4.1 连接到服务器 4.1.2 Java 连接到服务器 var s = new Socket("time-a.nist.gov", 13); InputStream inStream = s.getInputStream(); 4.1.2 socket timeout // 方式一: var s 阅读全文
6.1 TimeLine 1. A duration is the difference between two instants. 2. Measuring the running time of an algorithm: Instant start = Instant.now(); runAl 阅读全文
5.1 JDBC API 1. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is an API for interacting with a database in Java. 2. Each database vendor produces a driver that tr 阅读全文
场景:使用 sqlalchemy+pandas 1. 'OptionEngine' object has no attribute 'execute' import pandas as pd from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text engine = cr 阅读全文
3.1 XML Introduction An XML document is made up of elements. An element can have attributes (key/value pairs) and child nodes. Child nodes can be elem 阅读全文