SSD5_ Exam 2分析




This assessment tests your ability to use the STL stack adapter, the STL vector container, and the STL find algorithm to solve a problem. You are asked to finish the implementation of a program that simulates a multiple-aisle parking lot. When cars are parked bumper-to-bumper, each aisle in this parking lot can hold three cars. There are five aisles in the parking lot.

It is your task to finish the implementation of the simulation that processes the vehicle arrivals and departures. The goal of the simulation is to keep track of and report how many times individual cars are moved while handling the departure of other cars. The simulation also displays an alphabetized list of all the cars that visited the parking lot during the simulation. 


  1. First, finish the implementation of function find_car. This function returns a reference to the Car object stored in the vector cars whose license plate equals the parameter plate. Use the STL find function to perform this task. To use this function correctly, you must supply it with three arguments. The first two arguments specify a range to search. The third argument is the value that the function attempts to find. This argument must be of type Car.
  2. Next, finish the implementation of function handle_arrival. This function should iterate through the vector of stacks, looking for the first stack that does not contain three cars. If all five aisles (stacks) are full, output a message indicating such; otherwise place the license plate into the first non-full stack. This is essentially "parking" the car. For this arriving car, also add an entry of type Car to the vector cars. In this Car instance, make sure to record properly the index of the aisle where this car is parked.
  3. Then, finish the implementation of function handle_departure. This function should locate the departing vehicle from the cars vector using function find_car. Then this function should remove the departing car's license plate from the appropriate aisle. Another stack must be used to move, temporarily, any cars that may be in front of the departing car. Record the number of times a car is moved when accommodating the departure of another car. For the departing car, display the number of times it was moved while it was parked in the lot.

    Finally, write the code that displays an alphabetized list of all the cars the visited the list. To do this you must first sort the vector cars using the STL sort function. Then, using iterators, traverse the sorted vector and display the license plates of the cars. 




#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#ifndef _CAR_H_
#define _CAR_H_
using namespace std;

class Car {

    string license_plate;
    int moved;
    int aisle;

    Car(string, int);
    int getTimesMoved(void) const;
    void setTimesMoved(int);
    string getPlate(void) const;
    int getAisle(void) const;
    bool operator < (const Car& rhs) const;
    bool operator == (const Car& rhs) const;



#include "car.h"

Car::Car(string plate) :license_plate(plate), moved(0), aisle( -1) {}

Car::Car(string plate, int aisle) : license_plate(plate),moved(0), aisle(aisle) {}

int Car::getTimesMoved(void) const {

    return moved;

void Car::setTimesMoved(int m) {

    moved = m;

int Car::getAisle(void) const {

    return aisle;

string Car::getPlate(void) const {

    return license_plate;

bool Car::operator < (const Car& rhs) const {

    return this->getPlate() < rhs.getPlate();

bool Car::operator == (const Car& rhs) const {

    return this->getPlate() == rhs.getPlate();


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <stack>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

#include "car.h"
 * 作者:白强
 * 日期:2013.5.6
 * 参考及解析
 * 这个停车场的数据结构大概是停车场为容器,然后每个停车场item都是一个通道栈
using namespace std;

const unsigned int PARKING_SPOTS_PER_AISLE = 3;
const unsigned int NUMBER_OF_AISLES = 5;

void handle_arrival(vector<Car>&, vector<stack<string> >&, const string&);
void handle_departure(vector<Car>&, vector<stack<string> >&, const string&);
Car& find_car(vector<Car>&, string);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    try {

        if (argc != 2) {
            cerr << "Usage:\n" << argv[0] << " data-file";
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

        ifstream inf(argv[1]);
        if (! inf) {
            cerr << "Could not open " << argv[1];
            return EXIT_FAILURE;

        vector<Car> cars;
        vector< stack<string> > parking_lot(NUMBER_OF_AISLES);

        while (! inf.eof()) {

            string action, plate;
            inf >> plate >> action;

            if (action == "arrives") {
                handle_arrival(cars, parking_lot, plate);
            } else if (action == "departs") {
                handle_departure(cars, parking_lot, plate);
            } else {
                cerr << "Unknown action: " << action << endl;


        cout << "\nHere are all the cars that visited the lot today:\n";

        // TODO: Output the license plates of all the
        // cars that visited the lot, in alphabetical order
        //STL中的sort函数,相当于调用sort(cars.begin(), cars.end(), less<Car>() );
        sort(cars.begin(), cars.end());
        vector<Car>::iterator it = cars.begin();
        cout << "\n Cars visited the lot today:\n";
        for ( ; it != cars.end(); it++) {
            cout << it->getPlate() << endl;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    } catch (exception& e) {
        cerr << e.what() << endl;
    } catch (...) {
        cerr << "Unknown exception caught!" << endl;

    return EXIT_FAILURE;

void handle_arrival(vector<Car>& cars, vector< stack<string> >& parking_lot, const string& plate) {
    bool isFull;
    vector< stack<string> >::iterator i=parking_lot.begin();
    int aisle=0;
    for ( ; i != parking_lot.end(); i++, aisle++) {
            if (i->size() !=PARKING_SPOTS_PER_AISLE ) {
                isFull = false;
    if (!isFull) {
            Car arrival(plate, aisle);

        } else {

            cout << "Sorry " << plate << ",is full"<<endl;

void handle_departure(vector<Car>& cars, vector< stack<string> >& parking_lot, const string& plate) {
        Car departing = find_car(cars, plate);
        stack<string> temp;
        stack<string>& aisle = parking_lot[departing.getAisle()];
        while ( != plate) {
            Car& moving = find_car(cars,;
            moving.setTimesMoved(moving.getTimesMoved() + 1);
        cout << departing.getPlate() << " was moved "
        << departing.getTimesMoved() << " times it was moved\n";
        while (! temp.empty()) {

Car& find_car(vector<Car>& cars, string plate) {
        vector<Car>::iterator it;
        Car key(plate);
        //函数调用find(_IIter, _IIter, const _Tp&);
        it = find(cars.begin(), cars.end(), key);
        return *it;



COOLONE arrives
TKG-123 arrives
QWE-839 arrives
UTU-K90 arrives
RRR-877 arrives
GHL-GII arrives
PROGRAM arrives
COOLONE departs
HEAD-DR arrives
DMS-RJS arrives
TUE-87B arrives
WEW-GH1 arrives
THE-MAN arrives
PORSCHE arrives
ERU-883 arrives
APPLE-1 arrives
BKE-284 arrives
TKG-123 departs
WEW-GH1 departs
APPLE-1 departs
APPLE-2 arrives
APPLE-2 departs
BKE-284 departs
QWE-839 departs
GHL-GII departs
RRR-877 departs
PROGRAM departs
ERU-883 departs
UTU-K90 departs
HEAD-DR departs
MR-JOHN arrives
DMS-RJS departs
TUE-87B departs
THE-MAN departs
PORSCHE departs
MR-JOHN departs





posted @ 2013-05-06 17:26  强子~Developer  阅读(629)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报