ios 修正waring:Method override for the designated initializer of the superclass '-init' not found

swift引入后,为了使oc和swift更相近,对oc的初始化方法也进行了修正,具体说明,见下面的链接,这个waring的最简单的修正方法是,到相应类的头文件中,去掉在自定义初始化方法后面的 NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER宏。这样系统就不会认为我们定义了designated initializer,仅仅定义了一个convience initializer,就不会报错了!


The designated initializer guarantees the object is fully initialised by sending an initialization message to the superclass. The implementation detail becomes important to a user of the class when they subclass it. The rules for designated initializers in detail:

  • A designated initializer must call (via super) a designated initializer of the superclass. Where NSObject is the superclass this is just [super init]. 
  • Any convenience initializer must call another initializer in the class - which eventually leads to a designated initializer. 
  • A class with designated initializers must implement all of the designated initializers of the superclass.




posted @ 2015-09-22 17:47  幻化成疯  阅读(1580)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报