1. Let G be a directed graph and S be an empty stack.
2. While S does not contain all vertices
Choose an arbitrary vertex v not in S. Perform a depth-first search starting at v.
Each time that depth-first search finishes expanding a vertex u, push u onto S.
3. Reverse the directions of all arcs to obtain the transpose graph.
4. While S is nonempty
Pop the top vertex v from S. Perform a depth-first search starting at v.
The set of visited vertices will give the strongly connected component containing v,
record this and remove all these vertices from the graph G and the stack S.
1. G为有向图, S为空栈
2. 当S没有全部包含所有顶点的时候
3. 对有向图G进行反转,就是对每一条边的方向进行反转
4. 当S不为空的时候
import pprint import copy import collections import time explored = 1 unexplored = 0 def scc(adjList): start = time.time() top_order = [] sccs = [] flags = collections.defaultdict(lambda :0) print "Initialization time %d sec." % (time.time() - start) # first dfs start = time.time() vertice = adjList.keys() for v in vertice: if flags[v] == unexplored: dfs(adjList, flags, top_order, v) print "First round of DFS, Cost %d sec." % (time.time() - start) # reserve graph start = time.time() reserve_adjList = buildAdjListFromFile("testcase/graph0n9scc3.txt", 1) flags = collections.defaultdict(lambda :0) print "Reserve graph, Cost %d sec." % (time.time() - start) # second round of DFS start = time.time() while len(top_order) != 0: v = top_order.pop() strongly_connected_component = [] dfs(reserve_adjList, flags, strongly_connected_component, v) # remove all these vertices in scc for item in strongly_connected_component: if item in top_order: top_order.remove(item) if len(reserve_adjList.get(item)) == 0: del reserve_adjList[item] sccs.append(strongly_connected_component) print "Second round of DFS, Cost %d sec." % (time.time() - start) return sccs visited = [] def dfs(adjList, flags, scc_list, v): flags[v] = explored global visited visited.append(v) while len(visited) != 0: vertex = visited.pop() # add to the same component scc_list.append(vertex) for m in adjList.get(vertex, []): if flags[m] == unexplored: flags[m] = explored visited.append(m) def buildAdjListFromFile(file, flag=0): adjList = collections.defaultdict(list) f = open(file) for line in f: v_info = line.strip().split() v = int(v_info[0]) m = int(v_info[1]) # origin graph if flag == 0: adjList[v].append(m) elif flag == 1: # reverse graph adjList[m].append(v) f.close() return adjList if __name__ == "__main__": adjList = buildAdjListFromFile("1.txt") scc_list = scc(adjList) print scc_list
答案应该为[[1,4,7], [3,6,9], [2,8,5]]
但我这个得出的是[[1,4,7], [2,3,5,6,8,9]]