
Termux 使用教程 #1 - Android 手机安装 Linux

Termux 是一个 An­droid 下的终端模拟器,可以在手机上模拟 Linux 环境。它是一个手机 App,可以从应用商店直接下载安装,打开就能使用,它提供一个命令行界面,让用户与系统交互。它支持 apt 软件包管理,可以十分方便安装软件包,而且完美支持 Python、PHP、Ruby、Go、Nodejs、MySQL 等工具。

随着智能设备的普及和性能的不断提升,如今手机、平板等设备的硬件标准已经直逼入门级桌面计算机,使用 Ter­mux 完全可以把手机变成一个强大的小型服务器。

你甚至可以使用 Ter­mux 通过 Nmap、Sqlmap、BB­Scan、sub­Do­mains­Brute、Hy­dra、Router­Sploit 等工具实现端口扫描、注入检测、子域名爆破、多协议弱口令爆破、路由器漏洞检测框架多种功能,把手机打造成一个随身携带的渗透神器,成为现实版的艾登・皮尔斯。

1. 安装



Termux 是运行在 Android 上的 terminal。不需要root,运行于内部存储(不在SD卡上)。

自带了一个包管理器 pkg ,可以安装许多现代化的开发和系统维护工具。比如:

  • neovim
  • tmux
  • zsh
  • clang
  • gcc
  • python
  • weechat
  • irssi



  • API: 用于调用安卓的原生功能,如拨打电话、拍照、GPS定位信息等

    • termux-share
    • termux-open-url
  • Termux:API

    Access Android and Chrome hardware features.

  • Termux:Boot

    Run script(s) when your device boots.

  • Termux:Float

    Run Termux in a floating window.

  • Termux:Styling

    Have color schemes and powerline-ready fonts customize the appearance of the Termux terminal.

  • Termux:Tasker

    An easy way to call Termux executables from Tasker and compatible apps.

  • Termux:Widget

    Start small scriptlets from the home screen.

2. 更新源

# The termux repository mirror from TUNA:
deb https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/termux/termux-packages-24 stable main

# The termux repository mirror from TUNA:
deb https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/termux/science-packages-24 science stable

# The termux repository mirror from TUNA:
deb https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/termux/game-packages-24 games stable

然后执行 pkg update ,注意,提示更新系统命令时,选择 n ,否则会造成系统不稳定!


pkg install openssh htop tsu proot git nano neofetch python
  • tsu:切换账户(root)
  • proot:无root权限执行需要root的命令
  • neofetch:查看系统信息

3. 系统配置

termux-setup-storage  # 获取对sdcard的读取权限
pkg install termux-services
pkg install termux-api
termux-wake-lock  # 息屏时保持Termux后台运行(否则cpu严重降速甚至ssh卡断)

4. 配置ssh

pkg install openssh

安装好之后,我们需要手工启动: sshd

需要指出的是, sshd 监听的是8022端口而不是22号端口,因此可以使用下面命令来验证ssh服务是否开启。

ssh localhost -p 8022


logcat -s 'syslog:*'

为了方便,我们可以配置一下ssh client的配置文件,将下面内容加入到 ~/.ssh/config 文件中:

Host termux
User u0_a171
Port 8022

这样只需要执行 ssh termux 就能登陆termx了。

5. Python库的安装

  • lxml:

    pkg install libxml2 libxslt && pip install lxml


    fatal error: 'iconv.h' file not found


    pkg install libiconv

  • Pillow:

    pkg install libjpeg-turbo && pip install pillow

    经验证,还需要手动安装 zlib: pkg install zlib

  • numpy:

    pip install numpy

  • pandas:

    最新版本失败,但 pip install pandas==1.0.5 成功

6. 定制常用按键

国光blog: Termux高级终端安装使用配置教程

在 Termux v0.66 的版本之后我们可以通过 ~/.termux/termux.properties 文件来定制我们的常用功能按键,默认是不存在这个文件的,我们得自己配置创建一下这个文件。


extra-keys = [\

7. 默认程序

将运行脚本放于目录: ~/.shortcuts/

8. Termux:API


In Google Play Store, besides installing the Termux app, also install "Termux:API" app. This solves the hanging issue described below on Android 7.

To use Termux:API you also need to install the termux-api package.

pkg install termux-api

Current API implementations:

  • termux-battery-status

    Get the status of the device battery.

  • termux-brightness

    Set the screen brightness between 0 and 255.

  • termux-call-log

    List call log history.

  • termux-camera-info

    Get information about device camera(s).

  • termux-camera-photo

    Take a photo and save it to a file in JPEG format.

  • termux-clipboard-get

    Get the system clipboard text.

  • termux-clipboard-set

    Set the system clipboard text.

  • termux-contact-list

    List all contacts.

  • termux-dialog

    Show a text entry dialog.

  • termux-download

    Download a resource using the system download manager.

  • termux-fingerprint

    Use fingerprint sensor on device to check for authentication.

  • termux-infrared-frequencies

    Query the infrared transmitter's supported carrier frequencies.

  • termux-infrared-transmit

    Transmit an infrared pattern.

  • termux-job-scheduler

    Schedule a Termux script to run later, or periodically.

  • termux-location

    Get the device location.

  • termux-media-player

    Play media files.

  • termux-media-scan

    MediaScanner interface, make file changes visible to Android Gallery

  • termux-microphone-record

    Recording using microphone on your device.

  • termux-notification

    Display a system notification.

  • termux-notification-remove

    Remove a notification previously shown with termux-notification --id.

  • termux-sensor

    Get information about types of sensors as well as live data.

  • termux-share

    Share a file specified as argument or the text received on stdin.

  • termux-sms-list

    List SMS messages.

  • termux-sms-send

    Send a SMS message to the specified recipient number(s).

  • termux-storage-get

    Request a file from the system and output it to the specified file.

  • termux-telephony-call

    Call a telephony number.

  • termux-telephony-cellinfo

    Get information about all observed cell information from all radios on the device including the primary and neighboring cells.

  • termux-telephony-deviceinfo

    Get information about the telephony device.

  • termux-toast

    Show a transient popup notification.

  • termux-torch

    Toggle LED Torch on device.

  • termux-tts-engines

    Get information about the available text-to-speech engines.

  • termux-tts-speak

    Speak text with a system text-to-speech engine.

  • termux-usb

    List or access USB devices.

  • termux-vibrate

    Vibrate the device.

  • termux-volume

    Change volume of audio stream.

  • termux-wallpaper

    Change wallpaper on your device.

  • termux-wifi-connectioninfo

    Get information about the current wifi connection.

  • termux-wifi-enable

    Toggle Wi-Fi On/Off.

  • termux-wifi-scaninfo

    Get information about the last wifi scan.

posted @ 2020-09-23 23:38  brt2  阅读(2038)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报