删除
 87               delete from student where id = 3; --指定数据删除
 89           改:
 90               update student set name='mysql3' ; --修改全表数据
 91               update student set name='mysql2',sex=1; --修改多个字段
 92               update student set name='mysql3' where id = 1; #指定修改某条数据
 94           查:
 95               基本查询:
 96               select * from student;--查整表
 97              select id,name,addr from student; --指定字段
 98              select id as 编号, addr 地址 , name 姓名 from student; --字段加别名
100              where条件
101              select * from student where id=1; --where条件 >,<,>=,<=,!=,<>
102              select * from student where id in (1,2,3) and id != 5; -- in和and条件
103              select * from student where id between 1 and 5; -- 范围
104              select * from student where id between 1 and 5 or id > 10; -- or
106              排序
107              select * from student where id between 1 and 5 order by id desc; -- 一起用的话,order by必须写在where条件后面
108              select * from student order by id desc ;  -- 降序排序,按照id,升序的话是asc
109              select * from student order by id,name  asc ;  -- 升序,按照id和name排序,asc可以省略不写
111              分组
112              select * from student group by sex; -- 按照某个字段分组,可以写多个字段
113              select * from student group by sex having addr !='北京';
114              select * from student where id >5  group by sex having addr !='北京'; -- 如果有where条件,必须写在group by前面,group by后面不能再写where条件,如果有条件必须用having子句
116              limit
117              select id as 编号, addr 地址 , name 姓名 from student limit 2; -- 前N条数据
118              select id as 编号, addr 地址 , name 姓名 from student limit 1,5; -- 从第一行开始,向后取5行,不包含第一行的数据
119              select * from student where id >0  group by sex having addr !='北京'  limit 5; -- limit必须写在最后面
120              select * from student where id >0  group by sex having addr !='北京'  order by id desc limit 5; -- limit必须写在最后面
121              #如果一个sql里面有where、group by、排序、limit,顺序一定是1、where 2group by 3order by 4、limit
123              聚合函数
124              select count(*) from student; -- 多少条数据
125              select count(addr) from student; -- 某个字段不为空的有多少条
126              select count(*) 人数 ,sex 性别 from student group by sex; -- 多少条数据
127              select avg(age) from student; -- 平均值
128              select sum(score) from score;  --
129              select min(score) from score; 
130              select max(score) from score; 
132              子查询
133               select * from student where id in (select sid from score where score >= 60);
135               多表查询
136              select * from student a ,score b where a.id = b.sid and a.score>90;
138              select a.name,b.score,a.class2 from student a ,score b where a.id = b.sid and a.score>90;--内连接,省略inner join
140              select a.name ,b.score,a.class2 from student a inner join score b  on a.id = b.sid  where a.score > 90;--内连接,inner join
142              #左连接,left join
143                  #定义:LEFT JOIN 关键字从左表(table1)返回所有的行,即使右表(table2)中没有匹配。如果右表中没有匹配,则结果为 NULL144                  #语法:    SELECT column_name(s)
145                         FROM table1
146                         LEFT JOIN table2
147                         ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;
149              select a.name ,b.score,a.class2 from student a left join score b  on a.id = b.sid  where a.score > 90;--左连接,left join
152              #右连接,right join
153                  #定义:RIGHT JOIN 关键字从右表(table2)返回所有的行,即使左表(table1)中没有匹配。如果左表中没有匹配,则结果为 NULL154                  #语法:    SELECT column_name(s)
155                         FROM table1
156                         RIGHT JOIN table2
157                         ON table1.column_name=table2.column_name;
159              select a.name ,b.score,a.class2 from student a left join score b  on a.id = b.sid  where a.score > 90;--左连接,left join
163              授权
164                  GRANT ALL privileges ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
165                   GRANT ALL privileges ON byz.* TO 'byz'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
166                   flush privileges; 



1 mysql常用命令:
2       mysql -uroot -p123456 -h192.168.1.1 -P3306 #登录mysql
3       mysqldump -uroot -p123456 -h192.168.1.1 -P3306 -A > /tmp/all_data.sql #备份所有数据库
4       mysqldump -uroot -p123456 -h192.168.1.1 -P3306 --add-drop-table --add-drop -A > /tmp/all_data.sql #导出带有删除表和删除库的sql
5       mysqldump -uroot -p123456 -h192.168.1.1 -P3306 --no-data -d nhy_db > /tmp/all_data.sql #只导出表结构
6       mysql -uroot -p123456 -h192.168.1.1 -P3306 nhy_db < all_data.sql #恢复数据库




posted @ 2020-07-31 10:46  布谷鸟的春天  阅读(171)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报