Python 初体验(八)
you draw n random uniformly distributed numbers, where n is given on the command line, and compute the average of these numbers.
the lesson learned from this little prctice can be concluded as:
- generation of random number
- read parameter from command line with sys.argv
- application of regular expression in Python
import sys import random import re if len(sys.argv) != 2: print 'invalid parameter input' sys.exit() pattern = re.compile(r'^\d+$') match = pattern.match(sys.argv[1]) if match: b=[] a = int(sys.argv[1]) while(a != 0): b.append(random.uniform(-1,1)) print '%.4f' % b[-1] a -= 1 average = sum(b)/len(b) print 'Average: %.4f' % average else: print 'invalid parameter input' sys.exit()