在Kentico CMS中使用jQuery集成图像缩放效果
在使用Kentico CMS进行网站内容建设的时候,你是否希望有这样的效果:当用户在你的网上商店浏览图像时,用户只要在图像区域移动光标,图像就随之出现放大或缩小的画面,从而可以看清更多的细节?通过下面简单的几步,你就可以做到:
一、复制以下脚本到你的母版页的<head>部分,即CMS Desk -> Content -> <root document> -> Master page 下面并保存它。注意该脚本引用了两个文件——multizoom.css和multizoom.js,所以一定要确保路径设置正确无误。点击jQuery Zoom Image Script下载这两个文件压缩包。
<link rel="stylesheet" href="multizoom.css" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="multizoom.js"> // Featured Image Zoomer (w/ optional multizoom and adjustable power)- By Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (www.dynamicdrive.com) // Multi-Zoom code (c)2012 John Davenport Scheuer // as first seen in http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/ // username: jscheuer1 - This Notice Must Remain for Legal Use // Visit Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for this script and 100s more </script> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $('#image1').addimagezoom({ // single image zoom zoomrange: [3, 10], magnifiersize: [300,300], magnifierpos: 'right', cursorshade: true, largeimage: 'hayden.jpg' //<-- No comma after last option! }) $('#image2').addimagezoom() // single image zoom with default options $('#multizoom1').addimagezoom({ // multi-zoom: options same as for previous Featured Image Zoomer's addimagezoom unless noted as '- new' descArea: '#description', // description selector (optional - but required if descriptions are used) - new speed: 1500, // duration of fade in for new zoomable images (in milliseconds, optional) - new descpos: true, // if set to true - description position follows image position at a set distance, defaults to false (optional) - new imagevertcenter: true, // zoomable image centers vertically in its container (optional) - new magvertcenter: true, // magnified area centers vertically in relation to the zoomable image (optional) - new zoomrange: [3, 10], magnifiersize: [250,250], magnifierpos: 'right', cursorshadecolor: '#fdffd5', cursorshade: true //<-- No comma after last option! }); $('#multizoom2').addimagezoom({ // multi-zoom: options same as for previous Featured Image Zoomer's addimagezoom unless noted as '- new' descArea: '#description2', // description selector (optional - but required if descriptions are used) - new disablewheel: true // even without variable zoom, mousewheel will not shift image position while mouse is over image (optional) - new //^-- No comma after last option! }); }) <_/script>
二、使用在上面代码中你定义的jQuery选择器为图像设置脚本。默认情况下,有4个选择器可供选择——‘image1’、‘image2’、‘multizoom1’、‘multizoom2’。图像需要明确定义尺寸(宽度和高度),这样就能确保脚本在任何时候都能依据原始图像的比例正确调整放大图像的大小。(选择器可用的所有选项都可以在官方网站www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex4/featuredzoomer.htm 上找到)。
三、最后,你可能需要设置jQuery 到noConflict()模式使其能够正常运作。
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