R12 客户表结构 客户表/联系人/PARTY关联 HZ_PARTIES 客户账户表 HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS 例子: SELECT hp.party_number --客户注册标识 , hp.party_name --组织名/客户 , hp.known_as --别名 , hp.organization_name_phonetic --名称拼音 , acc.account_number --帐号 , flv_sale.meaning sales_channel_code --销售渠道 , acc.account_name --账记说明 , flv_customer.meaning customer_class_code --分类 , acc.orig_system_reference --参考 , flv_status.meaning status --状态 , flv_type.meaning customer_type --账户类型 , acc.attribute_category --上下文 , acc.attribute1 --注册 , acc.attribute2 --人员推广 , acc.attribute3 --特殊要求 , acc.Attribute4 --发货单是否打印价格 , acc.Attribute5 --所属利润 FROM hz_parties hp , hz_cust_accounts acc , fnd_lookup_values flv_sale --销售渠道 , fnd_lookup_values flv_customer --分类 , fnd_lookup_values flv_status --状态 , fnd_lookup_values flv_type --账户类型 WHERE hp.party_id = acc.party_id AND acc.sales_channel_code = flv_sale.lookup_code AND flv_sale.lookup_type = 'SALES_CHANNEL' AND flv_sale.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG') AND acc.customer_class_code = flv_customer.lookup_code AND flv_customer.lookup_type = 'CUSTOMER CLASS' AND flv_customer.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG') AND acc.status = flv_status.lookup_code AND flv_status.lookup_type = 'HZ_CPUI_REGISTRY_STATUS' AND flv_status.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG') AND acc.customer_type = flv_type.lookup_code AND flv_type.lookup_type = 'CUSTOMER_TYPE' AND flv_type.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG') AND hp.party_id = hz_parties.party_id; 帐户配置文件 HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES 字段 cust_account_role_id --oe_order_headers.sold_to_contract_id cust_account_id site_use_id --客户头的该字段为空 --客户地点层为hz_cust_site_uses_all.site_use_id 配置文件金额 HZ_CUST_PROFILE_AMTS --客户头层/客户地点层 关联:hz_customer_profiles.cust_account_profile_id 客户联系人 HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLES --客户头层/地点层 cust_account_id cust_acct_site_id --头层该字段为空 party_id --类型为 PARTY_RELATIONSHIP 的 PARTY_ID role_type --CONTACT 以头层的联系人为例 SELECT hp_per.* FROM hz_cust_account_roles rol , hz_parties hp_rel , hz_relationships rel , hz_parties hp_per WHERE rol.party_id = hp_rel.party_id AND hp_rel.party_id = rel.party_id AND rel.object_type = 'PERSON' AND rel.relationship_code = 'CONTACT' AND rel.object_id = hp_per.party_id AND rol.cust_acct_site_id IS NULL --头层 AND rol.cust_account_id = hz_cust_accounts.cust_account_id; 联系方式 HZ_CONTACT_POINTS 字段 owner_table_name HZ_PARTIES/HZ_PARTY_SITES owner_table_id PARTY_ID/PARTY_SITE_ID 客户地点层的联系方式,直接用party_site_id 关联 owner_table_id 即可 客户头层的联系方式,要用 HZ_RELATIONSHIPS 表转换一下,与 hz_relationships. Party_id 关联 客户联系人下面的联系方式,要用HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLES的PARTY_ID关联owner_table_id 例子: 客户头层 SELECT con.* FROM hz_parties hp , hz_relationships rel , hz_contact_points con WHERE hp.party_id = rel.subject_id AND rel.subject_type = 'ORGANIZATION' AND rel.party_id = con.owner_table_id AND con.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES' AND hp.party_id = hz_parties.party_id; 客户地点层 SELECT * FROM hz_contact_points con WHERE con.owner_table_id = hz_party_sites.party_site_id; 客户联系人下的联系方式 SELECT * FROM hz_contact_points c WHERE c.owner_table_id = hz_cust_account_roles.party_id 客户的税 HZ_CODE_ASSIGNMENTS 会计分类/客户头层/地点层 字段 OWNER_TABLE_NAME 关联表名/'ZX_PARTY_TAX_PROFILE' OWNER_TABLE_ID 关联表主键/PARTY_TAX_PROFILE_ID CLASS_CODE 会计分类代码 ZX_PARTY_TAX_PROFILE 供应商的税的配置文件 字段 PARTY_TYPE_CODE 类型 THIRD_PARTY/THIRD_PARTY_SITE PARTY_ID 关联表 HZ_PARTIES/HZ_PARTY_SITES 头层: PARTY_TYPE_CODE = 'THIRD_PARTY' AND PARTY_ID = HZ_PARTIES.PARTY_ID 地点层: PARTY_TYPE_CODE = 'THIRD_PARTY_SITE' AND PARTY_ID = HZ_PARTY_SITES.PARTY_SITE_ID REP_REGISTRATION_NUMBER 纳税登记编号 PARTY_TAX_PROFILE_ID 主键 HZ_CLASS_CODE_DENORM 会计分类描述 ZX_EXEMPTIONS 客户免税/ 客户头层/地点层 字段 PARTY_TAX_PROFILE_ID 关联 ZX_PARTY_TAX_PROFILE.PARTY_TAX_PROFILE_ID 客户地点 HZ_PARTY_SITES 地点地址 HZ_LOCATIONS 客户地点帐户表 HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL 客户地点业务目的 HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL 滞纳费用 HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES 由销售订单分析客户结构 SELECT h.sold_from_org_id --业务实体/ORG ID , h.sold_to_org_id --客户 , h.ship_from_org_id --发货仓库 , h.ship_to_org_id --收货方 , h.invoice_to_org_id , h.sold_to_contact_id FROM oe_order_headers_all h ; --业务实体 SELECT org.NAME FROM hr_organization_units org WHERE org.organization_id = oe_order_headers_all.sold_from_org_id; --客户 SELECT hz.party_name FROM hz_cust_accounts acc , hz_parties hz WHERE acc.party_id = hz.party_id AND acc.cust_account_id = oe_order_headers_all.sold_to_org_id; --发货仓库 SELECT para.Organization_Code,para.* FROM mtl_parameters para WHERE para.organization_id = oe_order_headers_all.ship_from_org_id; SELECT * FROM org_organization_definitions org WHERE org.organization_id = oe_order_headers_all.ship_from_org_id; --地点详细信息 SELECT loc.* FROM hz_parties hp , hz_party_sites hps , hz_locations loc WHERE hp.party_id = hps.party_id AND hps.location_id = loc.location_id AND hp.party_id = 5042; --业务目的 SELECT hp.party_name --客户 , hp.party_number --注册表标识 , uses.site_use_code , acnt.account_number --账号 , flv.meaning businesspurpose --业务目的 , uses.location --地点 , acnt.account_name --帐户说明 , decode(loc.address1,NULL,loc.address1,loc.address1 || ',') || decode(loc.city,NULL,loc.city,loc.city || ',') || decode(loc.state,NULL,loc.state,loc.state || ',') || decode(loc.postal_code,NULL,' ',loc.postal_code) address --地点地址 , hps.party_site_number --地点说明 , uses.payment_term_id --付款条件 , site.cust_acct_site_id , acnt.cust_account_id , uses.site_use_id FROM hz_parties hp , hz_cust_accounts acnt , hz_cust_acct_sites_all site , hz_cust_site_uses_all uses , hz_party_sites hps , hz_locations loc , fnd_lookup_values flv WHERE hp.party_id = acnt.party_id AND acnt.cust_account_id = site.cust_account_id AND site.cust_acct_site_id = uses.cust_acct_site_id AND hps.party_site_id = site.party_site_id AND loc.location_id = hps.location_id AND uses.site_use_code = flv.lookup_code AND flv.lookup_type = 'SITE_USE_CODE' AND flv.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG') AND hp.party_id = 5042 AND hps.party_site_id = 3023; --联系人电话/地点层 SELECT phone.phone_number FROM hz_contact_points phone WHERE phone.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES' AND phone.owner_table_id = :hz_party_sites.party_sites_id --联系人/地点层 SELECT hpsub.party_name FROM hz_cust_account_roles hcar , hz_relationships hr , hz_parties hpsub WHERE hcar.party_id = hr.party_id AND hr.subject_id = hpsub.party_id AND hcar.role_type = 'CONTACT' AND hr.directional_flag = 'F' AND hcar.cust_account_role_id = e_order_headers_all.sold_to_contact_id AND hpsub.status = 'A';