




                    | a,  b,  0 |
{x',y',1}={x,y,1} x | c,  d,  0 |
                    | tx, ty, 1 |



1 view的默认仿射矩阵是

| 1,  0,  0 |
| 0,  1,  0 |
| 0,  0,  1 |

那么 x' = 1*x+0*y+0  ;   y' = 0*x +1*y +0;

2 平移的放射矩阵是

| 1,  0,  0 |
| 0,  1,  0 |
|tx, ty,  1 |


3 看一张通用变换的图解,同样出自百度

这张图,表示了从 P点从S坐标系的坐标,经过变化,转化为T坐标系的坐标的计算过程。

在这个顺时针旋转的例子中,Xtp = Ysp*sin0y + Xsp*cos0x + Xto,可以看出,如果x轴和y轴的转动角度相同,那么坐标变换矩阵中的 b和a的比值,就是tan0,也就是说,向量(a,b)可以表示旋转的方向。这一点可以在许多动画中用到,比如下列代码

    // Don't fire bullets if the ship is destroyed.
    if(_ship == nil) return;
    // This is sort of a fancy math way to figure out where to fire the bullet from.
    // You could figure this out with more code, but I wanted to have fun with some maths.
    // This gets the transform of one of the "gunports" that I marked in the CCB file with a special node.
    CGAffineTransform transform = _ship.gunPortTransform;
    // An affine transform looks like this when written as a matrix:
    // | a, c, tx |
    // | b, d, ty |
    // The first column, (a, b), is the direction the new x-axis will point in.
    // The second column, (c, d), is the direction the new y-axis will point in.
    // The last column, (tx, ty), is the location of the origin of the new transform.
    // The position of the gunport is just the matrix's origin point (tx, ty).
    CGPoint position = ccp(transform.tx, transform.ty);
    // The original sprite pointed downwards on the y-axis.
    // So the transform's y-axis, (c, d), will point in the opposite direction of the gunport.
    // We just need to flip it around.
    CGPoint direction = ccp(-transform.c, -transform.d);
    // So by "fancy math" I really just meant knowing what the numbers in a CGAffineTransform are. ;)
    // When I make my own art, I like to align things on the positive x-axis to make the code "prettier".
    // Now we can create the bullet with the position and direction.
    Bullet *bullet = (Bullet *)[CCBReader load:@"Bullet"];
    bullet.position = position;
    //bullet.rotation = -CC_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(ccpToAngle(direction));
    // Make the bullet move in the direction it's pointed.
    bullet.physicsBody.velocity = ccpMult(direction, bullet.speed);
    [_physics addChild:bullet];
    [_bullets addObject:bullet];
    // Give the bullet a finite lifetime.
    [bullet scheduleBlock:^(CCTimer *timer){
        [self destroyBullet:bullet];
    } delay:bullet.duration];
    // Make some noise. Add a little chromatically tuned pitch bending to make it more musical.
    int half_steps = (arc4random()%(2*4 + 1) - 4);
    float pitch = pow(2.0f, half_steps/12.0f);
    [[OALSimpleAudio sharedInstance] playEffect:@"Laser.wav" volume:1.0 pitch:pitch pan:0.0 loop:NO];

这段代码是cocos2d-iphone官网demo的一部分代码,它的作用就是用户点击屏幕时,根据当前飞船的位置和方向,设置子弹精灵的旋转角度和起始坐标,让子弹看起来像是从飞船中发射出的。注意这里的  CGPoint direction = ccp(-transform.c, -transform.d); 它的原理就是利用了放射变换矩阵的数学意义,得到了飞船的y轴旋转方向,并利用这个向量旋转子弹精灵。


posted @ 2014-02-18 15:42  幻化成疯  阅读(1685)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报