Irrlicht 3D Engine 笔记系列 之 教程5- User Interface
日期:2014 / 12 / 18
这个控制台窗体列举了非常多能够使用的API程序,用户仅仅要选择对应的API就可以。博主安装的是Direct3D 9.0c全部选择了b。
#ifdef _IRR_WINDOWS_ #pragma comment(lib,"irrlicht.lib") #pragma comment(linker,"/subsystem:console /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup") #endif
//! Any kind of GUI event. struct SGUIEvent { //! IGUIElement who called the event gui::IGUIElement* Caller; //! If the event has something to do with another element, it will be held here. gui::IGUIElement* Element; //! Type of GUI Event gui::EGUI_EVENT_TYPE EventType; };
成员: IGUIElement* Caller -- 发生GUI事件的GUI元素对象
成员: IGUIElement* Element -- 与发生GUI事件的GUI元素可能发生交互的另外一个GUI元素
成员: EGUI_EVENT_TYPE EventType -- 确切的GUI事件的类型。
“A skin modifies the look of the GUI elements.”
//! A skin modifies the look of the GUI elements. class IGUISkin : public virtual io::IAttributeExchangingObject { public: //! returns default color virtual video::SColor getColor(EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR color) const = 0; //! sets a default color virtual void setColor(EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR which, video::SColor newColor) = 0; //! returns size for the given size type virtual s32 getSize(EGUI_DEFAULT_SIZE size) const = 0; //! Returns a default text. /** For example for Message box button captions: "OK", "Cancel", "Yes", "No" and so on. */ virtual const wchar_t* getDefaultText(EGUI_DEFAULT_TEXT text) const = 0; //! Sets a default text. /** For example for Message box button captions: "OK", "Cancel", "Yes", "No" and so on. */ virtual void setDefaultText(EGUI_DEFAULT_TEXT which, const wchar_t* newText) = 0; //! sets a default size virtual void setSize(EGUI_DEFAULT_SIZE which, s32 size) = 0; //! returns the default font virtual IGUIFont* getFont(EGUI_DEFAULT_FONT which=EGDF_DEFAULT) const = 0; //! sets a default font virtual void setFont(IGUIFont* font, EGUI_DEFAULT_FONT which=EGDF_DEFAULT) = 0; //! returns the sprite bank virtual IGUISpriteBank* getSpriteBank() const = 0; //! sets the sprite bank virtual void setSpriteBank(IGUISpriteBank* bank) = 0; //! Returns a default icon /** Returns the sprite index within the sprite bank */ virtual u32 getIcon(EGUI_DEFAULT_ICON icon) const = 0; //! Sets a default icon /** Sets the sprite index used for drawing icons like arrows, close buttons and ticks in checkboxes \param icon: Enum specifying which icon to change \param index: The sprite index used to draw this icon */ virtual void setIcon(EGUI_DEFAULT_ICON icon, u32 index) = 0; //! draws a standard 3d button pane /** Used for drawing for example buttons in normal state. It uses the colors EGDC_3D_DARK_SHADOW, EGDC_3D_HIGH_LIGHT, EGDC_3D_SHADOW and EGDC_3D_FACE for this. See EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR for details. \param element: Pointer to the element which wishes to draw this. This parameter is usually not used by IGUISkin, but can be used for example by more complex implementations to find out how to draw the part exactly. \param rect: Defining area where to draw. \param clip: Clip area. */ virtual void draw3DButtonPaneStandard(IGUIElement* element, const core::rect<s32>& rect, const core::rect<s32>* clip=0) = 0; //! draws a pressed 3d button pane /** Used for drawing for example buttons in pressed state. It uses the colors EGDC_3D_DARK_SHADOW, EGDC_3D_HIGH_LIGHT, EGDC_3D_SHADOW and EGDC_3D_FACE for this. See EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR for details. \param element: Pointer to the element which wishes to draw this. This parameter is usually not used by IGUISkin, but can be used for example by more complex implementations to find out how to draw the part exactly. \param rect: Defining area where to draw. \param clip: Clip area. */ virtual void draw3DButtonPanePressed(IGUIElement* element, const core::rect<s32>& rect, const core::rect<s32>* clip=0) = 0; //! draws a sunken 3d pane /** Used for drawing the background of edit, combo or check boxes. \param element: Pointer to the element which wishes to draw this. This parameter is usually not used by IGUISkin, but can be used for example by more complex implementations to find out how to draw the part exactly. \param bgcolor: Background color. \param flat: Specifies if the sunken pane should be flat or displayed as sunken deep into the ground. \param fillBackGround: Specifies if the background should be filled with the background color or not be drawn at all. \param rect: Defining area where to draw. \param clip: Clip area. */ virtual void draw3DSunkenPane(IGUIElement* element, video::SColor bgcolor, bool flat, bool fillBackGround, const core::rect<s32>& rect, const core::rect<s32>* clip=0) = 0; //! draws a window background /** Used for drawing the background of dialogs and windows. \param element: Pointer to the element which wishes to draw this. This parameter is usually not used by IGUISkin, but can be used for example by more complex implementations to find out how to draw the part exactly. \param titleBarColor: Title color. \param drawTitleBar: True to enable title drawing. \param rect: Defining area where to draw. \param clip: Clip area. \param checkClientArea: When set to non-null the function will not draw anything, but will instead return the clientArea which can be used for drawing by the calling window. That is the area without borders and without titlebar. \return Returns rect where it would be good to draw title bar text. This will work even when checkClientArea is set to a non-null value.*/ virtual core::rect<s32> draw3DWindowBackground(IGUIElement* element, bool drawTitleBar, video::SColor titleBarColor, const core::rect<s32>& rect, const core::rect<s32>* clip=0, core::rect<s32>* checkClientArea=0) = 0; //! draws a standard 3d menu pane /** Used for drawing for menus and context menus. It uses the colors EGDC_3D_DARK_SHADOW, EGDC_3D_HIGH_LIGHT, EGDC_3D_SHADOW and EGDC_3D_FACE for this. See EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR for details. \param element: Pointer to the element which wishes to draw this. This parameter is usually not used by IGUISkin, but can be used for example by more complex implementations to find out how to draw the part exactly. \param rect: Defining area where to draw. \param clip: Clip area. */ virtual void draw3DMenuPane(IGUIElement* element, const core::rect<s32>& rect, const core::rect<s32>* clip=0) = 0; //! draws a standard 3d tool bar /** Used for drawing for toolbars and menus. \param element: Pointer to the element which wishes to draw this. This parameter is usually not used by IGUISkin, but can be used for example by more complex implementations to find out how to draw the part exactly. \param rect: Defining area where to draw. \param clip: Clip area. */ virtual void draw3DToolBar(IGUIElement* element, const core::rect<s32>& rect, const core::rect<s32>* clip=0) = 0; //! draws a tab button /** Used for drawing for tab buttons on top of tabs. \param element: Pointer to the element which wishes to draw this. This parameter is usually not used by IGUISkin, but can be used for example by more complex implementations to find out how to draw the part exactly. \param active: Specifies if the tab is currently active. \param rect: Defining area where to draw. \param clip: Clip area. \param alignment Alignment of GUI element. */ virtual void draw3DTabButton(IGUIElement* element, bool active, const core::rect<s32>& rect, const core::rect<s32>* clip=0, gui::EGUI_ALIGNMENT alignment=EGUIA_UPPERLEFT) = 0; //! draws a tab control body /** \param element: Pointer to the element which wishes to draw this. This parameter is usually not used by IGUISkin, but can be used for example by more complex implementations to find out how to draw the part exactly. \param border: Specifies if the border should be drawn. \param background: Specifies if the background should be drawn. \param rect: Defining area where to draw. \param clip: Clip area. \param tabHeight Height of tab. \param alignment Alignment of GUI element. */ virtual void draw3DTabBody(IGUIElement* element, bool border, bool background, const core::rect<s32>& rect, const core::rect<s32>* clip=0, s32 tabHeight=-1, gui::EGUI_ALIGNMENT alignment=EGUIA_UPPERLEFT ) = 0; //! draws an icon, usually from the skin's sprite bank /** \param element: Pointer to the element which wishes to draw this icon. This parameter is usually not used by IGUISkin, but can be used for example by more complex implementations to find out how to draw the part exactly. \param icon: Specifies the icon to be drawn. \param position: The position to draw the icon \param starttime: The time at the start of the animation \param currenttime: The present time, used to calculate the frame number \param loop: Whether the animation should loop or not \param clip: Clip area. */ virtual void drawIcon(IGUIElement* element, EGUI_DEFAULT_ICON icon, const core::position2di position, u32 starttime=0, u32 currenttime=0, bool loop=false, const core::rect<s32>* clip=0) = 0; //! draws a 2d rectangle. /** \param element: Pointer to the element which wishes to draw this icon. This parameter is usually not used by IGUISkin, but can be used for example by more complex implementations to find out how to draw the part exactly. \param color: Color of the rectangle to draw. The alpha component specifies how transparent the rectangle will be. \param pos: Position of the rectangle. \param clip: Pointer to rectangle against which the rectangle will be clipped. If the pointer is null, no clipping will be performed. */ virtual void draw2DRectangle(IGUIElement* element, const video::SColor &color, const core::rect<s32>& pos, const core::rect<s32>* clip = 0) = 0; //! get the type of this skin virtual EGUI_SKIN_TYPE getType() const { return EGST_UNKNOWN; } };
"GUI Environment. Used as factory and manager of all other GUI elements"
class IGUIEnvironment : public virtual IReferenceCounted { public: //! Draws all gui elements by traversing the GUI environment starting at the root node. virtual void drawAll() = 0; ...........因为这个接口的定义实在太长,假设所有贴上来的话,会造成篇幅过大,这里仅仅进行摘录,用来点出接口类提供的主要接口等。
- Focus焦点相关的操作
- Skin相关的操作
- Font相关的操作
- 加入各种空间的操作
- GUI元素创建工厂的操作
- GUI序列化操作
void CIrrDeviceStub::createGUIAndScene() { #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_GUI_ // create gui environment GUIEnvironment = gui::createGUIEnvironment(FileSystem, VideoDriver, Operator); #endif // create Scene manager SceneManager = scene::createSceneManager(VideoDriver, FileSystem, CursorControl, GUIEnvironment); setEventReceiver(UserReceiver); }
//! creates an GUI Environment IGUIEnvironment* createGUIEnvironment(io::IFileSystem* fs, video::IVideoDriver* Driver, IOSOperator* op) { return new CGUIEnvironment(fs, Driver, op); }
class CGUIEnvironment : public IGUIEnvironment, public IGUIElement { public: <span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;"> //All method from Super-class ...... </span> private: IGUIElement* getNextElement(bool reverse=false, bool group=false); void updateHoveredElement(core::position2d<s32> mousePos); void loadBuiltInFont(); struct SFont { io::SNamedPath NamedPath; IGUIFont* Font; bool operator < (const SFont& other) const { return (NamedPath < other.NamedPath); } }; struct SSpriteBank { io::SNamedPath NamedPath; IGUISpriteBank* Bank; bool operator < (const SSpriteBank& other) const { return (NamedPath < other.NamedPath); } }; struct SToolTip { IGUIStaticText* Element; u32 LastTime; u32 EnterTime; u32 LaunchTime; u32 RelaunchTime; }; SToolTip ToolTip; core::array<IGUIElementFactory*> GUIElementFactoryList; core::array<SFont> Fonts; core::array<SSpriteBank> Banks; video::IVideoDriver* Driver; IGUIElement* Hovered; IGUIElement* HoveredNoSubelement; // subelements replaced by their parent, so you only have 'real' elements here IGUIElement* Focus; core::position2d<s32> LastHoveredMousePos; IGUISkin* CurrentSkin; io::IFileSystem* FileSystem; IEventReceiver* UserReceiver; IOSOperator* Operator; static const io::path DefaultFontName; };
“Interface making it possible to dynamically create GUI elements”
namespace gui { class IGUIElement; //! Interface making it possible to dynamically create GUI elements /** To be able to add custom elements to Irrlicht and to make it possible for the scene manager to save and load them, simply implement this interface and register it in your gui environment via IGUIEnvironment::registerGUIElementFactory. Note: When implementing your own element factory, don't call IGUIEnvironment::grab() to increase the reference counter of the environment. This is not necessary because the it will grab() the factory anyway, and otherwise cyclic references will be created. */ class IGUIElementFactory : public virtual IReferenceCounted { public: //! adds an element to the gui environment based on its type id /** \param type: Type of the element to add. \param parent: Parent scene node of the new element, can be null to add to the root. \return Pointer to the new element or null if not successful. */ virtual IGUIElement* addGUIElement(EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE type, IGUIElement* parent=0) = 0; //! adds a GUI element to the GUI Environment based on its type name /** \param typeName: Type name of the element to add. \param parent: Parent scene node of the new element, can be null to add it to the root. \return Pointer to the new element or null if not successful. */ virtual IGUIElement* addGUIElement(const c8* typeName, IGUIElement* parent=0) = 0; //! Get amount of GUI element types this factory is able to create virtual s32 getCreatableGUIElementTypeCount() const = 0; //! Get type of a createable element type /** \param idx: Index of the element type in this factory. Must be a value between 0 and getCreatableGUIElementTypeCount() */ virtual EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE getCreateableGUIElementType(s32 idx) const = 0; //! Get type name of a createable GUI element type by index /** \param idx: Index of the type in this factory. Must be a value between 0 and getCreatableGUIElementTypeCount() */ virtual const c8* getCreateableGUIElementTypeName(s32 idx) const = 0; //! returns type name of a createable GUI element /** \param type: Type of GUI element. \return Name of the type if this factory can create the type, otherwise 0. */ virtual const c8* getCreateableGUIElementTypeName(EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE type) const = 0; }; } // end namespace gui
addGUIElement -- 添加特定类型的GUI元素
getCreatableGUIElementTypeCount -- 获取当前工厂可以创建的元素类型的数目
getCreatableGUIElementType -- 获取指定下标相应的元素类型
getCreatableGUIElementTypeName -- 获取指定下标相应的元素类型名称
getCreatableGUIElementTypeName -- 获取指定元素类型的元素类型名称
//! Returns the root gui element. IGUIElement* CGUIEnvironment::getRootGUIElement() { return this; }这个函数,十分的简洁,直接返回的是当前管理器对象的指针。这非常奇怪不是吗?可是,我们在来看下CGUIEnvironment的定义就会发现,这个类实际上也是继承至IGUIElement这个类的。也就是说。这个管理器本身就作为了整个管理结构的根节点。那么究竟是怎样通过这个根节点来进行GUI元素的訪问的了?
"Base class of all GUI elements"
//! Base class of all GUI elements. class IGUIElement : public virtual io::IAttributeExchangingObject, public IEventReceiver { public: <span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;">...................................</span> protected: //! List of all children of this element core::list<IGUIElement*> Children; //! Pointer to the parent IGUIElement* Parent; //! relative rect of element core::rect<s32> RelativeRect; //! absolute rect of element core::rect<s32> AbsoluteRect; //! absolute clipping rect of element core::rect<s32> AbsoluteClippingRect; //! the rectangle the element would prefer to be, //! if it was not constrained by parent or max/min size core::rect<s32> DesiredRect; //! for calculating the difference when resizing parent core::rect<s32> LastParentRect; //! relative scale of the element inside its parent core::rect<f32> ScaleRect; //! maximum and minimum size of the element core::dimension2du MaxSize, MinSize; //! is visible? bool IsVisible; //! is enabled? bool IsEnabled; //! is a part of a larger whole and should not be serialized?老规矩。先看下这个类的成员,将操作函数省去。bool IsSubElement; //! does this element ignore its parent's clipping rectangle? bool NoClip; //! caption core::stringw Text; //! tooltip core::stringw ToolTipText; //! users can set this for identificating the element by string core::stringc Name; //! users can set this for identificating the element by integer s32 ID; //! tab stop like in windows bool IsTabStop; //! tab order s32 TabOrder; //! tab groups are containers like windows, use ctrl+tab to navigate bool IsTabGroup; //! tells the element how to act when its parent is resized EGUI_ALIGNMENT AlignLeft, AlignRight, AlignTop, AlignBottom; //! GUI Environment IGUIEnvironment* Environment; //! type of element EGUI_ELEMENT_TYPE Type; };
Tab Group相关属性