Orisinal games

一个很细腻柔美的flash游戏合集 声音、画面都很不错 一点也不急促,很慢,很有味道的游戏 不记得是高中还是初中的时候从 小绿人的能量魔法 邂逅这个小游戏集合的,那时小绿人和我都还在MSN Space 很柔美的音乐和调调,当时就很喜欢Pocketful Stars 作者Ferry Halim的自我介绍 ferry halim lives with his family in Clouis ,CA he makes little Flash Games for a living. when the weather's nice,he would play outside with his daughter. but mostly he spend all day in front of  his computer. he starts orisinal.com in 2000. it is his personal playground. a lot of people still visit the site. so he intents to keep making games for it. whenever he can.   相关链接 Orisinal games 作者 Ferry Halim
posted on 2011-09-17 21:07  不冷的cool子  阅读(167)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报