oracle更新语法:1.一般语法 update tab set col = .... [where ...] =后可以有子查询,但是必须对于tab的每一列返回唯一一行与之对应,where是需要更新的表,部分更新必须加,否则相关子查询的更新会把没有匹配的更新为null,如update tab a set a.col=(select b.col from b where a.id=b.id) where exists (select 1 from b where a.id=b.id) 类似地写了多遍2.改进语法mergemerge into tabusing (表|视图|子查询等)--子查询需要 阅读全文
PeopleSoft Excel to CI is an Excel based utility delivered by PeopleSoft to import data from an Excel spreadsheet into PeopleSoft records. Since it uses a Component Interface (CI), all validations are done on the data being uploaded.Excel to CI uses macros in Excel extensively. So the macro security 阅读全文
This FAQ is to assist in troubleshooting problems you might have while creating and programming PeopleCode with component interfaces.Remember the most important tip with component interfaces:Component Interfaces mimic component logic.Errors in the component will be replicated in the component interf 阅读全文
在APP Engine的运行机制中,默认是从Main Section开始,根据内在的Step排列,从上往下执行的。这种机制能满足我们大多数的工作,但是面对比较复杂的逻辑时,顺序执行就会显得有些苍白无力,这时我们就可以在peoplecode中根据我们的逻辑需求,动态调用section来满足我们的逻辑了。 在我们的AppEngine中,有如下几个Section,在Main Section中,添加If Else逻辑,即如果有银行账户,则用银行打款(call GIRO_CHK Section)的方式,否则就用支票付款(Call CXP_CHK Section)的方式。 首先,在该Applicati.. 阅读全文
由于临时表涉及到实例,所以在取临时表名的时候要用meta-sql:%table()。本以为%table()只能在SQL 类型的ACTION中使用,其实这是错的,在peoplecode action中要使用临时表名是,例如SQLEXEC()中: SQLExec("SELECT EMPLID,KL_PUNCH_TIME,KL_ATDN_MCHN_NUM FROM %table(KL_PNCH_TMP)"),直接在引号中使用即可,AE在执行的时候,会自动识别meta-SQL,并转换,同理%bind()也是一样的。 阅读全文
昨天在RUN一个process的时候,发现一直重复出错,tracefile信息也没有什么有意义的提示,仔细研究了一下,发现原来是在第一次出错以后,系统把出错信息记录在PS_AERUNCONTROL了,这样当下次用同样的ID和同样的Control ID运行的时候,他会重这个表里面去比较,因而总是得到同样的出错信息。要解决这个问题,只需要将这个表的相应记录删除就可以了。 在db2中执行一下sql语句:delete from PS_AERUNCONTROL where oprid='MyID' and run_cntl_id=‘MyCntlID’ 重新执行该process,即可运行正 阅读全文
After reading thisarticleabout how the PSAESRV process scheduler service was failing due to someone setting trace options on an application engine process but using override instead of append in the parameter list, I thought it might be a good idea to write a query that checks all process definition 阅读全文
Exit(0) – Terminates thecurrentPeopleCodeActionin application engine.Exit(1) – Terminates thecurrent Stepin application engine. 阅读全文
%ProcessInstance - To get the PROCESS_INSTANCE%OperatorId - To get the Operator Id i.e UserId%RUNCONTROL - To get the RuncontrolId 阅读全文
If you get the following messaging stating that you areNot Authorized to run process typefollowed by the process type (e.g. application engine, SQR, COBOL etc) it means that your user profile does not have a permission list that has access to the process group for the relevant process definition.For 阅读全文