struct Registry::Manager {
  // map storing the functions.
  // We delibrately used raw pointer
  // This is because PackedFunc can contain callbacks into the host languge(python)
  // and the resource can become invalid because of indeterminstic order of destruction.
  // The resources will only be recycled during program exit.
  std::unordered_map<std::string, Registry*> fmap;
  // vtable for extension type
  std::array<ExtTypeVTable, kExtEnd> ext_vtable;
  // mutex
  std::mutex mutex;

  Manager() {
    for (auto& x : ext_vtable) {
      x.destroy = nullptr;

  static Manager* Global() {
    // We deliberately leak the Manager instance, to avoid leak sanitizers
    // complaining about the entries in Manager::fmap being leaked at program
    // exit.
    static Manager* inst = new Manager();
    return inst;


posted on 2019-12-10 19:21  newbird2017  阅读(447)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报