

  在计算机科学中,二叉树是每个节点最多有两个子树的树结构。通常子树被称作“左子树”(left subtree)和“右子树”(right subtree)。二叉树常被用于实现二叉查找树和二叉堆。


(1)完全二叉树——若设二叉树的高度为h,除第 h 层外,其它各层 (1~h-1) 的结点数都达到最大个数,第h层有叶子结点,并且叶子结点都是从左到右依次排布,这就是完全二叉树







  在工业界用到较多的红黑树,相比hash table来说也有一定的优势:





    1 红黑树遍历可以得出有序输出,但hashtable是无序输出。

    2 如果需要求某一范围的输出,红黑树可以完美解决

    3 hashtable的最恶劣的情况是效率很低的(比如需要resize时),而红黑树不存在这种情况。



二叉查找树(Binary Search Tree),也称二叉搜索树,是指一棵空树或者具有下列性质的二叉树:

  • 任意节点的左子树不空,则左子树上所有结点的值均小于它的根结点的值;
  • 任意节点的右子树不空,则右子树上所有结点的值均大于它的根结点的值;
  • 任意节点的左、右子树也分别为二叉查找树;
  • 没有键值相等的节点。

二叉查找树相比于其他数据结构的优势在于查找、插入的时间复杂度较低。为O(log n)。二叉查找树是基础性数据结构,用于构建更为抽象的数据结构,如集合、multiset、关联数组等。(摘自维基百科

下面 4 张 GIF 动图,是 penjee 官博制作分享。正好伯小乐最近看到,分享给大家。

图1:查找 BST 中的某个元素


  1. 若b是空树,则搜索失败,否则:
  2. 若x等于b的根节点的数据域之值,则查找成功;否则:
  3. 若x小于b的根节点的数据域之值,则搜索左子树;否则:
  4. 查找右子树。

图2 ↓ :从有序数组构造一个二叉查找树

图3 ↓:往 BST 中插入元素


  1. 若b是空树,则将s所指结点作为根节点插入,否则:
  2. 若s->data等于b的根节点的数据域之值,则返回,否则:
  3. 若s->data小于b的根节点的数据域之值,则把s所指节点插入到左子树中,否则:
  4. 把s所指节点插入到右子树中。(新插入节点总是叶子节点)

图4 ↓:BST 转成有序数组










 1 public class BST<Key extends Comparable<Key>, Value> {
 2     private Node root;             // root of BST
 3     private class Node {
 4         private Key key;           // sorted by key
 5         private Value val;         // associated data
 6         private Node left, right;  // left and right subtrees
 7         private int size;          // number of nodes in subtree
 8         public Node(Key key, Value val, int size) {
 9             this.key = key;
10             this.val = val;
11             this.size = size;
12         }
13     }
14     // Returns the number of key-value pairs in this symbol table.
15     public int size() {
16         return size(root);
17     }
18     // Returns number of key-value pairs in BST rooted at x.
19     private int size(Node x) {
20         if(x == null) {
21             return 0;
22         } else {
23             return x.size;
24         }
25     }
26     // Returns true if this symbol table is empty.
27     public boolean isEmpty() {
28         return size() == 0;
29     }
30     // Returns true if this symbol table contains key and false otherwise.
31     public boolean contains(Key key) {
32         if(key == null) {
33             throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument to contains() is null");
34         } else {
35             return get(key) != null;
36         }
37     }
38 }




  1. 如果查找的键key小于根结点的key,说明我们要查找的键如果存在的话肯定在左子树,因为左子树中的结点都要小于根结点,接下来我们继续递归遍历左子树。
  2. 如果要查找的键key大于根结点的key,说明我们要查找的键如果存在的话肯定在右子树中,因为右子树中的结点都要大于根节点,接下来我们继续递归遍历右子树。
  3. 如果要查找的键key等于根结点的key,那么我们就直接返回根结点的val。




 1 /**
 2  * Returns the value associated with the given key.
 3  *
 4  * @param  key the key
 5  * @return the value associated with the given key if the key is in the symbol table
 6  *         and null if the key is not in the symbol table
 7  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if key is null
 8  */
 9 public Value get(Key key) {
10     if(key == null) {
11         throw new IllegalArgumentException("first argument to put() is null");
12     } else {
13         return get(root, key);
14     }
15 }
16 private Value get(Node x, Key key) {
17     if(x == null) {
18         return null;
19     } else {
20         int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);
21         if(cmp < 0) {
22             return get(x.left, key);
23         } else if(cmp > 0) {
24             return get(x.right, key);
25         } else {
26             return x.val;
27         }
28     }
29 }





插入操作的实现同样有多种实现方法,但是递归的实现应该是最为清晰的。下面的代码的思想和get基本类似,只是多了x.N = size(x.left) + size(x.right) + 1;这一步骤用来更新结点的size大小。

 1 /**
 2  * Inserts the specified key-value pair into the symbol table, overwriting the old
 3  * value with the new value if the symbol table already contains the specified key.
 4  * Deletes the specified key (and its associated value) from this symbol table
 5  * if the specified value is null.
 6  *
 7  * @param  key the key
 8  * @param  val the value
 9  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if key is null
10  */
11 public void put(Key key, Value val) {
12     if(key == null) {
13         throw new IllegalArgumentException("first argument to put() is null");
14     }
15     if(val == null) {
16         delete(key);
17         return;
18     }
19     root = put(root, key, val);
20     // assert check(); // Check integrity of BST data structure.
21 }
22 private Node put(Node x, Key key, Value val) {
23     if(x == null) {
24         return new Node(key, val, 1);
25     } else {
26         int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);
27         if(cmp < 0) {
28             x.left = put(x.left, key, val)
29         } else if(cmp > 0) {
30             x.right = put(x.right, key, val);
31         } else {
32             x.val = val;
33         }
34         // reset links and increment counts on the way up
35         x.size = size(x.left) + size(x.right) + 1;
36         return x;
37     }
38 }









 1 /**
 2  * Return the kth smallest key in the symbol table.
 3  *
 4  * @param  k the order statistic
 5  * @return the kth smallest key in the symbol table
 6  * @throws IllegalArgumentException unless k is between 0 and n-1
 7  */
 8 public Key select(int k) {
 9     if (k < 0 || k >= size()) {
10         throw new IllegalArgumentException("called select() with invalid argument: " + k);
11     } else {
12         Node x = select(root, k);
13         return x.key;
14     }
15 }
16 // Return the key of rank k.
17 public Node select(Node x, int k) {
18     if(x == null) {
19         return null;
20     } else {
21         int t = size(x.left);
22         if(t > k) {
23             return select(x.left, k);
24         } else if(t < k) {
25             return select(x.right, k);
26         } else {
27             return x;
28         }
29     }
30 }


 1 /**
 2  * Return the number of keys in the symbol table strictly less than key.
 3  *
 4  * @param  key the key
 5  * @return the number of keys in the symbol table strictly less than key
 6  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if key is null
 7  */
 8 public int rank(Key key) {
 9     if (key == null) {
10         throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument to rank() is null");
11     } else {
12         return rank(key, root);
13     }
14 }
15 public int rank(Key key, Node x) {
16     if(x == null) {
17         return 0;
18     } else {
19         int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);
20         if(cmp < 0) {
21             return rank(key, x.left);
22         } else if(cmp > 0) {
23             return 1 + size(x.left) + rank(key, x.right);
24         } else {
25             return size(x.left);
26         }
27     }
28 }







 1 /**
 2  * Removes the smallest key and associated value from the symbol table.
 3  *
 4  * @throws NoSuchElementException if the symbol table is empty
 5  */
 6 public void deleteMin() {
 7     if (isEmpty()) {
 8         throw new NoSuchElementException("Symbol table underflow");
 9     } else {
10         root = deleteMin(root);
11         // assert check(); // Check integrity of BST data structure.
12     }
13 }
14 private Node deleteMin(Node x) {
15     if(x.left == null) {
16         return x.right;
17     } else {
18         x.left = deleteMin(x.left);
19         x.size = size(x.left) + size(x.right) + 1;
20         return x;
21     }
22 }


 1 /**
 2  * Removes the largest key and associated value from the symbol table.
 3  *
 4  * @throws NoSuchElementException if the symbol table is empty
 5  */
 6 public void deleteMax() {
 7     if (isEmpty()) {
 8         throw new NoSuchElementException("Symbol table underflow");
 9     } else {
10         root = deleteMax(root);
11         // assert check(); // Check integrity of BST data structure.
12     }
13 }
14 private Node deleteMax(Node x) {
15     if (x.right == null) {
16         return x.left;
17     } else {
18         x.right = deleteMax(x.right);
19         x.size = size(x.left) + size(x.right) + 1;
20         return x;
21     }
22 }




实现代码如下,这里解释一下执行到了// find key后的代码,这个时候会出现三种情况:

  1. 结点的右链接为空,这个时候我们直接返回左链接来替代删除结点。
  2. 结点的左链接为空,这个时候返回右链接来替代删除结点。
  3. 左右链接都不为空的话,就是我们上图中的那种情形了。
 1 /**
 2  * Removes the specified key and its associated value from this symbol table
 3  * (if the key is in this symbol table).
 4  *
 5  * @param  key the key
 6  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if key is null
 7  */
 8 public void delete(Key key) {
 9     if (key == null) {
10         throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument to delete() is null");
11     } else {
12         root = delete(root, key);
13         // assert check(); // Check integrity of BST data structure.
14     }
15 }
16 private Node delete(Key key) {
17     if(x == null) {
18         return null;
19     } else {
20         int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);
21         if(cmp < 0) {
22             x.left = delete(x.left, key);
23         } else if(cmp > 0) {
24             x.right = delete(x.right, key);
25         } else {
26             // find key
27             if(x.right == null) {
28                 return x.left;
29             } else if(x.left == null) {
30                 return x.right;
31             } else {
32                 Node t = x;
33                 x = min(t.right);
34                 x.right = deleteMin(t.right);
35                 x.left = t.left;
36             }
37         }
38         // update links and node count after recursive calls
39         x.size = size(x.left) + size(x.right) + 1;
40         return x;
41     }
42 }




  1. 如果指定的键key小于根节点的键,那么小于等于key的最大结点肯定就在左子树中了。
  2. 如果指定的键key大于根结点的键,情况就要复杂一些,这个时候要分两种情况:1>当右子树中存在小于等于key的结点时,小于等于key的最大结点则在右子树中;2>反之根节点自身就是小于等于key的最大结点了。




 1 /**
 2  * Returns the largest key in the symbol table less than or equal to key.
 3  *
 4  * @param  key the key
 5  * @return the largest key in the symbol table less than or equal to key
 6  * @throws NoSuchElementException if there is no such key
 7  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if  key is null
 8  */
 9 public Key floor(Key key) {
10     if (key == null) {
11         throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument to floor() is null");
12     }
13     if (isEmpty()) {
14         throw new NoSuchElementException("called floor() with empty symbol table");
15     }
16     Node x = floor(root, key);
17     if (x == null) {
18         return null;
19     } else {
20         return x.key;
21     }
22 }
23 private Node floor(Node x, Key key) {
24     if (x == null) {
25         return null;
26     } else {
27         int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);
28         if(cmp == 0) {
29             return x;
30         } else if(cmp < 0) {
31             return floor(x.left, key);
32         } else {
33             Node t = floor(x.right, key);
34             if(t != null) {
35                 return t;
36             } else {
37                 return x;
38             }
39         }
40     }
41 }



 1 /**
 2  * Returns the smallest key in the symbol table greater than or equal to {@code key}.
 3  *
 4  * @param  key the key
 5  * @return the smallest key in the symbol table greater than or equal to {@code key}
 6  * @throws NoSuchElementException if there is no such key
 7  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code key} is {@code null}
 8  */
 9 public Key ceiling(Key key) {
10     if(key == null) {
11         throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument to ceiling() is null");
12     }
13     if(isEmpty()) {
14         throw new NoSuchElementException("called ceiling() with empty symbol table");
15     }
16     Node x = ceiling(root, key);
17     if(x == null) {
18         return null;
19     } else {
20         return x.key;
21     }
22 }
23 private Node ceiling(Node x, Key key) {
24     if(x == null) {
25         return null;
26     } else {
27         int cmp = key.compareTo(x.key);
28         if(cmp == 0) {
29             return x;
30         } else if(cmp < 0) {
31             Node t = ceiling(x.left, key);
32             if (t != null) {
33                 return t;
34             } else {
35                 return x;
36             }
37         } else {
38             return ceiling(x.right, key);
39         }
40     }
41 }
posted @ 2018-03-20 16:33  一頁書  阅读(382)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报