1 from PIL import Image
 2 import numpy as np
 4 def paint(oname,sname):
 5     a = np.asarray(Image.open(oname).convert('L')).astype('float')
 7     depth = 15.                      # (0-100)基础灰度值
 8     grad = np.gradient(a)             #取图像灰度的梯度值
 9     grad_x, grad_y = grad               #分别取横纵图像梯度值
10     grad_x = grad_x*depth/100.
11     grad_y = grad_y*depth/100.
12     A = np.sqrt(grad_x**2 + grad_y**2 + 1.)
13     uni_x = grad_x/A
14     uni_y = grad_y/A
15     uni_z = 1./A
17     vec_el = np.pi/2.2                   # 光源的俯视角度,弧度值
18     vec_az = np.pi/4.                    # 光源的方位角度,弧度值
19     dx = np.cos(vec_el)*np.cos(vec_az)   #光源对x 轴的影响
20     dy = np.cos(vec_el)*np.sin(vec_az)   #光源对y 轴的影响
21     dz = np.sin(vec_el)                  #光源对z 轴的影响
23     b = 255*(dx*uni_x + dy*uni_y + dz*uni_z)     #光源归一化
24     b = b.clip(0,255)
26     im = Image.fromarray(b.astype('uint8'))  #重构图像
27     im.save(sname)
28 if __name__=='__main__':
29     try:
30         oname=input('please input the name of a image:')
31         while True:
32             sname=input('please input the name to save the image:')
33             if oname == sname:
34                 ans =input('cover the original image?(y of n)')
35                 print(ans)
36                 if ans =='n' :
37                     continue
38                 elif ans == 'y' :
39                     break
40                 else:
41                     print('the format is wrong!')
42             else :
43                 break
44         paint(oname,sname)
45     except:
46         print('There is an error')