There was a question asked on the forum on how to hid a subpage. There is no Peoplecode function to hide a subpage directly, BUT one way around that is putting the subpage in a group box and hid the group box instead. Hiding the group box will end up hiding your sub pageMake sure to follow the follo 阅读全文
There could be different reasons why a PeopleSoft developer would like to delete a query from the database. Upgrade clean up would probably be the most common one. Here is a function you can use to get you started.Function DeleteQuery(&sQueryName As string) SQLExec("DELETE FROM PSQRYDEFN WH 阅读全文
The below function is to be used on a grid with multiple check boxes. Place the code behind a FieldChange event and users will have the option to Select or Deselect grid rows all at once.Function selectAllRows(&rs As Rowset) Local number&i; Local Row&row;For&i=1To&rs.ActiveRowCou 阅读全文
PeopleSoft stores object definitions types such as Record, Field and SQL definitions as numbers inPeopleTools meta-tables. Here is a list of what each number means with respect to its definition.Definitions for Record Object TypesThe following are stored on the PSRECDEFN table on RECTYPE field. RECT 阅读全文
A grid label is the blue (normally) colored grid header that you see on PeopleSoft pages. The grid text label can be easily edited using the Grid Properties in app designer. Once you have the grid properties box open, click the Label tab > Properties and there you can see the Label Text area.You 阅读全文
Sometimes you would want to give users the option to click a button on the page and send them back to the Portal Folder they came from, or may be couple folders back! Here is how you go about doing that.You can actually use the PeopleSoft delivered function NavPageURL to accomplish this! So, lets ge 阅读全文
Here is a piece of code to prevent duplicate data on a specific field on a page grid. You can of course modify it to check for multiple fields or even the whole row./* Check for data duplicates on a grid. */ Local Row&row1,&row2; Local number&r,&r1;&rs=GetLevel0().GetRow(1).GetRo 阅读全文
我们知道,在PeopleSoft HCM里,一般上了薪酬模块的话,都会客户化工资单页面,去匹配公司之前的工资单的报表的格式。有的时候,这个工资单页面又需要打印出来,以供员工的使用。PeopleSoft 中页面的打印,一般是用JavaScript来实现的。这里我详细叙述一下实现的步骤:1.首先要创建一个DerivedRecord ,Record Name 为Print_Record ,里面包含两个字段:一个 long 类型的 HTMLAREA ,一个Char 类型的Z_JS_PRINT.2.创建一个页面,并且在level0 上放置 HTMLAREA字段,并另外放一个ButtonButton 的属 阅读全文
PeopleSoft中对文件附件的处理都是单个文件处理的,虽然在8.52版本新增了MAddAttachment(URLDestination, DirAndFilePrefix, Prompts, &UserFileArray, &ActualSizeArray, &DetailedReturnCodeArrayName [, MaxSize [, PreserveCase[, UploadPageTitle[, AllowLargeChunks[, StopOnError]]]]]) Function 实现了一次上传多个附件的功能,但是在下载附件的时候,还是只能单个下 阅读全文
As shown in Image to create related content link in Dropdown we need to follow below steps.Assumption:Component is created and Related content setup is done.Below steps need to be done to use Related content in drop down.Step1: Adding HTML Area to page.Place a HTML area in the page to the created co 阅读全文