e559. 创建窗口

A frame is a component container that displays its contents in a top-level window with a title bar and buttons to resize, iconify, maximize, and close the frame.

Unlike most Swing containers, adding a component to a frame is not done with the JFrame.add() method. This is because the frame holds several panes and it is necessary to specify a particular pane to which to add the component. The pane that holds child components is called the content pane. This example adds a text area to the content pane of a frame.

See also e559 创建窗口.

    // Create the frame
    String title = "Frame Title";
    JFrame frame = new JFrame(title);
    // Create a component to add to the frame
    JComponent comp = new JTextArea();
    // Add the component to the frame's content pane;
    // by default, the content pane has a border layout
    frame.getContentPane().add(comp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    // Show the frame
    int width = 300;
    int height = 300;
    frame.setSize(width, height);


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posted @ 2018-09-06 08:38  borter  阅读(388)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报