SharePoint 2010和Office 2010将于2010年5月12日正式发布
SharePoint 2010 & Office 2010 Launch
Today, we officially announced that May 12th, 2010, is the launch date for SharePoint 2010 & Office 2010. In addition, we announced our intent to RTM (Release to Manufacturing) this April 2010.
It's an exciting time for us! We hope you can virtually join us on May 12th at 11am EST to listen to Stephen Elop, President of the Microsoft Business Division, announce the launch. You can register for the event @
Arpan Shah
Director, SharePoint
摘自SharePoint 2010官方博客,SharePoint 2010和Office 2010将于2010年5月12日正式发布,期待正式版中诸多特性的尘埃落地。
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