1. Manipulators是可以用三维进行绘制的的节点,可以将用户行为值化,对其他节点的属性进行modify。
2. 属性值可以通过Channel Box 和Graph Editor进行修改。同其他的dg节点不一样,manipulator直接修改属性值,而不通过plug。
Create a manipulator on any node in the current scene at any time.
Create and assign a manipulator for a specific type of object.
Create a context tool and associate the manipulator to the context tool. Whenever the context tool is active, the manipulator becomes active and ready for use.
4. 所有的manipulator的function set都是从MFnManip3D派生而来。
The FreePointTriadManip provides a point that can be moved anywhere. It has axes for constrained x, y, and z movement and obeys grid snapping, point snapping, and curve snapping.
5 Manipulator Containers:
通过MPxManipContainer创建Manipulator container.
可以将base manipulators加入到container。
creator(), initialize(), createChildren(), connectToDependNode()
base manipulator加到container里面是通过这个函数的,例子:
MStatus moveManip::createChildren() { ... fDistanceManip = addDistanceManip(manipName, distanceName); fFreePointManip = addFreePointTriadManip(pointManipName, pointName); ... }
The MPxManipContainer class provides a set of member functions to add individual base manipulators, most of them are named as addXYZManip, where XYZ represents the manipulator name
posted on 2016-02-02 00:41 Rambo.Wang 阅读(346) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
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